Juho Mäkiö
Juho Mäkiö
Professor für Informatik, University of Applied Sciences, Emden / Leer, Germany
Підтверджена електронна адреса в hs-emden-leer.de
Task-centric holistic agile approach on teaching cyber physical systems engineering
J Mäkiö, E Mäkiö-Marusik, E Yablochnikov
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016
Concept and case study for teaching and learning industrial digitalization
E Mäkiö-Marusik, AW Colombo, J Mäkiö, A Pechmann
Procedia manufacturing 31, 97-102, 2019
Organizational citizenship behavior of IT professionals: lessons from Poland and Germany
J Kowal, A Keplinger, J Mäkiö
Information Technology for Development 25 (2), 227-249, 2019
Amplification of the COCOMO II regarding offshore software projects
S Betz, J Mäkiö
Workshop on offshoring of software development-methods and tools for risk …, 2007
Challenges and practices for effective knowledge transfer in globally distributed teams-a systematic literature review
J Kroll, J Mäkiö, M Assaad
International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing 4 …, 2016
Competences of cyber physical systems engineers—Survey results
E Mäkiö-Marusik, B Ahmad, R Harrison, J Mäkiö, AW Colombo
2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 491-496, 2018
meet2trade: A generic electronic trading platform
C Weinhardt, C van Dinther, K Kolitz, J Mäkiö, I Weber
4th Workshop on e-Business (WEB 2005), 2005
Component-based specification and composition of market structures
J Mäkiö, I Weber
Coordination and agent technology in value networks, 127-137, 2004
Business competencies and innovation capability in cross-border small regional enterprises
J Kowal, J Mäkiö, A Jasińśka-Biliczak
2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2017
THINK4JOBS TOOLKIT Ten work-based learning scenarios
D Dumitru, P Christodoulou, A Lithoxoidou, T Georgiadou, D Pnevmatikos, ...
Offshoring of software development-methods and tools for risk management
S Betz, J Makio, R Stephan
International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2007), 280-281, 2007
Came-a tool set for configuring electronic markets
D Neumann, J Maekioe, C Weinhardt
ECIS 2005 Proceedings, 87, 2005
Towards multi‐attribute double auctions for financial markets
H Gimpel, J Mäkiö
Electronic Markets 16 (2), 130-139, 2006
CAME-toolsuite meet2trade: auf dem Weg zum computer aided market engineering; Abschlussbericht des Projekts Electronic Financial Brokerage als wissensintensive Dienstleistung …
C Weinhardt
KIT Scientific Publishing, 2006
Gender and organizational citizenship behavior of information technology users in Poland and Germany
A Keplinger, J Kowal, J Mäkiö
Proceedings of the Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems …, 2016
Hybrid cloud–architecture for administration shells with RAMI4. 0 using Actor4j
DA Bauer, J Mäkiö
2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 1 …, 2019
Implementation of task-centric holistic agile approach on teaching cyber physical systems engineering
E Elena Mäkiö-Marusik, J Mäkiö, J Kowal
AMCIS 2017 Proceedings: Proceedings of the Twenty-third Americas Conference …, 2017
Electronic Negotiations–A Generic Approach with Action Systems
J Mäkiö, I Weber, C Weinhardt
International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, 135-143, 2004
The task-based approach to teaching critical thinking for computer science students
E Mäkiö, J Mäkiö
Education Sciences 13 (7), 742, 2023
Multi-attribute double auctions in financial trading
H Gimpel, J Makio, C Weinhardt
Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'05), 366-369, 2005
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