Олександр Диха / D. Aleksandr / Aleksaandr Dykha / Oleksandr Dykha / Aleksandr Dykha / A. Dykha
Олександр Диха / D. Aleksandr / Aleksaandr Dykha / Oleksandr Dykha / Aleksandr Dykha / A. Dykha
Khmelnytskyi National University; Хмельницький національний університет, кафедра трибології
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Prediction the wear of sliding bearings
M Aleksandr, D., Dmitry
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 4-8, 2018
Substantiation of diagnostic parameters for determining the technical condition of transmission assemblies in trucks
V Aulin, A Hrynkiv, A Dykha, M Chernovol, O Lyashuk, S Lysenko
PC Technology Center, 2018
Calculation-experimental modeling of wear of cylindrical sliding bearings
A Dykha, R Sorokatyi, O Makovkin, O Babak
Edition of Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies, 2017
Контакт, трение и износ смазанных поверхностей
АГ Кузьменко, АВ Дыха
Хмельницкий: ХНУ, 2007
Study and development of the technology for hardening rope blocks by reeling
A Dykha, D Marchenko, V Artyukh, O Zubiekhina-Khaiiat, V Kurepin
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 22-32, 2018
Exploring a possibility to control the stressed-strained state of cylinder liners in diesel engines by the tribotechnology of alignment
V Aulin, A Hrynkiv, S Lysenko, O Dykha, T Zamota, V Dzyura
PC Technology Center, 2019
Solution to the problem of contact wear for a four-ball wear-testing scheme
AV Dykha, AG Kuzmenko
Journal of Friction and Wear 36, 138-143, 2015
Phenomenological model of accumulation of fatigue tribological damage in the surface layer of materials
R Sorokatyi, M Chernets, A Dykha, O Mikosyanchyk
IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science, 3761-3769, 2019
Analysis of processes of tribodamages under the conditions of high-speed friction
RV Sorokatyi, AV Dykha
Journal of Friction and Wear 36 (5), 422-428, 2015
Determining the characteristics of viscous friction in the sliding supports using the method of pendulum
D Aleksandr, A Viktor, M Oleg, P Sergiy
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 3 (7 (87)), 4-10, 2017
Distribution of friction tangential stresses in the Courtney-Pratt experiment under Bowden’s theory
AV Dykha, AG Kuzmenko
Journal of Friction and Wear 37, 315-319, 2016
Development of technology and research of method of electric hydropulse hardening of machine parts
D Marchenko, A Dykha, V Aulin, K Matvyeyeva, K Tishechkina, V Kurepin
2020 IEEE Problems of Automated Electrodrive. Theory and Practice (PAEP), 1-4, 2020
SolidWorks як інноваційний засіб вивчення дисциплін автомобільного профілю
ОЮ Рудик, ОВ Диха
«Системні технології»,«System technologies», DOI 10.34185/1562-9945-3-128 …, 2020
Physical basis of contact mechanics of surfaces
A Dykha, O Makovkin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1172 (1), 012003, 2019
Development of Technology and Research of Method of Electric Hydropulse Hardening of Machine Parts. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9936-8, IEEE Problems of Automated Electrodrive. Theory and …
D Marchenko, A Dykha, V Kurepin, K Matvyeyeva, K Tishechkina, ...
Khaiiat, VN Kurepin,“Study and development of the technology for hardening rope blocks by reeling”
AV Dykha, DD Marchenko, VA Artyukh, OV Zubiekhina
Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, vol, 92, 0
Triboacoustic control of fretting
AV Dykha, YP Zaspa, VO Slashchuk
Journal of Friction and Wear 39, 169-172, 2018
Rozrahunkovo-eksperymental'ni metody keruvannja procesamy granychnogo zmashhuvannja tehnichnyh trybosystem [Computational and experimental methods of controlling processes of …
OV Dykha
Khmelnytskyi: KhNU, 2018
Багатофункціональна лабораторна установка для дослідження трибологічних властивостей конструкційних і мастильних матеріалів
ВП Вельбой, АГ Кузьменко, ОВ Диха, МО Диха
Хмельницький національний університет, 2008
Износ узлов трения двигателей при граничной смазке (обзор)
АГ Кузьменко, ОП Бабак
Проблеми трибології, 61-93, 2007
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