G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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Cited by
Giant magnetic-field-induced strain in NiMnGa seven-layered martensitic phase
A Sozinov, AA Likhachev, N Lanska, K Ullakko
Applied Physics Letters 80 (10), 1746-1748, 2002
Theory of X-ray and thermal-neutron scattering by real crystals
MA Krivoglaz
1969, 1969
High nitrogen steels: structure, properties, manufacture, applications
VG Gavriljuk, H Berns
Springer Science & Business Media, 1999
X-ray and neutron diffraction in nonideal crystals
MA Krivoglaz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
The development of new ferromagnetic shape memory alloys in Ni−Mn−Ga system
VA Chernenko, E Cesari, VV Kokorin, IN Vitenko
Scripta metallurgica et materialia 33 (8), 1239-1244, 1995
The theory of order-disorder in alloys
MA Krivoglaz, AA Smirnov
(No Title), 1964
Surface oxidation of NiTi shape memory alloy
GS Firstov, RG Vitchev, H Kumar, B Blanpain, J Van Humbeeck
Biomaterials 23 (24), 4863-4871, 2002
A comparative study of the mechanical properties of high-strength β-titanium alloys
OM Ivasishin, PE Markovsky, YV Matviychuk, SL Semiatin, CH Ward, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 457 (1-2), 296-309, 2008
XPS characterization of Au/TiO2 catalysts: Binding energy assessment and irradiation effects
N Kruse, S Chenakin
Applied Catalysis A: General 391 (1-2), 367-376, 2011
Superconductivity without nesting in LiFeAs
SV Borisenko, VB Zabolotnyy, DV Evtushinsky, TK Kim, IV Morozov, ...
Physical review letters 105 (6), 067002, 2010
Magnetic-field-controlled twin boundaries motion and giant magneto-mechanical effects in Ni–Mn–Ga shape memory alloy
AA Likhachev, K Ullakko
Physics Letters A 275 (1-2), 142-151, 2000
Decomposition of cementite in pearlitic steel due to plastic deformation
VG Gavriljuk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 345 (1-2), 81-89, 2003
Strength of the spin-fluctuation-mediated pairing interaction in a high-temperature superconductor
T Dahm, V Hinkov, SV Borisenko, AA Kordyuk, VB Zabolotnyy, J Fink, ...
Nature Physics 5 (3), 217-221, 2009
Structures and properties of hard and superhard nanocomposite coatings
AD Pogrebnyak, AP Shpak, NA Azarenkov, VM Beresnev
Physics-Uspekhi 52 (1), 29, 2009
High-temperature shape memory alloys: some recent developments
GS Firstov, J Van Humbeeck, YN Koval
Materials Science and Engineering: A 378 (1-2), 2-10, 2004
Теория рассеяния рентгеновских лучей и тепловых нейтронов реальными кристаллами
МА Кривоглаз
Наука, 1967
Ultrasonic impact peening for the surface properties’ management
BN Mordyuk, GI Prokopenko
Journal of Sound and Vibration 308 (3-5), 855-866, 2007
XPS studies of active elements surface of gas sensors based on WO(3−x) nanoparticles
AP Shpak, AM Korduban, MM Medvedskij, VO Kandyba
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 156, 172-175, 2007
Phase transition in diamond‐structure crystals during hardness measurements
IV Gridneva, YV Milman, VI Trefilov
Physica status solidi (a) 14 (1), 177-182, 1972
Aging response of coarse-and fine-grained β titanium alloys
OM Ivasishin, PE Markovsky, SL Semiatin, CH Ward
Materials Science and Engineering: A 405 (1-2), 296-305, 2005
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Articles 1–20