Vitaliy Mel'nyk - Віталій Мельник
Vitaliy Mel'nyk - Віталій Мельник
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Введення в культуру in vitro деяких видів роду Gentiana L
НМ Страшнюк, ЛР Грицак, ОМ Леськова, ВМ Мельник
Физиология и биохимия культ. растений 36 (4), 327-334, 2004
Tissue and organ cultures of gentians as potential sources of xanthones and flavonoids
NM Drobyk, VM Mel’nyk, MO Twardovska, II Konvalyuk, VA Kunakh
The Gentianaceae-Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications, 307-317, 2015
Molecular Organization of 5S Ribosomal DNA and Taxonomic Status of Avenella flexuosa (L.) Drejer (Poaceae)
OO Ishchenko, VM Mel’nyk, ІY Parnikoza, VV Budzhak, ІІ Panchuk, ...
Cytology and Genetics 54, 505-513, 2020
In Vitro Manipulation and Propagation of Gentiana L. Species from the Ukrainian Flora
NM Drobyk, LR Hrytsak, VM Mel’nyk, NB Kravets, II Konvalyuk, ...
The Gentianaceae-Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications, 45-79, 2015
RAPD-analysis of the genome polymorphism for some Gentiana L. species from the Ukrainian flora
MO Twardovska, NM Strashniuk, VM Mel’nyk, II Konvalyuk, VA Kunakh
Repts Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukr, 200-204, 2009
Genome variability of some Gentiana L. species in nature and in culture in vitro: RAPD-analysis
MO Twardovska, NM Drobyk, VM Mel'nyk, II Konvalyuk, VA Kunakh
Вiopolymers and Cell, 2010
Genetic Variation Induced by Tissue and Organ Culture in Gentiana Species
VA Kunakh, VM Mel’nyk, NM Drobyk, IO Andreev, KV Spiridonova, ...
The Gentianaceae-Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications, 199-238, 2015
Види роду Gentiana L. флори України у природі та культурі in vitro
НМ Страшнюк, ЛР Грицак, ОМ Леськова, ВМ Мельник
Український ботанічний журнал, 337-348, 2005
Chromosomal variability in a tissue culture of rare species of the genus Gentiana L.
MO Twardovska, NM Strashniuk, VM Mel’nyk, VI Adonin, VA Kunakh
Cytology and Genetics 42, 224-228, 2008
Karyology of European Species of Genus Gentiana L.
VM Mel’nyk, NM Drobyk, MO Twardovska, VA Kunakh
The Gentianaceae-Volume 1: Characterization and Ecology, 219-230, 2014
Genetic polymorphism of Gentiana lutea L. (Gentianaceae) populations from the Chornohora Ridge of the Ukrainian Carpathians
MZ Mosula, II Konvalyuk, VM Mel’nyk, NM Drobyk, YV Tsaryk, ...
Cytology and genetics 48, 371-377, 2014
Direct organogenesis in vitro of Gentiana lutea L
II Konvalyuk, NB Kravets, NM Drobyk, VM Mel’nyk, VA Kunakh
Biotechnology 3 (5), 66-73, 2010
Karyology of some European species of Gentiana L.(Gentianaceae)
NM Strashniuk, MO Twardovska, VM Mel’nyk
Ukr. Bot. Zhur 65 (6), 836-848, 2008
Molecular markers to assess genetic diversity of Gentiana lutea L. from the Ukrainian Carpathians
MZ Mosula, IO Andreev, OM Bublyk, VM Mel'nyk, II Konvalyuk, NM Drobyk, ...
Plant Genetic Resources 13 (3), 266-273, 2014
RAPD-and ISSR-analysis of genetic variation in Gentiana pneumonanthe L. tissue and organ culture
II Konvalyuk, VM Mel’nyk, NM Drobyk, NB Kravets, MO Twardovska, ...
Bull. Vavilov. Soc. Geneticists and Breederes of Ukr.–2011.–9, 22-31, 2011
Restriction mapping and variability of 18S-25S ribosomal genes in some species of Gentiana genus
VM Mel'nyk, IO Andrieiev, KB Spiridonova, VA Kunakh
Tsitologiia i Genetika 37 (5), 65-71, 2003
18S-25S rDNA variation in tissue culture of some Gentiana L. species
VM Mel'nyk, IO Andrieiev, KV Spiridonova, NM Strashniuk, VA Kunakh
Tsitologiia i Genetika 41 (2), 19-23, 2007
Gentiana L. species of Ukrainian flora in nature and in culture in vitro
NM Strashniuk, LR Hrytsak, OM Les’kova, VM Mel’nyk
Ukr Bot J 62 (3), 337-48, 2005
Establishment and analysis of tissue and fast-growing normal root cultures of four Gentiana L. species, rare highland medicinal plants
NM Drobyk, VM Mel'nyk, LR Hrytsak, NB Kravets, II Konvalyuk, ...
Вiopolymers and Cell, 2018
Obtaining and characterization of isolated root culture from plants of genus Gentiana
II Konvalyuk, LR Hrytsak, VM Mel’nyk, NM Drobyk, VA Kunakh
Biotechnology (Ukr.).–2011.–4, 29-35, 2011
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Articles 1–20