Резонансное рассеяние волн. Том 1. Дифракционные решетки. ВП Шестопалов, АА Кириленко, СА Масалов, ЮК Сиренко Киев: Наукова Думка, 1986 | 208* | 1986 |
Resonance scattering of waves. Vol. 1. Diffraction Gratings VP Shestopalov, AA Kirilenko, SA Masalov, YK Sirenko Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1986 | 200* | 1986 |
Dynamic theory of gratings VP Shestopalov, YK Sirenko Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1989 | 184 | 1989 |
Modeling and analysis of transient processes in open resonant structures: New methods and techniques YK Sirenko, S Ström, NP Yashina New York: Springer, 2007 | 132 | 2007 |
Modern Theory of Gratings. Resonant Scattering: Analysis Techniques and Phenomena YK Sirenko, S Strom New York: Springer, 2010 | 118* | 2010 |
Novel methods of solving of direct and inverse problems of diffraction theory. Analytical regularization of boundary value problems in electromagnetics VP Shestopalov, YA Tuchkin, AY Poyedinchuk, YK Sirenko Kharkov: Osnova, 1997 | 94* | 1997 |
Динамическая теория решеток ВП Шестопалов, ЮК Сиренко Киев: Наукова Думка, 1989 | 86 | 1989 |
An FFT-accelerated FDTD scheme with exact absorbing conditions for characterizing axially symmetric resonant structures K Sirenko, V Pazynin, YK Sirenko, H Bagci Progress In Electromagnetics Research 111, 331-364, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Electromagnetic Waves in Complex Systems Y Sirenko, L Velychko New York: Springer, 2016 | 58* | 2016 |
Exact "Absorbing" Conditions in Initial-Boundary Value Problems in the Theory of Open Waveguide Resonators KY Sirenko, YK Sirenko Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 45 (3), 490-506, 2005 | 56 | 2005 |
Simulation and analysis of transient processes in open axially-symmetrical structures: Method of exact absorbing boundary conditions O Shafalyuk, P Smith, Y Sirenko Zhurbenko V. (ed). Electromagnetic Waves, 99-116, 2011 | 51* | 2011 |
Time-domain analysis of open resonators. Analytical grounds L Velychko, YK Sirenko, O Velychko Progress In Electromagnetics Research 61, 1-26, 2006 | 48 | 2006 |
Time-domain and frequency-domain methods combined in the study of open resonance structures of complex geometry YK Sirenko, LG Velychko, F Erden Progress In Electromagnetics Research 44, 57-79, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
Electromagnetic Wave Transformation and Radiation by the Open Resonant Structures. Modelling and Analysis of Transient and Steady-State Processes VF Kravchenko, YK Sirenko, KY Sirenko Moscow: Physmatlit, 2011 | 39* | 2011 |
Simulation and analysis of transient processes in open periodic, waveguide, and compact resonators YK Sirenko Kharkov: EDENA, 2003 | 39* | 2003 |
Transport operators and exact absorbing conditions in the plane problems of the electrodynamics of pulsed waves for compact open resonators with the waveguide feeder line VF Kravchenko, KY Sirenko, YK Sirenko Elektromagnitnye Volny I Elektronnye Sistemy 14 (1), 4-19, 2009 | 37* | 2009 |
Exact “absorbing” conditions in outer initial boundary-value problems of the electrodynamics of nonsinusoidal waves. Part 5: Plausible extensions and unresolved problems YK Sirenko Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 59 (5-6), 1-27, 2003 | 37 | 2003 |
Compact obstacles in free space: virtual boundaries for scalar and vector “open” initial boundary-value problems in electromagnetic wave scattering theory YK Sirenko, VL Pazynin, AI Vyazmitinova, KY Sirenko Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems 8 (11&12), 33-54, 2003 | 37* | 2003 |
Explicit conditions for virtual boundaries in initial boundary value problems in the theory of wave scattering A Perov, Y Sirenko, N Yashina Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications 13 (10), 1343-1371, 1999 | 37 | 1999 |
Новые методы решения прямых и обратных задач теории дифракции. Аналитическая регуляризация краевых задач электродинамики ВП Шестопалов, ЮА Тучкин, АЕ Поединчук, ЮК Сиренко Харьков: Основа, 1997 | 37 | 1997 |