Людмила Станіславівна Андрійко (L.S. Andriyko)
Людмила Станіславівна Андрійко (L.S. Andriyko)
кандидат хімічних наук, старший науковий співробітник, Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН
Підтверджена електронна адреса в isc.gov.ua - Домашня сторінка
TSDC spectroscopy of relaxation and interfacial phenomena
JRB V.M. Gun’ko, V.I. Zarko, E.V. Goncharuk, L.S. Andriyko, V.V. Turov, Y.M ...
Advances Colloid Interface Sci. 131, 1-89, 2007
Successive interaction of pairs of soluble organics with nanosilica in aqueous media
WJ V.M. Gun'ko, V.I. Zarko, E.F. Voronin, E.V. Goncharuk, L.S. Andriyko, N.V ...
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 300, 20-32, 2006
Influence of hydrophobization of fumed oxides on interactions with polar and nonpolar adsorbates
VM Gun’ko, EM Pakhlov, OV Goncharuk, LS Andriyko, AI Marynin, ...
Applied Surface Science 423, 855-868, 2017
Relaxation phenomena in poly(vinyl alcohol)/fumed silica affected by interfacial water
YGP V.M. Gun’ko, P. Pissis, A. Spanoudaki, V.I. Zarko, Y.M. Nychiporuk, L.S ...
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 312, 201-213, 2007
Nanosilica modified by polydimethylsiloxane depolymerized and chemically bound to nanoparticles or physically bound to unmodified or modified surfaces: Structure and …
VM Gun'Ko, EM Pakhlov, OV Goncharuk, LS Andriyko, YM Nychiporuk, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 529, 273-282, 2018
Effects of dissolved metal chlorides on the behavior of silica nanoparticles in aqueous media
WJ Vladimir Gun’ko, Lyudmyla Andriyko, Vladimir Zarko, Andrij Marynin ...
Central European Journal of Chemistry 12 (4), 480-491, 2014
Electrical and Physical Characteristics of Silica Nanoparticles in Aqueous Media Affected by Cations Na+, Ba2+ and Al3+
LS Andriyko, VI Zarko, VM Gun'ko, AI Marynin, VV Olishevskiy, E Skwarek, ...
Adsorption Science & Technology 33 (6-8), 601-607, 2015
Silica-supported Ni and Co nanooxides: colloidal properties and interactions with polar and nonpolar liquids
O Goncharuk, O Shipul, A Dyachenko, O Ischenko, L Andriyko, A Marynin, ...
Journal of molecular liquids 285, 397-402, 2019
Investigation and selection of initial materials as possible sources for obtaining sorbents
IA Tagaev, SU Tursunova, LS Andriyko
Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 9 (4), 432-441, 2018
Multi-layer graphene oxide alone and in a composite with nanosilica: preparation and interactions with polar and nonpolar adsorbates
VM Gun’ko, VV Turov, VI Zarko, OV Goncharuk, AK Matkovsky, ...
Applied Surface Science 387, 736-749, 2016
Adv. Colloid Interface Sci.
VM Gun'Ko, VI Zarko, EV Goncharuk, LS Andriyko, VV Turov, ...
press. Google Scholar There is no corresponding record for this reference, 2005
Resource-saving synthesis of nanoscaled silicon dioxide and its textural characteristics
M Kurbanov, L Andriyko, J Panjiev, S Tulaganov, V Gun’ko, A Marynin, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 25 (10), 202, 2023
Long-acting composite systems based on powdered medicinal plants and nanosilica
VV Turov, TV Krupska, AP Golovan, LS Andriyko, MT Kartel
Science and Innovation 13 (2), 53-59, 2017
Properties of amorphous silica synthesized from copper-smelting slags
MS Kurbanov, SA Tulaganov, M Ernazarov, LS Andriyko, AI Marinin, ...
Sumy State University, 2021
Bonding of doxorubicin to nanosilica and human serum albumin in various media
VM Gun'ko, TV Krupska, LS Andriyko, NY Klymenko, IV Siora, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 513, 809-819, 2018
Закономерности поведения наноматериалов в разных средах, обусловленные строением поверхности и морфологией частиц
Физико-химия наноматериалов и супрамолекулярных структур 1, 157-226, 2007
Comparative characteristics of the structure and physicochemical properties of silica synthesized by pyrogenic and fluoride methods
M Kurbanov, S Tulaganov, U Nuraliev, L Andriyko, O Goncharuk, ...
Silicon 15 (3), 1221-1233, 2023
Water binding in composite systems based on milled medicinal plants and nanosilica
VV Turov, TV Krupska, LS Andriyko, MT Kartel
Biotechnologia Acta 10 (2), 40-56, 2017
The influence of the aqueous media acidity on the electrokinetic potential, aggregation and adsorption properties of silica nanoparticles synthesized from metallurgical wastes
L Andriyko, M Kurbanov, I Siora, I Petrik, A Marynin, S Tulaganov
Journal of Molecular Liquids 392, 123513, 2023
characteriSticS of neW promiSing bentonite coal SorbentS modified by different compoundS
I Tagaev, M Muratova, L Andriyko, MYK Boykhonova
Science and innovation 17 (3), 87-95, 2021
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