Andrey Chukhray
Andrey Chukhray
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Diagnostic Models of an Intelligent Tutor System for Teaching Skills to Solve Algebraic Equations.
A Kulik, A Chukhray, M Chukhray
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 2 (1), 2007
Developing a self-regulation environment in an open learning model with higher fidelity assessment
JP Martínez Bastida, O Havrykenko, A Chukhray
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in …, 2017
Automated Systems in the Aviation and Aerospace Industries
T Shmelova, Y Sikirda, N Rizun, D Kucherov, K Dergachov
IGI Global, 2019
Information technology for creating intelligent computer programs for training in algorithmic tasks. Part 1: mathematical foundations
AS Kulik, AG Chukhray, OV Havrylenko
КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021
The engineering skills training process modeling using dynamic Bayesian nets
A Chukhray, O Havrylenko
Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 87-96, 2021
Информационно-аналитические модели управления техническими высшими учебными заведениями
АН Гуржий, В Кривцов, А Кулик, Е Мирная, Н Нечипорук, А Чухрай
Харьков: Нац. аэрокосм. ун-т «Харьковский авиационный институт, 2004
The method of student's query analysis while intelligent computer tutoring in SQL
A Chukhray, O Havrylenko
Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 78-86, 2021
Similar strings detecting methods
A Kulik, A Chukhray, A Zavgorodniy
Proceedings of the East-West Fuzzy Colloquium, 183-191, 2005
Development of Game Modules with Support for Synchronous Multiplayer Based on Unreal Engine 4 Using Artificial Intelligence Approach
B Levchenko, A Chukhray, D Chumachenko
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering: Synergetic …, 2020
Application of space-time patterns in tutoring
V Mygal, G Mygal, A Chukhray, O Havrylenko
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 430-437, 2020
Structural Diagnosis Method for Computer Programs Developed by Trainees.
D Gaydachuk, O Havrylenko, JPM Bastida, A Chukhray
ICTERI, 485-490, 2019
Development of the automated laboratory practical work at the course «Modeling of systems»
A Kulik, A Chukhray, S Pedan, P Anzenberger
Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning Conference, 1-11, 2008
Application of statistical simulation for measles epidemic process forecasting
D Chumachenko, A Turiy, A Chukhray
2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2019
Методологические основы интеллектуальных компьютерных программ, обучающих решению алгоритмических задач
АГ Чухрай
дис.… д-ра техн. наук: 05.13. 06; защищена 14.03. 14/Чухрай Андрей …, 2013
Models and software for intelligent web-based testing system in mathematics
A Kulik, A Chukhray, S Rakov, S Pedan
Тhe East-West Fuzzy Colloquium.-Zittau, Germany, 63-72, 2008
Proximate objects probabilistic searching method
A Chukhray, O Havrylenko
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering: Synergetic …, 2020
A teaching platform for fault-tolerant systems developers
AS Kulik, АG Chukhray, JP Martinez-Bastida
Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, 52–60-52–60, 2012
Computer Intelligent Tutoring System" SQLTOR".
I Vagin, O Havrylenko, JPM Bastida, A Chukhray
ICTERI, 525-530, 2019
A learning platform for developers of fault-tolerant systems based on the signal-parametric approach
JP Martinez Bastida, AG Chukhray, EV Gavrilenko
ХАІ, 2014
Modeling of engineering skills acquirement process via dynamic Bayesian nets
AG Chukhray, SI Pedan, S Vagin Ie
Proceedings of the East-West Fuzzy Colloquium, Germany, Zittau, IPM, 257-263, 2010
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