Светлана Кочубей (S. Kochubey)
Светлана Кочубей (S. Kochubey)
Інститут фізіології рослин і генетики НАН України
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Спектральные свойства растений как основа методов дистанционной диагностики
СМ Кочубей, ТМ Шадчина, НИ Кобец
Наукова думка, 1990
Changes in the first derivatives of leaf reflectance spectra of various plants induced by variations of chlorophyll content
SM Kochubey, TA Kazantsev
Journal of Plant Physiology 164 (12), 1648-1655, 2007
Derivative vegetation indices as a new approach in remote sensing of vegetation
SM Kochubey, TA Kazantsev
Frontiers of Earth Science 6, 188-195, 2012
Организация фотосинтетического аппарата высших растений
СМ Кочубей
К.: Альтерпрес, 6, 2001
Microgravity affects the photosynthetic apparatus of Brassica rapa L.
SM Kochubey, NI Adamchuk, EI Kordyum, JA Guikema
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2004
Role of lipids in the organization of the closest surroundings of the reaction centers of photosystem 1
SM Kochubei, TM Shadchina, AM Yakovenko, SV Manuil'skaya, ...
Mol Biol New York, 1978
Spektral'nye svoĭstva rasteniĭ kak osnova metodov distant︠s︡ionnoĭ diagnostiki
SM Kochubei, TM Shadchina, NI Kobet︠s︡
Naukova dumka, 1990
Организация пигментов фотосинтетических мембран как основа энергообеспечения фотосинтеза
SM Kochubeĭ
Наук. думка, 1986
Nature of longwave fluorescence of particles enriched with photosystem I
SM Kochubei, YG Samokhval, TM Shadchina
Biophysics 26 (2), 299-304, 1981
Long-wavelength chlorophyll forms in Photosystem I from pea thylakoids
SM Kochubey, EG Samokhval
Photosynthesis Research 63, 281-290, 2000
Low-temperature fluorescence decay and energy transfer in photosynthetic units
RA Avarmaa, SM Kochubey, RP Tamkivi
FEBS letters 102 (1), 139-142, 1979
On the differences of molecular aggregates structure with long wave fluorescence in the photosystems I and II
SM Kochubeĭ, TM Shadchina, LK Ostrovskaia
Molekuliarnaia biologiia 9 (2), 190-193, 1974
Functional cybrid plants of Lycopersicon peruvianum var'dentatum'with chloroplasts of Lycopersicon esculentum
A Kochevenko, Y Ratushnyak, D Kornyeyev, O Stasik, L Porublyova, ...
Plant Cell Reports 19, 588-597, 2000
Temperature dependence of the absolute fluorescence yields of chloroplast fragments
SM Kochubey, EG Samokhval, GV Klimusheva, AA Delukov
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 200 (1), 65-71, 1980
Spectral properties of plants as a base of distant diagnostic methods
SM Kochubey, NI Kobets, TM Shadchina
Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1990
Метод разложения сложного контура на элементарные составляющие с использованием предварительного анализа его структуры
АП Кучеров, СМ Кочубей
Журнал прикладной спектроскопи 38 (1), 145-150, 1983
Фотохимические системы хлоропластов
МС Гамаюнова, СМ Кочубей, ЛК Островская, ТА Рейнгард, ...
К.: Наук. думка, 206 с., 1975
Method for the resolition of a complicated contour into elementary components making use of the preliminary analysis of its structure
AP Kucherov, SM Kochubei
Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk 38, 145, 1983
Spectral properties and photochemical activity of chloroplast fragments obtained with digitonin and Triton X-100
LK Ostrovskaia, SM Kochubeĭ, TA Reĭngard
Biofizika 14 (2), 265-275, 1969
Spectral study of the effect of galactolipase on native forms of chlorophyll a
LK Ostrovskaia, SM Kochubeĭ, SV Manuil'skaia
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 186 (4), 961-963, 1969
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