Zakovorotnyi Oleksandr (0000-0003-4415-838X)
Zakovorotnyi Oleksandr (0000-0003-4415-838X)
Другие именаZakovorotniy Oleksandr, Заковоротний Олександр Юрійович, Заковоротний О.Ю.
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433). UKRAINE
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Моделирование и оптимизация процессов управления движением дизель-поездов
ЗАЮ Дмитриенко В.Д.
HTMT, 2013
Structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of solution-processed Li-doped NiO films grown by SILAR
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, DO Zhadan, SI Petrushenko, VR Kopach, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 83, 42-49, 2018
Generating currency exchange rate data based on Quant-Gan model
B Dun, O Zakovorotnyi, N Kuchuk
Advanced Information Systems 7 (2), 68-74, 2023
Prediction of fill factor and charge density of self-shielding flux-cored wire with variable composition
BO Trembach, DV Hlushkova, VM Hvozdetskyi, VA Vynar, VI Zakiev, ...
Materials Science 59 (1), 18-25, 2023
Traffic Modeling for the Industrial Internet of NanoThings
N Kuchuk, I Ruban, O Zakovorotnyi, A Kovalenko, A Shyshatskyi, ...
2023 IEEE 4th KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 1-5, 2023
Синтез оптимальных законов управления тяговым электроприводом методами дифференциальной геометрии и принципа максимума
ВД Дмитриенко, АЮ Заковоротный
Системи обробки інформації, 42-51, 2009
Mathematical model of diesel engine characteristics for determining the performance of traction dynamics of wheel-type tractor
O Rebrov, A Kozhushko, B Kalchenko, A Mamontov, A Zakovorotniy, ...
EUREKA: Physics and Engineering,(4), 90-100, 2020
Линеаризация математической модели привода методами дифференциальной геометрии
ВД Дмитриенко, АЮ Заковоротный
Вестник Национального технического университета Харьковский политехнический …, 2007
Methods and algorithms of artificial intelligence systems
VD Dmitrienko, IP Khavina, AY Zakovorotny, MV Lipchansky, ...
VD Dmitrienko, IP Havina, A. Yu. Zakovorotny, MV Lipchansky, NV Mezentsev, 2014
Hamming neural network for solving problems with several solutions
VD Dmitrienko, AY Zakovorotny, SY Leonov
VD Dmitrienko, A. Yu. Zakovorotny, S. Yu. Leonov, 119-129, 2017
Converting the nonlinear control systems equivalent to the linear canonical Brunovsky form
VD Dmitrienko, AY Zakovorotny
Electrical systems and complexes, Magnitogorsk: MSTU 4 (25), 8-14, 2014
Development of method of matched morphological filtering of biomedical signals and images
AI Povoroznyuk, AE Filatova, AY Zakovorotniy, K Shehna
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 53, 253-262, 2019
Neural Networks Art: Solving problems with multiple solutions and new teaching algorithm
VD Dmitrienko, AY Zakovorotnyi, SY Leonov, IP Khavina
The Open Neurology Journal 8, 15, 2014
Optimal speed controller design with interval type-2 fuzzy sets
A Zakovorotniy, A Kharchenko
2021 IEEE 2nd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 363-366, 2021
Neural networks for determining affinity functions
VD Dmitrienko, AY Zakovorotniy, SY Leonov
2020 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and …, 2020
Трехслойный перцептрон, способный дообучаться
БВА Дмитриенко В.Д., Заковоротный А.Ю.
Автоматизированные технологии и производства, 2014
Neural network using the Hamming distance to recognize images at the boundaries of several classes
VD Dmitrienko, AY Zakovorotnyi
Herald of the National Technical University" KhPI". Subject issue …, 2013
Ассоциативная нейронная сеть АРТ
ВД Дмитриенко, АЮ Заковоротный, ВА Бречко
Экономика. Информатика 24 (19-1 (138)), 124-126, 2012
Automating the process of calculating the singular points and modeling the phase diagrams of multicomponent oxide systems
S Krivileva, A Zakovorotniy, V Moiseev, N Ponomareva, A Rassokha, ...
Funct. Mater 26, 347-352, 2019
Решение проблемы дообучения классических нейронных сетей
ЗАЮ Дмитриенко В.Д.
Автоматизированные технологии и производства: сб. науч. тр., 2015
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