Alexei Zelenev
Alexei Zelenev
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене yale.edu
Correlates of retention in HIV care after release from jail: results from a multi-site study
AL Althoff, A Zelenev, JP Meyer, J Fu, SE Brown, P Vagenas, AK Avery, ...
AIDS and Behavior 17, 156-170, 2013
Strategies for hepatitis C testing and linkage to care for vulnerable populations: point-of-care and standard HCV testing in a mobile medical clinic
JP Morano, A Zelenev, A Lombard, R Marcus, BA Gibson, FL Altice
Journal of community health 39, 922-934, 2014
Hepatitis C virus treatment as prevention in an extended network of people who inject drugs in the USA: a modelling study
A Zelenev, J Li, A Mazhnaya, S Basu, FL Altice
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 18 (2), 215-224, 2018
Gender disparities in HIV treatment outcomes following release from jail: results from a multicenter study
JP Meyer, A Zelenev, JA Wickersham, CT Williams, PA Teixeira, FL Altice
American journal of public health 104 (3), 434-441, 2014
Integrating buprenorphine maintenance therapy into federally qualified health centers: real-world substance abuse treatment outcomes
MS Haddad, A Zelenev, FL Altice
Drug and alcohol dependence 131 (1-2), 127-135, 2013
Understanding the revolving door: individual and structural-level predictors of recidivism among individuals with HIV leaving jail
JJ Fu, M Herme, JA Wickersham, A Zelenev, A Althoff, ND Zaller, ...
AIDS and Behavior 17, 145-155, 2013
Buprenorphine maintenance treatment retention improves nationally recommended preventive primary care screenings when integrated into urban federally qualified health centers
MS Haddad, A Zelenev, FL Altice
Journal of Urban Health 92, 193-213, 2015
Retention on buprenorphine treatment reduces emergency department utilization, but not hospitalization, among treatment-seeking patients with opioid dependence
R Schwarz, A Zelenev, RD Bruce, FL Altice
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 43 (4), 451-457, 2012
Patterns of homelessness and implications for HIV health after release from jail
A Zelenev, R Marcus, A Kopelev, J Cruzado-Quinones, A Spaulding, ...
AIDS and Behavior 17, 181-194, 2013
High prevalence of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Malaysia: Correlates of overdose and implications for overdose prevention from a cross-sectional study
AR Bazazi, A Zelenev, JJ Fu, I Yee, A Kamarulzaman, FL Altice
International Journal of Drug Policy 26 (7), 675-681, 2015
Opioid agonist treatment and improved outcomes at each stage of the HIV treatment cascade in people who inject drugs in Ukraine
A Mazhnaya, R Marcus, MJ Bojko, A Zelenev, I Makarenko, I Pykalo, ...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 79 (3), 288-295, 2018
Factors associated with physical and sexual violence by police among people who inject drugs in Ukraine: implications for retention on opioid agonist therapy
O Kutsa, R Marcus, MJ Bojko, A Zelenev, A Mazhnaya, S Dvoriak, ...
Journal of the International AIDS Society 19, 20897, 2016
Overlooked threats to respondent driven sampling estimators: peer recruitment reality, degree measures, and random selection assumption
J Li, TW Valente, HS Shin, M Weeks, A Zelenev, G Moothi, H Mosher, ...
AIDS and Behavior 22, 2340-2359, 2018
Effect of expanding opioid agonist therapies on the HIV epidemic and mortality in Ukraine: a modelling study
J Tan, FL Altice, LM Madden, A Zelenev
The Lancet HIV 7 (2), e121-e128, 2020
Implementing and scaling up HCV treatment services for people who inject drugs and other high risk groups in Ukraine: An evaluation of programmatic and treatment outcomes
A Mazhnaya, A Meteliuk, T Barnard, A Zelenev, S Filippovych, FL Altice
International Journal of Drug Policy 47, 187-195, 2017
Latent tuberculosis infection screening in foreign-born populations: a successful mobile clinic outreach model
JP Morano, A Zelenev, MR Walton, RD Bruce, FL Altice
American Journal of Public Health 104 (8), 1508-1515, 2014
Assessment of barrier severity and willingness to enter opioid agonist treatment among people who inject drugs in Ukraine
A Zelenev, P Shea, A Mazhnaya, J Rozanova, L Madden, R Marcus, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 190, 82-88, 2018
HIV-infected men who have sex with men, before and after release from jail: the impact of age and race, results from a multi-site study
P Vagenas, A Zelenev, FL Altice, A Di Paola, AO Jordan, PA Teixeira, ...
AIDS care 28 (1), 22-31, 2016
Latent tuberculosis infection: screening and treatment in an urban setting
JP Morano, MR Walton, A Zelenev, RD Bruce, FL Altice
Journal of Community Health 38, 941-950, 2013
Hepatitis C virus status awareness and test results confirmation among people who inject drugs in Ukraine
O Iakunchykova, A Meteliuk, A Zelenev, A Mazhnaya, M Tracy, FL Altice
International journal of drug policy 57, 11-17, 2018
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