Kazimierz Lejda
Kazimierz Lejda
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Cited by
Use of the constant volume combustion chamber to examine the properties of autoignition and derived cetane number of mixtures of diesel fuel and ethanol
H Kuszewski, A Jaworski, A Ustrzycki, K Lejda, K Balawender, P Woś
Fuel 200, 564-575, 2017
Creating an emission model based on portable emission measurement system for the purpose of a roundabout
A Jaworski, M Mądziel, K Lejda
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 21641-21654, 2019
Analysis of the repeatability of the exhaust pollutants emission research results for cold and hot starts under controlled driving cycle conditions
A Jaworski, H Kuszewski, A Ustrzycki, K Balawender, K Lejda, P Woś
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 17862-17877, 2018
Vacuum distillation of rapeseed oil esters for production of jet fuel bio-additives
A Iakovlieva, S Boichenko, K Lejda, O Vovk, I Shkilniuk
Procedia Engineering 187, 363-370, 2017
Assessment of petrol and natural gas vehicle carbon oxides emissions in the laboratory and on-road tests
K Lejda, A Jaworski, M Mądziel, K Balawender, A Ustrzycki, ...
Energies 14 (6), 1631, 2021
The future of public transport in light of solutions for sustainable transport development.
K Lejda, M Mądziel, S Siedlecka, E Zielińska
Zeszyty Naukowe. Transport/Politechnika Śląska, 97-108, 2017
Physical-chemical properties of jet fuel blends with components derived from rapeseed oil
A Iakovlieva, O Vovk, S Boichenko, K Lejda, H Kuszewski
Chemistry & Chemical Technology, 485-492, 2016
Analiza i modelowanie procesów logistycznych w zapleczu technicznym transportu samochodowego w aspekcie problemów ekologicznych
E Zielińska, K Lejda
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, 2010
Modification of jet fuels composition with renewable bio-additives
A Yakovlieva, S Boichenko, K Lejda, O Vovk
National aviation university, 2019
Traditional and alternative jet fuels: problems of quality standardization
S Boichenko, O Vovk, I Shkilniuk, K Lejda
Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology 4 (3), 21-26, 2013
The impact of exhaust emission from combustion engines on the environment: modelling of vehicle movement at roundabouts
M Madziel, A Jaworski, D Savostin-Kosiak, K Lejda
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 17 (4), 8360 …, 2020
Applications of the continuously rotating detonation to combustion engines at the Łukasiewicz-Institute of Aviation
M Kawalec, W Perkowski, B Łukasik, A Bilar, P Wolański
Combustion Engines 61, 2022
Assessment of the emission of harmful car exhaust components in real traffic conditions
A Jaworski, K Lejda, M Mądziel, A Ustrzycki
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 421 (4), 042031, 2018
Elimination of NOx Emission In Diesel Engine by EGR Metod, Western Sciientific Centra of Ukrainian Transport Academy
K Lejda
Logos, 1-8, 2000
Emission of pollution from motor vehicles with respect to selected solutions of roundabout intersections
A Jaworski, K Lejda, M Mądziel
Combustion Engines 56, 2017
The effect of multi-phase injection on selected parameters of the common rail fuel system
K Balawender, H Kuszewski, K Lejda, A Ustrzycki
Silniki Spalinowe 47, 22-28, 2008
Analysis of cold start emission from light duty vehicles fueled with gasoline and LPG for selected ambient temperatures
A Jaworski, M Mądziel, H Kuszewski, K Lejda, K Balawender, M Jaremcio, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
Internal combustion engines
K Lejda, P Woś
BoD–Books on Demand, 2012
Ecological problems of transport vehicles
E Zielinska, K Lejda
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa 10, 2010
The impact of driving resistances on the emission of exhaust pollutants from vehicles with the spark ignition engine fuelled with petrol and LPG
A Jaworski, M Mądziel, H Kuszewski, K Lejda, M Jaremcio, K Balawender, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
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Articles 1–20