Illya Yemets
Illya Yemets
ДУ "НПМЦДКК МОЗ України", кафедра дитячої кардіології та крдіохірургії НМАПО ім. П. Л. Шупика
Немає підтвердженої електронної адреси
Pulmonary valve replacement late after repair of tetralogy of Fallot
IM Yemets, WG Williams, GD Webb, DA Harrison, PR McLaughlin, ...
The Annals of thoracic surgery 64 (2), 526-530, 1997
Development and testing of gold nanoparticles for drug delivery and treatment of heart failure: a theranostic potential for PPP cardiology
MY Spivak, RV Bubnov, IM Yemets, LM Lazarenko, NO Tymoshok, ...
Epma Journal 4, 1-23, 2013
Experience with repair of congenital heart defects using adjunctive endovascular devices
JG Coles, I Yemets, HK Najm, JM Lukanich, J Perron, GJ Wilson, ...
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 110 (5), 1513-1520, 1995
Primary pulmonary vein stenosis: outcomes, risk factors, and severity score in a multicentric study
D Kalfa, E Belli, E Bacha, V Lambert, D di Carlo, M Kostolny, J Salminen, ...
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 104 (1), 182-189, 2017
Outcomes and prognostic factors for postsurgical pulmonary vein stenosis in the current era
D Kalfa, E Belli, E Bacha, V Lambert, D di Carlo, M Kostolny, M Nosal, ...
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 156 (1), 278-286, 2018
Arterial switch operation in the first hours of life using autologous umbilical cord blood
K Chasovskyi, O Fedevych, G Vorobiova, V Zhovnir, A Maksimenko, ...
The Annals of thoracic surgery 93 (5), 1571-1576, 2012
Gold nanoparticles-the theranostic challenge for PPPM: nanocardiology application
MY Spivak, RV Bubnov, IM Yemets, LM Lazarenko, NO Tymoshok, ...
EPMA Journal 4, 1-17, 2013
Mitral valvar anomalies and discrete subaortic stenosis
L Cohen, R Bennani, S Hulin, MC Malergue, I Yemets, A Kalangos, ...
Cardiology in the young 12 (2), 138-146, 2002
Open cardiac surgery in the first hours of life using autologous umbilical cord blood
O Fedevych, K Chasovskyi, G Vorobiova, V Zhovnir, M Makarenko, ...
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 40 (4), 985-989, 2011
Doxorubicin dose for congestive heart failure modeling and the use of general ultrasound equipment for evaluation in rats. Longitudinal in vivo study.
M Spivak, R Bubnov, I Yemets, L Lazarenko, N Timoshok, A Vorobieva, ...
Medical ultrasonography 15 (1), 23-28, 2013
Surgical treatment of pulmonary atresia with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries in 83 consecutive patients
OD Babliak, YB Mykychak, OO Motrechko, IM Yemets
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 52 (1), 96-104, 2017
Tissue perfusion in neonates undergoing open-heart surgery using autologous umbilical cord blood or donor blood components
K Chasovskyi, O Fedevych, DM McMullan, Y Mykychak, G Vorobiova, ...
Perfusion 30 (6), 499-506, 2015
Single-centre 20-year experience with repair of truncus arteriosus
Y Ivanov, Y Mykychak, O Fedevych, O Motrechko, A Kurkevych, I Yemets
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 29 (1), 93-100, 2019
Роль современных методов визуализации в диагностике сложных врожденных пороков сердца у детей
ГЭ Сухарева, ИН Емец, НН Каладзе, НН Руденко, ТА Ялынская, ...
Здоровье ребенка, 43-50, 2010
Транспозиція магістральних судин (клініка, діагностика, лікування)
ІМ Ємець, НМ Руденко, ГМ Воробйова
Т.: ТДМУ «Укрмедкнига, 2012
Comparison of bovine pericardium decellularization protocols for production of biomaterial for cardiac surgery
AA Sokol, DA Grekov, GI Yemets, AY Galkin, NV Shchotkina, ...
Biopolymers & Cell 36 (5), 392, 2020
Anomalous origin of circumflex coronary artery from right pulmonary artery associated with coarctation of the aorta: a case report of surgical treatment
R Sekelyk, Y Mykychak, O Fedevych, I Yemets
World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery 5 (1), 97-99, 2014
Невідкладна допомога при критичних вроджених вадах серця
ІМ Ємець
Современная педиатрия 18 (1), 125-127, 2008
Transesophageal echocardiographic predictor of significant right ventricular outflow tract obstruction after tetralogy of Fallot repair
O Borodinova, Y Mykychak, I Yemets
Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 32 (2), 282-289, 2020
Surgical management of aorto-ventricular tunnel. A multicenter study
EM Protopapas, RH Anderson, CL Backer, J Fragata, N Hakim, VL Vida, ...
Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 32 (2), 271-279, 2020
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