Iryna Kovalevska
Iryna Kovalevska
Dnipro University of Technology/ Національний технічний університет "Дніпровська політехніка"
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nmu.org.ua - Домашня сторінка
Progressive technologies of coal, coalbed methane, and ores mining
V Bondarenko, I Kovalevs' ka, K Ganushevych
CRC Press, 2014
Features of carrying out experiment using finite-element methodat multivariate calculation of"" mine massif–combined support"" system
V Bondarenko, I Kovalevs' ka, V Fomychov
Geomechanical Processes during Underground Mining: School of Underground …, 2012
New Developments in Mining Engineering 2015: Theoretical and Practical Solutions of Mineral Resources Mining
G Pivnyak, V Bondarenko, I Kovalevska
CRC Press, 2015
Research of stress-strain state of cracked coal-containing massif near-the-working area using finite elements technique
I Kovalevs’Ka, G Symanovych, V Fomychov
Annual Scientific-Technical Collection–Mining of Mineral Deposits, 159-163, 2013
Development of a research methodology and analysis of the stress state of a parting under the joint and downward mining of coal seams
I Kovalevska, M Barabash, V Snihur
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 76-84, 2018
Geomechanical processes during underground mining
G Pivnyak, V Bondarenko, I Kovalevs' ka, M Illiashov
Geomechanical Processes During Underground Mining: School of Underground …, 2012
Geomechanics of interference between the operation modes of mine working support elements at their loading
V Bondarenko, I Kovalevska, G Symanovych, V Sotskov, M Barabash
Mining Science 25, 2018
Optimal parameters of wall bolts computation in the united bearing system of extraction workings framebolt support
V Bondarenko, I Kovalevs’ka, R Svystun, Y Cherednichenko
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 5-9, 2013
A new concept for complex mining of mineral raw material resources from DTEK coal mines based on sustainable development and ESG strategy
V Bondarenko, I Salieiev, I Kovalevska, V Chervatiuk, D Malashkevych, ...
Mining of Mineral Deposits 17 (1), 1-16, 2023
Development and testing of an algorithm for calculating the load on support of mine workings
V Bondarenko, I Kovalevska, F Cawood, O Husiev, V Snihur, D Jimu
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2021
The formation of the finite-element model of the system “undermined massif-support of stope”
I Kovalevs’ka, M Illiashov, V Fomychov, V Chervatuk
School of Underground Mining, 73, 2012
Assessment of parting rock weak zones under the joint and downward mining of coal seams
V Bondarenko, I Kovalevska, H Symanovych, M Barabash, V Snihur
E3S Web of Conferences 66, 03001, 2018
Mining of mineral deposits
G Pivnyak, V Bondarenko, I Kovalevs' ka, M Illiashov
CRC Press, 2013
Examination of phase transition of mine methane to gas hydrates and their sudden failure–Percy Bridgman’s effect
V Bondarenko, I Kovalevska, D Astafiev, O Malova
Solid State Phenomena 277, 137-146, 2018
Generalization of trends in the influence of geomechanics factors on the choice of operation modes for the fastening system in the preparatory mine workings
I Kovalevska, M Zhuravkov, V Chervatiuk, O Husiev, V Snihur
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2019
Research into stress-strain state of reinforced marginal massif of extraction mine working by combined anchoring system
I Kovalevska, M Barabash, O Gusiev
National Mining University, 2016
Геомеханика нагружения крепи очистных и подготовительных выработок в слоистом массиве слабых пород
ВИ Бондаренко, ИА Ковалевская, ГА Симанович, ВГ Черватюк
ЛізуновПрес, 2012
Substantiating arched support made of composite materials (carbon fiber-reinforced plastic) for mine workings in coal mines
VI Bondarenko, IA Kovalevska, SV Podkopaiev, IV Sheka, YS Tsivka
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1049 (1), 012026, 2022
Specifics of percarbonic rock mass displacement in longwalls end areas and extraction workings
I Kovalevs’ka, V Vivcharenko, V Snigur
Mining of Mineral Deposits, 29-33, 2013
Оptimization of frame-bolt support in the development workings, using computer modeling method
I Kovalevska, V Fomychov, A Vyvcharenko
World mining congress & Expo, 267-278, 2011
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