Ігор Коноваленко (Ihor Konovalenko)
Ігор Коноваленко (Ihor Konovalenko)
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University Тернопільський національний технічний університет
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tntu.edu.ua - Домашня сторінка
Steel Surface Defect Classification Using Deep Residual Neural Network
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, J Brezinová, J Viňáš, J Brezina
Metals 10 (6), 846, 2020
Steel Surface Defect Detection Using an Ensemble of Deep Residual Neural Networks
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, V Brevus
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 1-8, 2021
Research of U-Net-Based CNN Architectures for Metal Surface Defect Detection
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, J Brezinová, O Prentkovskis, J Brezina
Machines 10 (5), 327, 2022
Morphological Characteristics of Dimples of Ductile Fracture of VT23M Titanium Alloy and Identification of Dimples on Fractograms of Different Scale
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, J Brezinová, J Brezina
Materials 12 (13), 2051, 2019
Recognition of Scratches and Abrasions on Metal Surfaces Using a Classifier Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, V Brevus, O Prentkovskis
Metals 11 (4), 549, 2021
Influence of deformation process in material at multiple cracking and fragmentation of nanocoating
PO Maruschak, SV Panin, SR Ignatovich, IM Zakiev, IV Konovalenko, ...
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 57 (1), 43-48, 2012
Automated Method for Fractographic Analysis of Shape and Size of Dimples on Fracture Surface of High-Strength Titanium Alloys
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, O Prentkovskis
Metals 8 (3), 161, 2018
Influence of Uneven Lighting on Quantitative Indicators of Surface Defects
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, H Kozbur, J Brezinová, J Brezina, ...
Machines 10 (3), 194, 2022
Computer analysis of surface cracks in structural elements
PV Yasnii, PO Marushchak, IV Konovalenko, RT Bishchak
Materials Science 44 (6), 833-839, 2008
Investigation of the Rupture Surface of the Titanium Alloy Using Convolutional Neural Networks
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, O Prentkovskis, R Junevičius
Materials 11 (12), 2467, 2018
Crack tip strain localisation on mechanics of fracture of heat resistant steel after hydrogenation
PV Yasniy, IB Okipnyi, PO Maruschak, SV Panin, IV Konovalenko
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2013
Methods for Evaluating Fracture Patterns of Polycrystalline Materials Based on the Parameter Analysis of Ductile Separation Dimples: A review
P Maruschak, I Konovalenko, A Sorochak
Engineering Failure Analysis, 107587, 2023
Effect of Long Term Operation on Degradation of Material of Main Gas Pipelines
P Maruschak, R Bishchak, I Konovalenko, A Menou, J Brezinová
Materials Science Forum 782, 279-283, 2014
Error analysis of an algorithm for identifying thermal fatigue cracks
IV Konovalenko, PO Marushchak
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 47 (4), 360-367, 2011
Physical regularities in the cracking of nanocoatings and a method for an automated determination of the crack-network parameters
TV P Maruschak, V Gliha, I Konovalenko
Materiali in tehnologije 46 (5), 525-529, 2012
Fuzzy Logic Analysis of Parameters of Dimples of Ductile Tearing on the Digital Image of Fracture Surface
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, M Chausov, O Prentkovskis
Procedia Engineering 187, 229-234, 2017
Mechanical Properties of Gas Main Steels after Long-Term Operation and Peculiarities of Their Fracture Surface Morphology
V Hutsaylyuk, P Maruschak, I Konovalenko, S Panin, R Bishchak, ...
Materials 12 (3), 491, 2019
Effect of thermal fatigue cracks on brittle-ductile deformation and failure of cbcm roller surface layers
PO Maruschak, IV Konovalenko, RT Bishchak
Metallurgist, 1-7, 2012
Defectoscopic and Geometric Features of Defects That Occur in Sheet Metal and Their Description Based on Statistical Analysis
I Konovalenko, P Maruschak, H Kozbur, J Brezinová, J Brezina, ...
Metals 11 (11), 1851, 2021
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ІВ Коноваленко
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