Горбунов Николай Иванович
Горбунов Николай Иванович
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
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Slipping and skidding occurrence probability decreasing by means of the friction controlling in the wheel-braking pad and wheel-rail contacts
J Gerlici, T Lack, M Gorbunov, R Domin, M Kovtanets, K Kravchenko
Manufacturing technology 17 (2), 17-18, 2017
Research to improve traction and dynamic quality of locomotives
M Gorbunov, V Pistek, M Kovtanets, O Nozhenko, S Kara, P Kučera
Vibroengineering Procedia 13, 159-164, 2017
The multifunctional energy efficient method of cohesion control in the" wheel-braking pad-rail" system
M Gorbunov, R Domin, M Kovtanec, K Kravchenko
Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej–Transport. Międzynarodowej …, 2016
Analysis of the constructive features of railway brakes and methods of improving the process of their functioning
N Gurbunov, E Kravchenko, R Demin, O Nogenko, O Prosvirova
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa 13 (3), 2013
Clutch control in the system of" wheel-rail"
N Gorbunov, M Kovtanets, O Prosvirova, E Garkushin
Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Transport (Poland).–Transport …, 2011
Adhesion control in the system of" wheel-rail"
N Gorbunov, M Kovtanets, O Prosvirova, E Garkushin
Transport problems 7, 15-24, 2012
Повышение тяговых качеств тепловозов за счет совершенствования упругих связей тележек
НИ Горбунов
Днепропетровский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта, 1987
Поліпшення несучої здатності вагона-хопера для первезення зерна з метою підвищення опору динамічним зусиллям
ОВ Фомін, ПМ Прокопенко, МІ Горбунов, СЮ Сапронова, АВ Фомин, ...
вид-во СНУ ім. В. Даля, 2017
Повышение эффективности регенерации отработанного масла
НИ Горбунов, ЕА Кравченко, НН Горбунов, АЮ Шишковская
Вiсник СевНТУ, 159-162, 2011
Development of the theory and methodology of controlling the local tribological contact thermomechanical loading.
MI Gorbunov, M Kovtanets, A Kostyukevich, V Nozhenko, G Vaičiūnas, ...
Study of rail vehicles movement characteristics improvement in curves using fuzzy logic mechatronic systems
M Kapitsa, E Mikhailov, S Kliuiev, S Semenov, M Kovtanets
MATEC Web of Conferences 294, 03019, 2019
Reducing the wheel-rail system wear intensity with thermomechanical impact.
MI Gorbunov, M Kovtanets, G Bureika, T Kovtanets
Supplying system abrasive material with automatic dosing control
M Gorbunov, V Píštěk, M Kovtanets, O Nozhenko, S Kara, P Kučera
Vibroengineering Procedia 18, 207-214, 2018
Method of determining the parameters of improved railway brake equipment
N Gorbunov, E Kravchenko, O Prosvirova, O Nozgenko, M Kovtanets, ...
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa 15 (2), 2015
Increase of coupling characteristics and profitability of the locomotive modernization of system of supply of sand
M Kovtanets, N Gorbunov, O Prosvirova, S Sosnovenko, V Astakhov
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa 12 (4), 2012
Innovative risks of introducing advanced technical solutions in transport
M Gorbunov, V Nozhenko, M Kovtanets, O Porkuyan
Friction interaction management in two-point" wheel-rail" tribocontact
A Kostyukevich, N Gorbunov, V Nozhenko, M Kovtanets, I Tsyganovskiy
Transport Problems 7 (3), 53-59, 2012
Активное демпфирование колебаний в рессорном подвешивании локомотива
НИ Горбунов, АЛ Кашура, СВ Попов, ЕА Кравченко
Вестник Восточноукраинского национального университета им. Владимира Даля, 152, 2005
Experimental study of the limit-maximum adhesion coefficient
M Gorbunov, M Kovtanets, T Kovtanets
Experimental study of the influence of friction surfaces cooling parameters on the efficiency of the braking system of a railway vehicle operation.
MI Gorbunov, O Prosvirova, M Kovtanets, V Nozhenko, G Bureika, ...
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