Oleg Skrynyk
Oleg Skrynyk
Український гідрометеорологічний інститут / Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, UHMI
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uhmi.org.ua
Climate of the Carpathian Region in the period 1961–2010: climatologies and trends of 10 variables
J Spinoni, S Szalai, T Szentimrey, M Lakatos, Z Bihari, A Nagy, Á Németh, ...
International Journal of Climatology 35 (7), 1322-1341, 2015
Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory
S Brönnimann, R Allan, L Ashcroft, S Baer, M Barriendos, R Brázdil, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), ES389-ES413, 2019
The Chernobyl nuclear accident 137Cs cumulative depositions simulated by means of the CALMET/CALPUFF modelling system
D Giaiotti, D Oshurok, O Skrynyk
Atmospheric Pollution Research 9 (3), 502-512, 2018
Homogenization of Ukrainian air temperature data
V Osadchyi, O Skrynyk, R Radchenko, O Skrynyk
International Journal of Climatology 38 (1), 497-505, 2018
Динаміка температури повітря в Україні за період інструментальних метеорологічних спостережень
ВІ Осадчий, ВМ Бабіченко, ЮБ Набиванець, ОЯ Скриник
Ніка-Центр, ISBN: 978-966-521-348-2., 2013
Indices for daily temperature and precipitation in Madagascar, based on quality‐controlled and homogenized data, 1950–2018
LYA Randriamarolaza, E Aguilar, O Skrynyk, SM Vicente‐Serrano, ...
International Journal of Climatology 42 (1), 265-288, 2022
Дати переходу температури повітря в Україні за сучасних умов клімату
ВІ Осадчого, ВМ Бабіченко (За ред.)
Ніка-Центр, 2010
Магнитные поля трехмерных анизотропных тел: теория и практика вычислений
ВИ Старостенко, ВН Шуман, ИН Иващенко, ОВ Легостаева, ...
Физика Земли, 20-35, 2009
Quality control and homogenization of monthly extreme air temperature of Ukraine
O Skrynyk, E Aguilar, O Skrynyk, V Sidenko, D Boichuk, V Osadchyi
International Journal of Climatology 39 (4), 2071-2079, 2019
Evaluation of the Homogenization Adjustments Applied to European Temperature Records in the Global Historical Climatology Network Dataset
P O'Neill, R Connolly, M Connolly, W Soon, B Chimani, M Crok, R de Vos, ...
Atmosphere 13 (2), 285, 2022
Regional HYSPLIT simulation of atmospheric transport and deposition of the Chernobyl 137Cs releases
O Skrynyk, V Voloshchuk, I Budak, S Bubin
Atmospheric Pollution Research 10 (6), 1953-1963, 2019
Uncertainty evaluation of Climatol's adjustment algorithm applied to daily air temperature time series
O Skrynyk, E Aguilar, J Guijarro, LYA Randriamarolaza, S Bubin
International Journal of Climatology 41, E2395-E2419, 2021
Climate of the greater carpathian region–final technical report
S Szalai, I Auer, J Hiebl, J Milkovich, T Radim, P Stepanek, P Zahradnicek, ...
Final report on quality control and data homogenization measures applied per country, including QC protocols and measures to determine the achieved increase in data quality
T Szentimrey, M Lakatos, Z Bihari, T Kovacs, S Szalai, I Auer, J Hiebl, ...
Carpatclim Project Deliverable D1 12, 2012
Daily assymetry of air temperature changes in Ukraine
V Osadchyi, O Skrynyk, E Aguilar, D Boichuk, V Sidenko
Український географічний журнал 2018 (3), 21-30, 2018
Estimation of a modern stage of wind resources in the Ukrainian Carpathians and their changes regarding the base climatological period
VI Osadchyi, OA Skrynyk, OY Skrynyk
Dopov. Nac. acad. nauk Ukr, 95-99, 2015
Final report on the creation of national gridded datasets, per country. Carpatclim Project Deliverable D2. 9
T Szentimrey, M Lakatos, Z Bihari, T Kovacs, A Nemeth, S Szalai, I Auer, ...
Dataset of gridded time series of monthly air temperature (min, max, mean) and atmospheric precipitation for Ukraine covering the period of 1946–2020
V Osadchyi, O Skrynyk, L Palamarchuk, O Skrynyk, V Osypov, D Oshurok, ...
Data in brief 44, 108553, 2022
Климатологический метод определения даты устойчивого перехода средней суточной температуры воздуха через заданное пороговое значение
ОЯ Скрыник, ОА Скрыник
Метеорология и гидрология, 90-99, 2009
Data quality control and homogenization of daily precipitation and air temperature (mean, max and min) time series of Ukraine
O Skrynyk, V Sidenko, E Aguilar, J Guijarro, O Skrynyk, L Palamarchuk, ...
International Journal of Climatology 43 (9), 4166-4182, 2023
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