Горб Олег Gorb Oleg
Горб Олег Gorb Oleg
Полтавський державний аграрний університет
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The formation of the management system of ecological, social, and economic development of rural territories using the experience in European Union
O Gorb, I Yasnolob, D Alla, Y Kaliuzhna
Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism 8 (3 (19)), 516-528, 2017
Ecologization of tillage methods with the aim of soil fertility improvement
IO Yasnolob, VM Pysarenko, TO Chayka, OO Gorb, OS Pestsova-Svitalka, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 8 (2), 280-286, 2018
Organizational-economic mechanism of management of food industry enterprises competitiveness
OA Gorb, IA Yasnolob, NY Protsiuk
Annals of Agrarian Science 14 (3), 191-195, 2016
Intellectual rent in the context of the ecological, social, and economic development of the agrarian sector of economics
I Yasnolob, T Chayka, G Oleg, P Shvedenko, N Protas, I Tereshchenko
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 8 (7), 1442-1450, 2018
Виробнича економіка
ГОО Галушко В.П., Штрьобель Г., Віллєке Г., Писаренко В.М.
Вінниця: «Нова книга», 2005
Strengthening competitiveness of the national economy by inhancing energy efficiency and diversifying energy supply sources in rural areas
G Oleg, R Rębilas, V Aranchiy, I Yasnolob, S Boiko, V Padalka
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 11 (5), 1114-1123, 2020
The formation of the efficient system of ecological enterprise
I Yasnolob, O Gorb, N Opara, S Shejko, S Pysarenko, O Mykhaіlova, ...
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 5 (29), 1052-1061, 2018
The innovative model of energy efficient village under the conditions of sustainable development of ecological territories
I Yasnolob, T Chayka, G Oleg, N Demianenko, N Protas, T HALINSKA
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 9 (3), 648-658, 2018
Using resource and energy-saving technologies in agricultural production as a direction of raising energy efficiency of rural territories
IO Yasnolob, TO Chayka, OO Gorb, OA Galych, OV Kalashnyk, ...
Ukrainian journal of ecology 9 (1), 244-250, 2019
Boston consulting group matrix: Opportunities for use in economic analysis
O Gorb, L Dorohan-Pysarenko, O Yehorova, I Yasnolob, A Doroshenko
Scientific Horizons 7 (25), 20-30, 2022
Формування екологічно збалансованих агроекосистем шляхом усунення негативних явищ у сучасному розвитку ґрунтових процесів
ООГ ПВ Писаренко, АВ Калініченко
Вісник Полтавської державної аграрної академії 1, 11-14, 2006
Mycorrhiza as a biotic factor, influencing the ecosystem stability
I Yasnolob, T Chayka, V Aranchiy, O Gorb, T Dugar
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 8 (1), 363-370, 2018
Інтегрований захист рослин
ВМ Писаренко, МА Піщаленко, ГД Поспєлова, ОО Горб, НП Коваленко, ...
Полтава, 2020
Development of complex approach to defining the notion “sustainable development of rural territories”
O Gorb
Forum Scientiae Oeconomia 5 (2), 87-99, 2017
Eco-balance of soil tillage systems to restore and increase soil fertility
TO Chaika, IO Yasnolob, OO Gorb, II Lotysh, YV Bereznytskyi
Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy 3, 92-102, 2019
Energy independence and energy efficiency of populated areas in the system of management
I Yasnolob, G Oleg, Y Kozachenko, O Kalian, T Borovyk, I Zahrebelna
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 10 (3), 538-549, 2019
Основи біологічного та адаптивного землеробства: навчальний посібник
ПВ Писаренко, ОО Горб, ТВ Невмивако, ЮС Голік
Писаренко ПВ, Горб ОО, Невмивако ТВ, Галік ЮС–Полтава, 2009
Innovative approaches to the formation and development of the startup ecosystem
N Demianenko, I Yasnolob, G Oleg, O Zoria, C Liudmyla, ...
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 12 (3), 668-676, 2021
Ecological-agrochemical land evaluation and classification under organic farming
G Oleg, I Yasnolob, T Chayka, O Zoria, T Dugar, P Shvedenko, O Kalian, ...
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 11 (6), 1588-1595, 2020
Droughts in the context of climate changes in Ukraine
VM Pysarenko, PV Pysarenko, VV Pysarenko, OO Gorb, TO Chaika
Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy 1, 134-146, 2019
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