Спектральные свойства растений как основа методов дистанционной диагностики СМ Кочубей, ТМ Шадчина, НИ Кобец Наукова думка, 1990 | 93 | 1990 |
Changes in the first derivatives of leaf reflectance spectra of various plants induced by variations of chlorophyll content SM Kochubey, TA Kazantsev Journal of Plant Physiology 164 (12), 1648-1655, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Derivative vegetation indices as a new approach in remote sensing of vegetation SM Kochubey, TA Kazantsev Frontiers of Earth Science 6, 188-195, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Организация фотосинтетического аппарата высших растений СМ Кочубей К.: Альтерпрес, 6, 2001 | 34 | 2001 |
Microgravity affects the photosynthetic apparatus of Brassica rapa L. SM Kochubey, NI Adamchuk, EI Kordyum, JA Guikema Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2004 | 31 | 2004 |
Role of lipids in the organization of the closest surroundings of the reaction centers of photosystem 1 SM Kochubei, TM Shadchina, AM Yakovenko, SV Manuil'skaya, ... Mol Biol New York, 1978 | 24 | 1978 |
Spektral'nye svoĭstva rasteniĭ kak osnova metodov distant︠s︡ionnoĭ diagnostiki SM Kochubei, TM Shadchina, NI Kobet︠s︡ Naukova dumka, 1990 | 23 | 1990 |
Организация пигментов фотосинтетических мембран как основа энергообеспечения фотосинтеза SM Kochubeĭ Наук. думка, 1986 | 23 | 1986 |
Nature of longwave fluorescence of particles enriched with photosystem I SM Kochubei, YG Samokhval, TM Shadchina Biophysics 26 (2), 299-304, 1981 | 23 | 1981 |
Long-wavelength chlorophyll forms in Photosystem I from pea thylakoids SM Kochubey, EG Samokhval Photosynthesis Research 63, 281-290, 2000 | 22 | 2000 |
Low-temperature fluorescence decay and energy transfer in photosynthetic units RA Avarmaa, SM Kochubey, RP Tamkivi FEBS letters 102 (1), 139-142, 1979 | 22 | 1979 |
On the differences of molecular aggregates structure with long wave fluorescence in the photosystems I and II SM Kochubeĭ, TM Shadchina, LK Ostrovskaia Molekuliarnaia biologiia 9 (2), 190-193, 1974 | 20 | 1974 |
Functional cybrid plants of Lycopersicon peruvianum var'dentatum'with chloroplasts of Lycopersicon esculentum A Kochevenko, Y Ratushnyak, D Kornyeyev, O Stasik, L Porublyova, ... Plant Cell Reports 19, 588-597, 2000 | 18 | 2000 |
Temperature dependence of the absolute fluorescence yields of chloroplast fragments SM Kochubey, EG Samokhval, GV Klimusheva, AA Delukov Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 200 (1), 65-71, 1980 | 18 | 1980 |
Spectral properties of plants as a base of distant diagnostic methods SM Kochubey, NI Kobets, TM Shadchina Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1990 | 17 | 1990 |
Метод разложения сложного контура на элементарные составляющие с использованием предварительного анализа его структуры АП Кучеров, СМ Кочубей Журнал прикладной спектроскопи 38 (1), 145-150, 1983 | 16 | 1983 |
Фотохимические системы хлоропластов МС Гамаюнова, СМ Кочубей, ЛК Островская, ТА Рейнгард, ... К.: Наук. думка, 206 с., 1975 | 15* | 1975 |
Method for the resolition of a complicated contour into elementary components making use of the preliminary analysis of its structure AP Kucherov, SM Kochubei Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk 38, 145, 1983 | 13 | 1983 |
Spectral properties and photochemical activity of chloroplast fragments obtained with digitonin and Triton X-100 LK Ostrovskaia, SM Kochubeĭ, TA Reĭngard Biofizika 14 (2), 265-275, 1969 | 13 | 1969 |
Spectral study of the effect of galactolipase on native forms of chlorophyll a LK Ostrovskaia, SM Kochubeĭ, SV Manuil'skaia Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 186 (4), 961-963, 1969 | 12 | 1969 |