Sofia V Grabovska
Sofia V Grabovska
Institute of Animal Biology NAAS Ukraine
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ADHD-like behaviour in the offspring of female rats exposed to low chlorpyrifos doses before pregnancy/Ponašanje nalik ADHD-u u potomaka ženki štakora izloženih niskim dozama …
S Grabovska, Y Salyha
Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 66 (2), 121-127, 2015
Changes in glutathione system and lipid peroxidation in rat blood during the first hour after chlorpyrifos exposure
VP Rosalovsky, SV Grabovska, YT Salyha
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 124-132, 2015
Do results of the open field test depend on the arena shape?
SV Grabovskaya, YT Salyha
Neurophysiology 46, 376-380, 2014
Вплив хронічної інтоксикації низькими дозами хлорпірифосу на поведінку самиць щурів
С Грабовська, Ю Салига
Фізіологічний журнал 61 (2), 94-101, 2015
Biochemical and haematological changes in peripheral blood of rats exposed to chlorpyrinos: protective effect of vitamins A and E combination
VP Rosalovsky, SV Grabovska, YT Salyha
Біологічні студії/Studia Biologica 9 (3–4), 57-68, 2015
Neurotoxic effects and other actual risks of chlorpyrifos
S Grabovska, V Rosalovsky, Y Salyha
Living organisms and bioanalytical aproaches for detoxification and …, 2015
Some biochemical and hematologic parameters in perypheral blood of rats under chlorpyrifos exposure. Effect of vitamin A and E
VP Rosalovsky, SV Grabovska
Біологія тварин, 199-199, 2015
Low dose chlorpyrifos exposure to female rats before and during pregnancy affects their behavior
V Rosalovskyi, SV Grabovska, YT Salyha
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 2015
Dynamics of hematological parameters of rats during an hour after chlorpyrifos intoxication
V Rosalovskyi, S Grabovska, Y Salyha
Біологія тварин, 200-200, 2014
Open Field Test: comparing square and round arenas
S Grabovska, Y Salyha
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 3 (74), 2014
Effects of chronic low dose chlorpyrifos exposure of female rats on behavioral parameters of their offspring
S Grabovska
Біологія тварин, 184-184, 2014
Comparing round and square open field test arenas
S Grabovska, V Rosalovskyi, Y Salyha
Біологія тварин, 168-168, 2014
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