Баранник ВВ; Бараннік ВВ; Barannik V
Баранник ВВ; Бараннік ВВ; Barannik V
Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
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Кодирование трансформированных изображений в инфокоммуникационных системах
ВВ Баранник, ВП Поляков
Х.: ХУПС 212, 2010
Structural slotting with uniform redistribution for enhancing trustworthiness of information streams
VV Barannik, YN Ryabukha, SA Podlesnyi
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 76 (7), 2017
Significant microsegment transformants encoding method to increase the availability of video information resource
V Barannik, Y Babenko, O Kulitsa, V Barannik, A Khimenko, ...
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information …, 2020
Indirect Steganographic Embedding Method Based On Modifications of The Basis of the Polyadic System
V Barannik, Y Ryabukha, N Barannik, D Barannik
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in …, 2020
Development of the method for encoding service data in crypto-compression image representation systems
V Barannik, S Sidchenko, N Barannik, V Barannik
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (9), 111, 2021
Technology for protecting video information resources in the info-communication space
V Barannik, S Sidchenko, D Barannik
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information …, 2020
Binomial-Polyadic Binary Data Encoding by Quantity of Series of Ones
V Barannik, V Barannik
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in …, 2020
The model of threats to information and psychological security, taking into account the hidden information destructive impact on the subconscious of adolescents
V Barannik, T Belikova, P Gurzhii
2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory …, 2019
The positional structural-weight coding of the binary view of transformants
V Barannik, A Krasnoruckiy, A Hahanova
East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS 2013), 1-4, 2013
The method of cryptocompression presentation of videoinformation resources in a generalized structurally positioned space
AN Alimpiev, VV Barannik, SA Sidchenko
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 76 (6), 2017
The method of increasing accessibility of the dynamic video information resource
V Barannik, SS Shulgin
2016 13th International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2016
Model intelligent processing of aerial photographs with a dedicated key features interpretation
V Barannik, A Krasnorutskiy, YN Ryabukha, DE Okladnoy
2016 13th International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2016
Methodological Fundamentals of Deciphering Coding of Aerophotography Segments on Special Equipment of Unmanned Complex
V Barannik, S Shulgin, A Krasnorutsky, O Slobodyanyuk, P Gurzhii, ...
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information …, 2020
Development Second and Third Phase of the Selective Frame Processing Method
V Barannik, V Barannik, D Havrylov, A Sorokun
2019 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications …, 2019
The video stream encoding method in infocommunication systems
V Barannik, S Podlesny, D Tarasenko, D Barannik, O Kulitsa
2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics …, 2018
The ensuring the integrity of information streams under the cyberattacks action
V Barannik, S Podlesny, A Krasnorutskyi, A Musienko, V Himenko
2016 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS), 1-5, 2016
A steganographic method based on the modification of regions of the image with different saturation
V Barannik, A Bekirov, A Lekakh, D Barannik
2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics …, 2018
Method coding efficiency segments for information technology processing video
V Barannik, D Tarasenko
2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2017
Methodological basis for constructing a method for compressing of transformants bit representation, based on non-equilibrium positional encoding
VV Barannik, YN Ryabukha, VV Tverdokhleb, DV Barannik
2017 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication …, 2017
Detections of sustainable areas for steganographic embedding
V Barannik, A Alimpiev, A Bekirov, D Barannik, N Barannik
2017 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS), 1-4, 2017
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