Рибка Євгеній Олексійович
Рибка Євгеній Олексійович
Другие именаEvgenіy Rybka, Рыбка Евгений Алексеевич, Ye Rybka, E Rybka, Evgenyi
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine / Національний університет цивільного захисту
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Development of a method to improve the performance speed of maximal fire detectors
V Andronov, B Pospelov, E Rybka
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 32-37, 2017
Development of the method for rapid detection of hazardous atmospheric pollution of cities with the help of recurrence measures
B Pospelov, E Rybka, R Meleshchenko, P Borodych, S Gornostal
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 10 (97), 29-35, 2019
Construction of the method for semi-adaptive threshold scaling transformation when computing recurrent plots
B Pospelov, E Rybka, V Togobytska, R Meleshchenko, Y Danchenko, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 4 (10), 22-29, 2019
Analysis of correlation dimensionality of the state of a gas medium at early ignition of materials
B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, R Meleshchenko, S Gornostal
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 5 (10), 25-30, 2018
Studying the recurrent diagrams of carbon monoxide concentration at early ignitions in premises
B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, R Meleshchenko, P Borodych
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (9), 34-40, 2018
Research into dynamics of setting the threshold and a probability of ignition detection by self-adjusting fire detectors
ЄО Рибка, ВА Андронов, ББ Поспєлов, СО Скляров
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 5 (9), 43-48, 2017
Fire resistance of reinforced concrete and steel structures
V Sadkovyi, V Andronov, O Semkiv, A Kovalov, E Rybka, Y Otrosh, ...
Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures, Kharkiv: РС …, 2021
Development of the correlation method for operative detection of recurrent states
O Pirohov, V Andronov, E Rybka, O Krainiukov, K Karpets, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (4), 39-46, 2019
Results of experimental research into correlations between hazardous factors of ignition of materials in premises
B Pospelov, E Rybka, R Meleshchenko, S Gornostal, S Shcherbak
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (10), 50-56, 2017
Examining the learning fire detectors under real conditions of application
V Andronov, B Pospelov, E Rybka, S Skliarov
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 53-59, 2017
Increase of accuracy of definition of temperature by sensors of fire alarms in real conditions of fire on objects
V Andronov, B Pospelov, E Rybka
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 4 (5), 38-44, 2016
Mathematical model of determining a risk to the human health along with the detection of hazardous states of urban atmosphere pollution based on measuring the current …
B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, O Krainiukov, N Maksymenko, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 4 (10), 37-44, 2020
Treatment of determination method for strength characteristics of reinforcing steel by using thread cutting method after temperature influence
A Kovalov, Y Otrosh, E Rybka, T Kovalevska, V Togobytska, I Rolin
Materials Science Forum 1006, 179-184, 2020
Design of fire detectors capable of self-adjusting by ignition
B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, S Skliarov
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 9 (88), 53-59, 2017
Construction of a method for detecting arbitrary hazard pollutants in the atmospheric air based on the structural function of the current pollutant concentrations
V Sadkovyi, B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, O Krainiukov, А Rud, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (10), 14-22, 2020
Development of the method of frequencytemporal representation of fluctuations of gaseous medium parameters at fire
B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, V Popov, O Semkiv
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2 (10), 44-49, 2018
Development of the method of operational forecasting of fire in the premises of objects under real conditions
B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, M Samoilov, O Krainiukov, I Biryukov, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 2 (10-110), 43-50, 2021
Experimental study of the fluctuations of gas medium parameters as early signs of fire
B Pospelov, V Andronov, E Rybka, V Popov, A Romin
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (10), 50-55, 2018
Use of uncertainty function for identification of hazardous states of atmospheric pollution vector
B Pospelov, E Rybka, R Meleshchenko, O Krainiukov, S Harbuz, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2 (10), 6-12, 2020
Research of the intramolecular interactions and structure in epoxyamine composites with dispersed oxides
Y Danchenko, V Andronov, E Barabash, T Obigenko, E Rybka, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (12), 4, 2017
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