Sergii Sidorenko / С.І. Сидоренко / С.И. Сидоренко
Sergii Sidorenko / С.І. Сидоренко / С.И. Сидоренко
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Cited by
Influence of microstructural features and deformation-induced martensite on hardening of stainless steel by cryogenic ultrasonic impact treatment
MA Vasylyev, BN Mordyuk, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, AP Burmak
Surface and Coatings Technology 343, 57-68, 2018
Structural and magnetic properties of annealed FePt/Ag/FePt thin films
OP Pavlova, TI Verbitska, IA Vladymyrskyi, SI Sidorenko, GL Katona, ...
Applied surface science 266, 100-104, 2013
Characterization of ZrN coating low-temperature deposited on the preliminary Ar+ ions treated 2024 Al-alloy
MA Vasylyev, BN Mordyuk, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, AP Burmak, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 361, 413-424, 2019
Influence of the annealing atmosphere on the structural properties of FePt thin films
IA Vladymyrskyi, MV Karpets, F Ganss, GL Katona, DL Beke, SI Sidorenko, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (16), 2013
Low-temperature formation of the FePt phase in the presence of an intermediate Au layer in Pt/Au/Fe thin films
IA Vladymyrskyi, AE Gafarov, AP Burmak, SI Sidorenko, GL Katona, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (3), 035003, 2015
Grain boundary diffusion induced reaction layer formation in Fe/Pt thin films
GL Katona, IA Vladymyrskyi, IM Makogon, SI Sidorenko, F Kristály, ...
Applied Physics A 115, 203-211, 2014
Шляхами педагогіки комп’ютерних технологій: перший досвід технічного університету
МЗ Згуровський, СІ Сидоренко, ГД Холмська
К.: Наукова думка, 2003
Corrosion of 2024 alloy after ultrasonic impact cladding with iron
MA Vasylyev, BN Mordyuk, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, AP Burmak
Surface Engineering 34 (4), 324-329, 2018
Influence of intermediate Ag layer on the structure and magnetic properties of Pt/Ag/Fe thin films
IA Vladymyrskyi, OP Pavlova, TI Verbitska, SI Sidorenko, GL Katona, ...
Vacuum 101, 33-37, 2014
Influence of the substrate choice on the L1 phase formation of post-annealed Pt/Fe and Pt/Ag/Fe thin films
IA Vladymyrskyi, MV Karpets, GL Katona, DL Beke, SI Sidorenko, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (4), 2014
Interdiffusion in Au (120 nm)/Ni (70 nm) thin films at the low-temperature annealing in the different atmospheres
A Tynkova, S Sidorenko, S Voloshko, AR Rennie, MA Vasylyev
Vacuum 87, 69-74, 2013
Effect of low-energy inert-gas ion bombardment of the metal surface on the oxygen adsorption and oxidation
MO Vasylyev, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, T Ishikawa
Успехи физики металлов, 209-228, 2016
Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 39
MO Vasylyev, BM Mordyuk, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, AP Burmak, ...
Formation of CuxAu1− x phases by cold homogenization of Au/Cu nanocrystalline thin films
A Tynkova, GL Katona, GA Langer, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, DL Beke
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 5 (1), 1491-1500, 2014
Synthesis of deformation-induced nanocomposites on aluminium D16 alloy surface by ultrasonic impact treatment
MO Vasyliev, BM Mordyuk, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, AP Burmak, ...
Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol 38 (4), 545, 2016
Diffusion and solid state reactions in Fe/Ag/Pt and FePt/Ag thin-film systems
GL Katona, NY Safonova, F Ganss, D Mitin, IA Vladymyrskyi, SI Sidorenko, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (17), 175001, 2015
Investigation of a pulsed magnetron sputtering discharge with a vacuum pentode modulator power supply
A Kuzmichev, S Sidorenko, H Steffen, R Hippler, V Kulikovsky
Vacuum 72 (1), 59-69, 2003
Формування європейської зони вищої освіти (Чи наздоженемо “Болонський потяг”?)/Сидоренко С
С Сидоренко
Вища освіта України, 27-35, 2004
Enhanced diffusion caused by surface reactions in thin films of Sn–Cu–Mn
AI Oleshkevych, SM Voloshko, SI Sidorenko, GA Langer, DL Beke, ...
Thin solid films 550, 723-731, 2014
Formation of Nanocrystalline Structure of TaSi2 Films on Silicon
SI Sidorenko
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 42, 14-18, 2003
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Articles 1–20