Тетяна Шелест (ORCID 0000-0002-8116-6189)
Тетяна Шелест (ORCID 0000-0002-8116-6189)
Другие именаTetiana Shelest, T. Shelest, T. N. Shelest
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433). UKRAINE
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Features of the light current-voltage characteristics of bifacial solar cells based on thin CdTe layers
AV Meriuts, GS Khrypunov, TN Shelest, NV Deyneko
Semiconductors 44, 801-804, 2010
The influence of point defects on the temperature dependence of quasi-two-dimensional 2H-NbSe2 resistivity
SVA Mamalui A.A., Shelest T.N, Fatyanova N.B.
Functional Materials 12 (3), 521-525, 2005
Quantum interference phenomena and electron–electron interaction in topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin polycrystalline films
EI Rogacheva, O Pavlosiuk, AV Meriuts, TN Shelest, AY Sipatov, ...
Thin Solid Films 743, 139070, 2022
Solar-energy conversion by combined photovoltaic converters with CdTe and CuInSe2 base layers
GS Khrypunov, EI Sokol, YI Yakimenko, AV Meriuts, AV Ivashuk, ...
Semiconductors 48, 1631-1635, 2014
Development of back contact for CdS/CdTe thin-film solar cells
NK G. Khripunov, A. Meriuts, N. Klyui, T. Shelest, N. Deineko
Functional Materials 17 (1), 1-6, 2010
Investigation of thin film solar cells on CdS/CdTe base with different back contacts
G Khrypunov, A Meriuts, H Klochko, T Shelest, A Khrypunova
Advances in Science and Technology 74, 119-123, 2011
Percolation effects and self-organization processes in cold-pressed Bi2(Te1-xSex)3solid solutions
ON Rogacheva, E.I., Martynova, E.V., Shelest, T.N., Doroshenko, A.N ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 3506–3510, 2019
Percolation effects and self organization processes in Вi
ЕI Rogacheva, ТN Shelest, ЕV Martynova, АN Doroshenko
Functional materials 2, 255, 2019
The role of copper in bifacial CdTe based solar cells
G Khrypunov, A Meriuts, T Shelest, N Deineko, N Klyui, L Avksentyeva, ...
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics, 308-312, 2011
Influence of intrinsic point defects on electrophysical characteristics of NbSe {sub 3}; Vliyanie sobstvennykh tochechnykh defektov na ehlektrofizicheskie kharakteristiki NbSe …
AA Mamaluj, TN Shelest, KB Chashka
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 26, 2000
Effect of active treatments on photovoltaic characteristics of structures based on CdTe films
LAN Klyui N. I., Kostylyov V. P., Lukyanov A. N., Makarov A. V., Chernenko V ...
Ukrainian journal of physics 57 (5), 538-544, 2012
Thin films CdS/CdTe solar cells with different activation processes base layer
LA G. Khrypunov, T. Shelest, T. Li, A. Meriuts, N. Kovtun, A.Makarov
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics  Optoelectronics 14 (1), 47-55, 2011
Erratum: Influence of intrinsic point defects on the electrophysical properties of [Low Temp. Phys. 26, 130–133 (February 2000)]
AA Mamaluı̆, TN Shelest, KB Chashka
Low Temperature Physics 26 (7), 539-539, 2000
Influence of intrinsic point defects on the electrophysical properties of
AA Mamaluı̆, TN Shelest, KB Chashka
Low Temperature Physics 26 (2), 130-133, 2000
Theoretical Analysis of Optical Properties of CdS/CdTe Film Heterosystems
D Kudii, A Meriuts, A Khrypunova, T Shelest, V Varvianska, R Zaitsev
2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2020
Influence of annealing in freon on the crystalline structure of cadmium-telluride layers and the efficiency of thin-film solar cells on their basis
GS Khrypunov, AV Meriuts, TN Shelest, MG Khrypunov
Semiconductors 53, 89-95, 2019
Intrinsic point defects in anisotropic crystalline systems (quasi-two NbSe2 and quasi-one NbSe3)
NNG A.A. Mamalui, T.N. Shelest, N.B. Fatyanova K.A. Minakova
East Europen Journal of Physics 1 (3), 85-89, 2014
Особенности световой вольт-амперной характеристики двусторонне чувствительных солнечных элементов на основе тонких базовых слоев CdTe
ДНВ Меріуц А.В., Хрипунов Г.С., Шелест Т.Н.
Физика и техника полупроводников 44 (6), 829-832, 2010
On the deviations from Matthiessen’s rule in quasi-one-dimensional conductors
AI Kopeliovich, AA Mamalui, LG Petrenko, TN Shelest
Low Temperature Physics 28 (10), 771-773, 2002
Теплові процеси у теплообмінному блоці комбінованої фотоенергетичної установки з концентрацією сонячного випромінювання
GS Khrypunov, VO Nikitin, AV Meriuts, КО Minakova, RV Zaitsev, ...
Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, 17-25, 2024
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