Oleksandr Gordieiev
Oleksandr Gordieiev
Lutsk National Technical University
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Evolution of software quality models in context of the standard ISO 25010
O Gordieiev, V Kharchenko, N Fominykh, V Sklyar
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Dependability and …, 2014
Usable Security Versus Secure Usability: an Assessment of Attributes Interaction.
O Gordieiev, VS Kharchenko, K Vereshchak
ICTERI 1844, 727-740, 2017
Evolution of Software Quality Models: Green and Reliability Issues.
O Gordieiev, VS Kharchenko, M Fusani
ICTERI, 432-445, 2015
Usability, security and safety interaction: profile and metrics based analysis
O Gordieiev, V Kharchenko, K Leontiiev
Contemporary Complex Systems and Their Dependability: Proceedings of the …, 2019
Profiling of software requirements for the pharmaceutical enterprise manufacturing execution system
V Kharchenko, O Gordieiev, A Fedoseeva
Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Technology, 67-92, 2015
Case-based software reliability assessmentby fault injection unified procedures
AA Gordieiev Oleksandr, Kharchenko Vyacheslav
SEESE '08 Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Software …, 2008
Concept of using eye tracking technology to assess and ensure cybersecurity, functional safety and usability
O Gordieiev, V Kharchenko, O Illiashenko, O Morozova, M Gasanov
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 11 (4), 361-367, 2021
Верификация программного обеспечения
ВС Харченко, ВВ Скляр, АА Гордеев
Харьков: НАУ" ХАИ, 2006
Software quality standards and models evolution: Greenness and reliability issues
O Gordieiev, V Kharchenko, M Fusani
Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and …, 2016
Эволюция моделей качества программного обеспечения: методика и результаты анализа в контексте стандарта ISO 25010
АА Гордеев, ВС Харченко
Системи обробки інформації, 13-31, 2013
IT-oriented software quality models and evolution of the prevailing characteristics
O Gordieiev, V Kharchenko
2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and …, 2018
Цифровізація України: розвиток криптовалют
ОО Гордєєв, ТС Смовженко, ГГ Чмерук
Наукові праці НДФІ, 13-16, 2017
Evolution of software quality models: usability, security and greenness issues
O Gordieiev, V Kharchenko, M Fusani
Proceedings of the 19-th International Conference on Computers (part of CSCC …, 2015
Profile-oriented assessment of software requirements quality: models, metrics, case study
O Gordieiev, V Kharchenko
International Journal of Computing 19 (4), 656-665, 2020
Фасетно-ієрархічні структури у задачах оцінки якості програмного забезпечення
ВС Харченко, ОО Гордєєв
Міжнародний науково-технічний журнал “Інформаційні технології та комп’ютерна …, 2005
Использование метрик Холстеда при оценке безопасности критического программного обеспечения
ВС Харченко, ВВ Скляр, АА Гордеев, ВИ Токарев, АД Герасименко, ...
Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи, 145–150-145–150, 2003
A models and assessment of quality of human-computer interaction software interface usability
ОО Гордєєв
Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 84-96, 2020
Оценка качества удобства в использовании бизнес-критических Веб-сервисов
АА Гордеев, ДВ Гордеева, АА Гончаренко
Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи, 37–40-37–40, 2009
Method and tool for support of software requirements profile quality assessment
O Gordieiev, D Gordieieva, A Tryfonov, V Dokukin, E Odarushchenko
2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and …, 2020
The static analysis of a program code procedure based on metrics profiling
A Andrashov, A Gordeyev, V Kharchenko, V Sklyar
ХАІ, 2007
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Articles 1–20