Formation and evolution of the micropinch region in a vacuum spark VV Vikhrev, VV Ivanov, KN Koshelev Fizika Plazmy 8, 1211-1219, 1982 | 143 | 1982 |
Aggregation of rhodamine B in water NO Mchedlov-Petrosyan, YV Kholin Russian journal of applied chemistry 77, 414-422, 2004 | 130 | 2004 |
Automated generation of coupled-cluster diagrams: Implementation in the multireference state-specific coupled-cluster approach with the complete-active-space reference DI Lyakh, VV Ivanov, L Adamowicz The Journal of chemical physics 122 (2), 2005 | 107 | 2005 |
CASCCD: Coupled-cluster method with double excitations and the CAS reference VV Ivanov, L Adamowicz The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (21), 9258-9268, 2000 | 92 | 2000 |
New approach to the state-specific multireference coupled-cluster formalism L Adamowicz, JP Malrieu, VV Ivanov The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (23), 10075-10084, 2000 | 86 | 2000 |
Meso-Cenozoic geodynamic settings and gold mineralization of the Russian Far East AI Khanchuk, VV Ivanov Russian geology and Geophysics 40 (11), 1607-1617, 1999 | 80 | 1999 |
Tsifrovaya ekonomika: mify, real'nost', perspektiva [Digital economy: myths, reality, perspective] VV Ivanov, GG Malinetskii Moscow, RAN Publ, 2017 | 73 | 2017 |
Development of dimethyl sulfoxide solubility models using 163 000 molecules: using a domain applicability metric to select more reliable predictions IV Tetko, S Novotarskyi, I Sushko, V Ivanov, AE Petrenko, R Dieden, ... Journal of chemical information and modeling 53 (8), 1990-2000, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Albian–Cenomanian orogenic belt and igneous province of Pacific Asia AI Khanchuk, AV Grebennikov, VV Ivanov Russian Journal of Pacific Geology 13, 187-219, 2019 | 70 | 2019 |
Gauge-invariant calculations of magnetic properties in semiempirical approaches. Application to full-CI π-electron scheme AV Luzanov, EN Babich, VV Ivanov Journal of Molecular Structure 311, 211-220, 1994 | 70 | 1994 |
Synthesis and applications of functionalized silsesquioxane polymers attached to organic and inorganic matrices Y Gushikem, EV Benvenutti, YV Kholin Pure and Applied Chemistry 80 (7), 1593-1611, 2008 | 66 | 2008 |
Multireference state-specific coupled-cluster methods. State-of-the-art and perspectives VV Ivanov, DI Lyakh, L Adamowicz Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (14), 2355-2370, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Development of sausage-type instability in a Z-pinch plasma column VV Vikhrev, VV Ivanov, GA Rozanova Nuclear fusion 33 (2), 311, 1993 | 61 | 1993 |
On asymptotics and estimates for the uniform norms of the Lagrange interpolation polynomials corresponding to the Chebyshev nodal points VK Dzjadyk, VV Ivanov Analysis Mathematica 9 (2), 85-97, 1983 | 61 | 1983 |
A generalization of the state-specific complete-active-space coupled-cluster method for calculating electronic excited states DI Lyakh, VV Ivanov, L Adamowicz The Journal of chemical physics 128 (7), 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Rossiya: XXI vek. Strategiya proryva: Tekhnologii. Obrazovanie VV Ivanov, GG Malinetskiy nauka, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
Synthesis, characterization and metal adsorption properties of the new ion exchanger polymer 3-n-propyl (4-methylpyridinium) silsesquioxane chloride HA Magosso, AV Panteleimonov, YV Kholin, Y Gushikem Journal of colloid and interface science 303 (1), 18-24, 2006 | 45 | 2006 |
A combinatorial screen of the CLOUD uncovers a synergy targeting the androgen receptor MP Licciardello, A Ringler, P Markt, F Klepsch, CH Lardeau, S Sdelci, ... Nature chemical biology 13 (7), 771-778, 2017 | 44 | 2017 |
Isochronicity and commutation of polynomial vector fields EP Volokitin, VV Ivanov arXiv preprint math/9909091, 1999 | 42 | 1999 |
n-Propylpyridinium chloride-modified poly (dimethylsiloxane) elastomeric networks: preparation, characterization, and study of metal chloride adsorption from ethanol solutions FL Pissetti, HA Magosso, IVP Yoshida, Y Gushikem, SO Myernyi, ... Journal of colloid and interface science 314 (1), 38-45, 2007 | 41 | 2007 |