Горб Олег Gorb Oleg
Горб Олег Gorb Oleg
Полтавський державний аграрний університет
Підтверджена електронна адреса в pdaa.edu.ua - Домашня сторінка
The formation of the management system of ecological, social, and economic development of rural territories using the experience in European Union
O Gorb, I Yasnolob, D Alla, Y Kaliuzhna
Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism 8 (3 (19)), 516-528, 2017
Ecologization of tillage methods with the aim of soil fertility improvement
IO Yasnolob, VM Pysarenko, TO Chayka, OO Gorb, OS Pestsova-Svitalka, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 8 (2), 280-286, 2018
Organizational-economic mechanism of management of food industry enterprises competitiveness
OA Gorb, IA Yasnolob, NY Protsiuk
Annals of Agrarian Science 14 (3), 191-195, 2016
Intellectual rent in the context of the ecological, social, and economic development of the agrarian sector of economics
I Yasnolob, T Chayka, G Oleg, P Shvedenko, N Protas, I Tereshchenko
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 8 (7), 1442-1450, 2018
Strengthening competitiveness of the national economy by inhancing energy efficiency and diversifying energy supply sources in rural areas
G Oleg, R Rębilas, V Aranchiy, I Yasnolob, S Boiko, V Padalka
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 11 (5), 1114-1123, 2020
The formation of the efficient system of ecological enterprise
I Yasnolob, O Gorb, N Opara, S Shejko, S Pysarenko, O Mykhaіlova, ...
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 5 (29), 1052-1061, 2018
Виробнича економіка
ГОО Галушко В.П., Штрьобель Г., Віллєке Г., Писаренко В.М.
Вінниця: «Нова книга», 2005
The innovative model of energy efficient village under the conditions of sustainable development of ecological territories
I Yasnolob, T Chayka, G Oleg, N Demianenko, N Protas, T HALINSKA
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 9 (3), 648-658, 2018
Using resource and energy-saving technologies in agricultural production as a direction of raising energy efficiency of rural territories
IO Yasnolob, TO Chayka, OO Gorb, OA Galych, OV Kalashnyk, ...
Ukrainian journal of ecology 9 (1), 244-250, 2019
Boston consulting group matrix: Opportunities for use in economic analysis
O Gorb, L Dorohan-Pysarenko, O Yehorova, I Yasnolob, A Doroshenko
Scientific Horizons 7 (25), 20-30, 2022
Mycorrhiza as a biotic factor, influencing the ecosystem stability
I Yasnolob, T Chayka, V Aranchiy, O Gorb, T Dugar
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 8 (1), 363-370, 2018
Development of complex approach to defining the notion “sustainable development of rural territories”
O Gorb
Forum Scientiae Oeconomia 5 (2), 87-99, 2017
Інтегрований захист рослин
ВМ Писаренко, МА Піщаленко, ГД Поспєлова, ОО Горб, НП Коваленко, ...
Писаренко ВМ, Піщаленко МА, Поспєлова ГД, Горб ОО, Коваленко НП, Шерстюк ОЛ …, 2020
Eco-balance of soil tillage systems to restore and increase soil fertility
TO Chaika, IO Yasnolob, OO Gorb, II Lotysh, YV Bereznytskyi
Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy 3, 92-102, 2019
Формування екологічно збалансованих агроекосистем шляхом усунення негативних явищ у сучасному розвитку ґрунтових процесів
ООГ ПВ Писаренко, АВ Калініченко
Вісник Полтавської державної аграрної академії 1, 11-14, 2006
Energy independence and energy efficiency of populated areas in the system of management
I Yasnolob, G Oleg, Y Kozachenko, O Kalian, T Borovyk, I Zahrebelna
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 10 (3), 538-549, 2019
Innovative approaches to the formation and development of the startup ecosystem
N Demianenko, I Yasnolob, G Oleg, O Zoria, C Liudmyla, ...
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 12 (3), 668-676, 2021
Ecological-agrochemical land evaluation and classification under organic farming
G Oleg, I Yasnolob, T Chayka, O Zoria, T Dugar, P Shvedenko, O Kalian, ...
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 11 (6), 1588-1595, 2020
Основи біологічного та адаптивного землеробства: навчальний посібник
ПВ Писаренко, ОО Горб, ТВ Невмивако, ЮС Голік
Писаренко ПВ, Горб ОО, Невмивако ТВ, Галік ЮС–Полтава, 2009
Droughts in the context of climate changes in Ukraine
VM Pysarenko, PV Pysarenko, VV Pysarenko, OO Gorb, TO Chaika
Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy 1, 134-146, 2019
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