Svetlana Antoshchuk
Svetlana Antoshchuk
ОНПУ кафедра ИС
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене op.edu.ua
Рабочее диагностирование безопасных информационно-управляющих систем
АВ Дрозд, ВС Харченко, СГ Антощук, ЮВ Дрозд, МА Дрозд, ...
Харьков: Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. НЕ Жуковского «ХАИ, 2012
Checkability of the digital components in safety-critical systems: problems and solutions
A Drozd, V Kharchenko, S Antoshchuk, J Sulima, M Drozd
2011 9th East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS), 411-416, 2011
Energy efficient clustering protocol for heterogeneous wireless sensor network: a hybrid approach using GA and K-means
S Bhushan, R Pal, SG Antoshchuk
2018 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2018
Effectiveness of matrix and pipeline FPGA-based arithmetic components of safety-related systems
J Drozd, O Drozd, S Antoshchuk, A Kushnerov, V Nikul
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2015
Green experiments with FPGA
A Drozd, J Drozd, S Antoshchuk, V Antonyuk, K Zashcholkin, M Drozd, ...
Green IT Engineering: Components, Networks and Systems Implementation, 219-239, 2017
Green IT engineering in the view of resource-based approach
J Drozd, A Drozd, S Antoshchuk
Green IT engineering: concepts, models, complex systems architectures, 43-65, 2017
Development of parametric model of prediction and evaluation of the quality level of educational institutions
T Otradskaya, V Gogunskii, S Antoschuk, O Kolesnikov
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 12-21, 2016
Checkable FPGA design: energy consumption, throughput and trustworthiness
A Drozd, S Antoshchuk, J Drozd, K Zashcholkin, M Drozd, N Kuznietsov, ...
Green IT Engineering: Social, Business and Industrial Applications, 73-94, 2019
Objects and methods of on-line testing: main requirements and perspectives of development
A Drozd, J Drozd, S Antoshchuk, V Nikul, M Al-Dhabi
2016 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS), 1-5, 2016
Gesture recognition-based human–computer interaction interface for multimedia applications
S Antoshchuk, M Kovalenko, J Sieck
Digitisation of Culture: Namibian and International Perspectives, 269-286, 2018
Natural Development of the Resources in Design and Testing of the Computer Systems and their Components
J Drozd, A Drozd, S Antoshchuk, V Kharchenko
2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2013
New on-line testing methods for approximate data processing in the computing circuits
A Drozd, S Antoshchuk
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data …, 2011
Sulima Yu. Yu. Rabocheye diagnostirovaniye bezopasnykh informatsionno-upravlyayushchikh sistem (Working Diagnostics of Safe Information and Control Systems), Khar'kov, 2012, 614 p
AV Drozd, VS Kharchenko, SG Antoshchuk, V Drozd Yu, MA Drozd
Russ, 0
Прогнозирование количества ошибок на этапе эксплуатации адаптируемых учетных информационных систем
СГ Антощук, ДА Маевский, СА Яремчук
Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи, 204–210-204–210, 2010
Система распознавания текстурных изображений при экологическом мониторинге
СГ Антощук, НА Сербина
Искусственный интеллект 4, 406-413, 2002
3-Level approach to the projects planning
P Teslenko, D Bedrii, S Antoshchuk, H Lytvynchenko
2018 IEEE 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2018
Real-time hand tracking and gesture recognition using semantic-probabilistic network
M Kovalenko, S Antoshchuk, J Sieck
2014 UKSim-AMSS 16th International Conference on Computer Modelling and …, 2014
Распознавание визуальной информации в автоматизированных системах
ВГ Абакумов, СГ Антощук, ВН Крылов
Электроника и связь, 46-48, 2003
Обнаружение и распознавание признаков объектов с помощью сферической модели зрительного анализатора
ВГ Абакумов, ВН Крылов, СГ Антощук
Электроника и связь 2 (8), 211-212, 2000
Rabochee diagnostirovanie bezopasnykh informatsionno-upravlyayushchikh sistem
AV Drozd, VS Kharchenko, SG Antoshchuk
Objects and Methods of On-Line Testing for Safe Instrumentation and Control …, 2012
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