Vira Shendryk
Vira Shendryk
Head of Information Technologies Department, Associate Professor, Sumy State University
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене opm.sumdu.edu.ua
Information systems for supply chain management: uncertainties, risks and cyber security
A Boiko, V Shendryk, O Boiko
Procedia computer science 149, 65-70, 2019
System integration and security of information systems
A Boiko, V Shendryk
Procedia Computer Science 104, 35-42, 2017
Complex information and technical solutions for energy management of municipal energetics
A Perekrest, V Shendryk, P Pijarski, Y Parfenenko, S Shendryk
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2017
The Topicality and the Peculiarities of the Renewable Energy Sources Integration into the Ukrainian Power Grids and the Heating System
V Shendryk, O Shulyma, Y Parfenenko
Математичні методи дослідження операцій
ЄА Лавров, ВВ Шендрик, ЕГ Кузнєцов, ЮВ Парфененко
Сумський державний університет, 2017
Information system for monitoring and forecast of building heat consumption
Y Parfenenko, V Shendryk, V Nenja, S Vashchenko
Information and Software Technologies: 20th International Conference, ICIST …, 2014
Stages of information system development in the process approach
V Shendryk, A Boiko
Procedia Computer Science 77, 98-103, 2015
Decision making for energy management in smart grid
V Shendryk, O Boiko, Y Parfenenko, S Shendryk, S Tymchuk
Research Anthology on Clean Energy Management and Solutions, 1742-1776, 2021
The features of the smart microgrid as the object of information modeling
O Shulyma, V Shendryk, I Baranova, A Marchenko
Information and Software Technologies: 20th International Conference, ICIST …, 2014
Огляд процесів управління ризиками в IT-проєктах у контексті стандартів проєктного менеджменту
K Hrabyna, V Shendryk
Управління розвитком складних систем, 26-32, 2020
Information system for selection the optimal goods supplier
V Shendryk, D Bychko, Y Parfenenko, O Boiko, N Ivashova
Procedia Computer Science 149, 57-64, 2019
Modeling techniques of electricity consumption forecasting
V Shendryk, Y Parfenenko, S Tymchuk, Y Kholiavka, Y Bielka
AIP Conference Proceedings 2570 (1), 2022
Система збирання, розміщення та аналізу даних
ВВ Шендрик, СМ Ващенко
Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011
Decision Support System for Efficient Energy Management of MicroGrid with Renewable Energy Sources
S Shendryk, V Shendryk, Y Parfenenko, O Drozdenko, S Tymchuk
2021 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2021
Application for medical misinformation detection in online forums
Y Parfenenko, A Verbytska, D Bychko, V Shendryk
2020 international conference on e-health and bioengineering (EHB), 1-4, 2020
Mes/erp integration aspects of the manufacturing automation
O Boiko, V Shendryk, S Shendryk, A Boiko
Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes, 15-24, 2019
The model for decision support on design of the hybrid renewable energy system
O Shulyma, V Shendryk, Y Parfenenko, S Shendryk
2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2017
The forecasting of the daily heat demand of the public sector buildings with district heating
Y Parfenenko, V Shendryk, S Vashchenko, N Fedotova
Information and Software Technologies: 21st International Conference, ICIST …, 2015
On defining and assessing of the energy balance and operational logic within hybrid renewable energy systems
A Pakštas, O Shulyma, V Shendryk
Information and Software Technologies: 22nd International Conference, ICIST …, 2016
Актуальность моделирования распределенных энергосистем эффективного использования возобновляемых источников энергии
ВВ Шендрик, СМ Ващенко, ОВ Шулима, КА Омеляненко
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 5 (8 (65)), 4-8, 2013
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