Materials Chemistry Department
Materials Chemistry Department
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Formation and evolution of the micropinch region in a vacuum spark
VV Vikhrev, VV Ivanov, KN Koshelev
Fizika Plazmy 8, 1211-1219, 1982
Aggregation of rhodamine B in water
NO Mchedlov-Petrosyan, YV Kholin
Russian journal of applied chemistry 77, 414-422, 2004
Automated generation of coupled-cluster diagrams: Implementation in the multireference state-specific coupled-cluster approach with the complete-active-space reference
DI Lyakh, VV Ivanov, L Adamowicz
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (2), 2005
CASCCD: Coupled-cluster method with double excitations and the CAS reference
VV Ivanov, L Adamowicz
The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (21), 9258-9268, 2000
New approach to the state-specific multireference coupled-cluster formalism
L Adamowicz, JP Malrieu, VV Ivanov
The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (23), 10075-10084, 2000
Meso-Cenozoic geodynamic settings and gold mineralization of the Russian Far East
AI Khanchuk, VV Ivanov
Russian geology and Geophysics 40 (11), 1607-1617, 1999
Tsifrovaya ekonomika: mify, real'nost', perspektiva [Digital economy: myths, reality, perspective]
VV Ivanov, GG Malinetskii
Moscow, RAN Publ, 2017
Development of dimethyl sulfoxide solubility models using 163 000 molecules: using a domain applicability metric to select more reliable predictions
IV Tetko, S Novotarskyi, I Sushko, V Ivanov, AE Petrenko, R Dieden, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 53 (8), 1990-2000, 2013
Albian–Cenomanian orogenic belt and igneous province of Pacific Asia
AI Khanchuk, AV Grebennikov, VV Ivanov
Russian Journal of Pacific Geology 13, 187-219, 2019
Gauge-invariant calculations of magnetic properties in semiempirical approaches. Application to full-CI π-electron scheme
AV Luzanov, EN Babich, VV Ivanov
Journal of Molecular Structure 311, 211-220, 1994
Synthesis and applications of functionalized silsesquioxane polymers attached to organic and inorganic matrices
Y Gushikem, EV Benvenutti, YV Kholin
Pure and Applied Chemistry 80 (7), 1593-1611, 2008
Multireference state-specific coupled-cluster methods. State-of-the-art and perspectives
VV Ivanov, DI Lyakh, L Adamowicz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (14), 2355-2370, 2009
Development of sausage-type instability in a Z-pinch plasma column
VV Vikhrev, VV Ivanov, GA Rozanova
Nuclear fusion 33 (2), 311, 1993
On asymptotics and estimates for the uniform norms of the Lagrange interpolation polynomials corresponding to the Chebyshev nodal points
VK Dzjadyk, VV Ivanov
Analysis Mathematica 9 (2), 85-97, 1983
A generalization of the state-specific complete-active-space coupled-cluster method for calculating electronic excited states
DI Lyakh, VV Ivanov, L Adamowicz
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (7), 2008
Rossiya: XXI vek. Strategiya proryva: Tekhnologii. Obrazovanie
VV Ivanov, GG Malinetskiy
nauka, 2017
Synthesis, characterization and metal adsorption properties of the new ion exchanger polymer 3-n-propyl (4-methylpyridinium) silsesquioxane chloride
HA Magosso, AV Panteleimonov, YV Kholin, Y Gushikem
Journal of colloid and interface science 303 (1), 18-24, 2006
A combinatorial screen of the CLOUD uncovers a synergy targeting the androgen receptor
MP Licciardello, A Ringler, P Markt, F Klepsch, CH Lardeau, S Sdelci, ...
Nature chemical biology 13 (7), 771-778, 2017
Isochronicity and commutation of polynomial vector fields
EP Volokitin, VV Ivanov
arXiv preprint math/9909091, 1999
n-Propylpyridinium chloride-modified poly (dimethylsiloxane) elastomeric networks: preparation, characterization, and study of metal chloride adsorption from ethanol solutions
FL Pissetti, HA Magosso, IVP Yoshida, Y Gushikem, SO Myernyi, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 314 (1), 38-45, 2007
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