Mariya Shcherbina
Mariya Shcherbina
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS Ukraine and Karazin
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Cited by
Eigenvalue distribution of large random matrices
LA Pastur, M Shcherbina
American Mathematical Soc., 2011
Universality of the local eigenvalue statistics for a class of unitary invariant random matrix ensembles
L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 86, 109-147, 1997
On the statistical mechanics approach in the random matrix theory: integrated density of states
AB De Monvel, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of statistical physics 79, 585-611, 1995
Central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of the Wigner and sample covariance random matrices
M Shcherbina
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.3249, 2011
Absence of self-averaging of the order parameter in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
LA Pastur, MV Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 62 (1), 1-19, 1991
Fluctuations of Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of β Matrix Models in the Multi-cut Regime
M Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 151, 1004-1034, 2013
On the 1/n expansion for some unitary invariant ensembles of random matrices
S Albeverio, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Communications in Mathematical Physics 224, 271-305, 2001
Bulk universality and related properties of Hermitian matrix models
L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 130, 205-250, 2008
The large-n limit in statistical mechanics and the spectral theory of disordered systems
A Khorunzhy, B Khoruzhenko, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Phase transitions and critical phenomena 15, 73-239, 1992
Eigenvalue distribution of large weighted random graphs
O Khorunzhy, M Shcherbina, V Vengerovsky
Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (4), 1648-1672, 2004
Rigorous solution of the Gardner problem
M Shcherbina, B Tirozzi
Communications in mathematical physics 234, 383-422, 2003
Change of variables as a method to study general β-models: bulk universality
M Shcherbina
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (4), 2014
The replica-symmetric solution without replica trick for the Hopfield model
L Pastur, M Shcherbina, B Tirozzi
Journal of statistical physics 74, 1161-1183, 1994
The free energy of a class of Hopfield models
M Shcherbina, B Tirozzi
Journal of statistical physics 72, 113-125, 1993
Fluctuations of eigenvalues of matrix models and their applications
T Kriecherbauer, M Shcherbina
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.6121, 2010
Orthogonal and symplectic matrix models: universality and other properties
M Shcherbina
Communications in mathematical physics 307 (3), 761-790, 2011
On the edge universality of the local eigenvalue statistics of matrix models
L Pastur, M Shcherbina
arXiv preprint math-ph/0312001, 2003
Characteristic polynomials for 1D random band matrices from the localization side
M Shcherbina, T Shcherbina
Communications in Mathematical Physics 351, 1009-1044, 2017
Large block properties of the entanglement entropy of free disordered fermions
A Elgart, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 166, 1092-1127, 2017
On the replica symmetric solution for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
M Shcherbina
Helvetica Physica Acta 70 (6), 838-853, 1997
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Articles 1–20