Shulga Y.M.
Shulga Y.M.
Підтверджена електронна адреса в icp.ac.ru
New Molecular Complexes of Fullerenes C60 and C70 with Tetraphenylporphyrins [M(tpp)], in which M=H2, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, and FeCl
DV Konarev, IS Neretin, YL Slovokhotov, EI Yudanova, NV Drichko, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 7 (12), 2605-2616, 2001
Photoreduction of graphite oxide
VA Smirnov, AA Arbuzov, YM Shul’ga, SA Baskakov, VM Martynenko, ...
High Energy Chemistry 45, 57-61, 2011
Фуллерены-основа материалов будущего
ВИ Трефилов, ДВ Щур, СЮ Загинайченко
Laboratory 67, 2001
Donor–acceptor complexes of fullerene C60 with organic and organometallic donors
DV Konarev, RN Lyubovskaya, VD Natal'ya, EI Yudanova, YM Shulga, ...
J. Mater. Chem. 10 (4), 803-818, 2000
Graphene oxide films as separators of polyaniline-based supercapacitors
YM Shulga, SA Baskakov, VA Smirnov, NY Shulga, KG Belay, GL Gutsev
Journal of Power Sources 245, 33-36, 2014
Catalytic hydrochlorination of acetylene by gaseous HCl on the surface of mechanically pre-activated K2PtCl6 salt
SA Mitchenko, EV Khomutov, AA Shubin, YM Shul’ga
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 212 (1-2), 345-352, 2004
Nature of satellites in X-ray photoelectron spectra XPS of paramagnetic cobalt (II) compounds
YG Borod'ko, SI Vetchinkin, SL Zimont, IN Ivleva, YM Shul'ga
Chemical Physics Letters 42 (2), 264-267, 1976
Gaseous products of thermo-and photo-reduction of graphite oxide
YM Shulga, VM Martynenko, VE Muradyan, SA Baskakov, VA Smirnov, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 498 (4-6), 287-291, 2010
XPS study of fluorinated carbon multi-walled nanotubes
YM Shulga, TC Tien, CC Huang, SC Lo, VE Muradyan, NV Polyakova, ...
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 160 (1-3), 22-28, 2007
Carbon nanomaterial produced by microwave exfoliation of graphite oxide: new insights
YM Shulga, SA Baskakov, EI Knerelman, GI Davidova, ER Badamshina, ...
RSC advances 4 (2), 587-592, 2014
Deuterofullerene C60D24 studied by XRD, IR and XPS
BP Tarasov, YM Shul’ga, VN Fokin, VN Vasilets, NY Shul’ga, DV Schur, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 314 (1-2), 296-300, 2001
Magnetic ordering in hydrofullerite C< sub> 60</sub> H< sub> 24</sub>
VE Antonov, IO Bashkin, SS Khasanov, AP Moravsky, YG Morozov, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 330, 365-368, 2002
Supercapacitors with graphene oxide separators and reduced graphite oxide electrodes
YM Shulga, SA Baskakov, YV Baskakova, YM Volfkovich, NY Shulga, ...
Journal of Power Sources 279, 722-730, 2015
Synthesis of carbon nanostructures by arc evaporation of graphite rods with Co–Ni and YNi2 catalysts
BP Tarasov, VE Muradyan, YM Shul’ga, EP Krinichnaya, NS Kuyunko, ...
Carbon 41 (7), 1357-1364, 2003
The prospects for using of carbon nanomaterials as hydrogen storage systems
DV Schur, BP Tarasov, SY Zaginaichenko, VK Pishuk, TN Veziroglu, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 27 (10), 1063-1069, 2002
Promotion of fullerene hydride synthesis by intermetallic compounds
BP Tarasov, VN Fokin, AP Moravsky, YM Shul'ga, VA Yartys, DV Schur
Hydrogen energy progress 2, 1221-1230, 1998
X-ray photo-electron spectra of the mononitrides of Sc, Ti, V and Cr
YUM Shulga, VN Troitskii, MI Aivazov, YUG Borodko
Zh. Neorg. Khim. 21 (10), 2621-2624, 1976
Composite material for supercapacitors formed by polymerization of aniline in the presence of graphene oxide nanosheets
YM Shulga, SA Baskakov, VV Abalyaeva, ON Efimov, NY Shulga, ...
Journal of power sources 224, 195-201, 2013
Hydrogen in fullerites
DV Schur, BP Tarasov, YM Shul’ga, SY Zaginaichenko, ZA Matysina, ...
Carbon 41 (7), 1331-1342, 2003
Synthesis, Structure and Solid-Phase Transformations of Fe Nitrosyl Complex Na2[Fe2(S2O3)2(NO)4] · 4H2O
NA Sanina, SM Aldoshin, TN Rudneva, NI Golovina, GV Shilov, ...
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry 31, 301-306, 2005
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