Dmitriy Muzylyov
Dmitriy Muzylyov
Другие именаDmytro Muzylov, Дмитро Музильов, Дмитрий Музылёв
State Biotechnological University (SBTU), /Державний біотехнологічний університет
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Development of a methodology for choosing conditions of interaction between harvesting and transport complexes
D Muzylyov, A Kravcov, M Karnaukh, N Berezchnaja, O Kutya
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2 (3), 11-21, 2016
Mathematical modeling as a tool for selecting a rational logistical route in multimodal transport systems
O Pavlenko, D Muzylyov, N Shramenko, D Cagáňová, V Ivanov
Industry 4.0 Challenges in Smart Cities, 23-37, 2022
Forecasting of overloading volumes in transport systems based on the fuzzy-neural model
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 311-320, 2019
Choice of Carrier Behavior Strategy According to Industry 4.0
D Muzylyov, N Shramenko, M Karnaukh
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 213-222, 2021
Logistics Optimization of Agricultural Products Supply to the European Union Based on Modeling by Petri Nets
O Pavlenko, N Shramenko, D Muzylyov
New Technologies, Development and Application III 6, 596-604, 2020
Management of the grain supply chain during the conflict period: case study Ukraine.
O Pavlenko, D Muzylyov, V Ivanov, M Bartoszuk, J Jozwik
Acta Logistica (AL) 10 (3), 2023
Information and communication technology: case of using petri nets for grain delivery simulation at logistics system
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, O Pavlenko
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 935-949, 2019
Blockchain technology in transportation as a part of the efficiency in industry 4.0 strategy
D Muzylyov, N Shramenko
Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes …, 2019
The principles of the choice of management decisions based on fuzzy logic for cargo delivery of grain to the seaport
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, M Karnaukh
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (4.3), 211-216, 2018
Methodology of costs assessment for customer transportation service of small perishable cargoes
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, V Shramenko
International Journal of Business Performance Management 21 (1-2), 132-148, 2020
Determination of an Effective Supply Chain: Case Study for Delivering Products from the USA to Ukraine
O Pavlenko, D Muzylyov, V Ivanov
Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes, 82-93, 2023
Стабільна модель функціонування логістики для постачання швидкопсувних продуктів маршрутами Україна–Польща
ОВ Павленко, ДО Музильов
Комунальне господарство міст 1, 237-242, 2023
Модель функціонування системи доставки насіння зернових культур у контейнерах з США до України
ОВ Павленко, ДО Музильов
Комунальне господарство міст 4, 179-184, 2022
Integrated business-criterion to choose a rational supply chain for perishable agricultural goods at automobile transportations
D Muzylyov, N Shramenko, V Shramenko
International Journal of Business Performance Management 21 (1-2), 166-183, 2020
Finding a Rational Option for a Cold Supply Chain Using Simulation on International Routes
O Pavlenko, D Muzylyov, P Trojanowski
International Conference on Smart Technologies in Urban Engineering, 297-307, 2023
Rationalization of Grain Cargoes Transshipment in Containers at Port Terminals: Technology Analysis and Mathematical Formalization
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, V Shramenko
Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes …, 2020
Model for choosing rational technology of containers transshipment in multimodal cargo delivery systems
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, V Shramenko
New Technologies, Development and Application III 6, 621-629, 2020
Design logical linguistic models to calculate necessity in trucks during agricultural cargoes logistics using fuzzy logic
I Medvediev, D Muzylyov, N Shramenko, P Nosko, P Eliseyev, VO Ivanov
4S go, sro, 2020
Проблеми транспортно-логістичного забезпечення в аграрній галузі
НГ Бережна, ОС Біляєва, ВА Войтов, ОМ Горяїнов, МВ Карнаух, ...
Харків: Міськдрук, 2019
Analysis of the grain market in Ukraine and the directions of the development of grain cargo transportation logistics
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, A Manukian
ХНТУСГ, 2019
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