The integrated geological model of Solotvyno structure as a tool to assess geoecological sustainability of Solotvyno rock-salt deposit SB Shekhunova, MV Aleksieienkova, SM Stadnichenko, NP Siumar Collection of Scientific Works of the Institute of geological Sciences NAS …, 2015 | 24* | 2015 |
Natural and man-induced landslides formation factors within the Tysa-Apshytsia interfluve (Transcarpathia, Ukraine) SB Shekhunova, MV Aleksieienkova, TV Kril, SM Stadnichenko, ... Second EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide Hazards and impact on …, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
GIS tools application for landslides formation factors analysis (Transcarpathian region) SB Shekhunova, SP Siumar, OP Lobasov, EO Yakovlev, S Meijer, ... First EAGE Workshop on assessment of landslide and debris flows hazards in …, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
ÇÀÊÎÍÎ̲ÐÍÎÑÒ² ÐÎÇÂÈÒÊÓ ÏÐÈÐÎÄÍÈÕ ÒÀ ÏÐÈÐÎÄÍÎ-ÒÅÕÍÎÃÅÍÍÈÕ ÍÅÁÅÇÏÅ×ÍÈÕ ÏÐÎÖÅѲ ÍÀ ÒÅÐÈÒÎв¯ ̲ÑÒÅ×ÊÀ ÑÎËÎÒÂÈÍÎ (ÇÀÊÀÐÏÀÒÒß, ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÀ) SB Shekhunova, MV Aleksieienkova, SM Stadnichenko Çá³ðíèê íàóêîâèõ ïðàöü ²íñòèòóòó ãåîëîã³÷íèõ íàóê ÍÀÍ Óêðà¿íè 12, 70-83, 2019 | 12* | 2019 |
Monitoring of hazardous geological processes as a tool for risks minimization on post-mining areas in solotvyno (transcarpathian region, Ukraine) SB Shekhunova, MV Aleksieienkova, SD Meijer, SM Stadnichenko, ... Monitoring 2019 2019 (1), 1-5, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Àíàë³ç ïðîñòîðîâèõ çàêîíîì³ðíîñòåé ïîøèðåííÿ çñóâ³â ó ìåæàõ Çàêàðïàòñüêî¿ îáëàñò³ çàñîáàìè Ã²Ñ SB Shekhunova, NP Siumar, OP Lobasov, SM Stadnichenko | 6* | 2022 |
The satellite radar monitoring of post-mining area (Solotvyno, Ukraine) SB Shekhunova, MY Pakshin, SM Stadnichenko, II Liaska, ... 15th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and …, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Nanostructures of Alb-Cenomanian phosphorites of Transnistria SB Shekhunova, SM Stadnichenko, VM Paliy, VV Permyakov Proceedings of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy …, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
The Issue of Assessing Environmental Risks and Economic Losses of Ukraine’s Subsoil as a Result of Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine SB Shekhunova, SM Stadnichenko, NP Siumar 16th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and …, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
The satellite radar monitoring for anthropogenic and natural geological hazards mapping within the Solotvyno mining area (Transcarpathia, Ukraine) M Pakshin, S Shekhunova, S Stadnichenko, I Liaska EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8417, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Phosphorites as agrochemical raw materials: Mineralogical and radiogeochemical features of phosphorites of domestic deposits SB Shekhunova, SM Stadnichenko, VV Gudzenko, VY Chernenko, ... Collection of scientific works of IGN NAN Ukraine. Kyiv, 13, 14-28. DOI …, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Nanotextures of Vendian and Alb-Cenomanian Phosphates of the Neardnistria SB Shekhunova, SM Stadnichenko, VM Paliy, VV Permyakov Collect. Sci. Work. IGS Nas Ukr 9, 190-201, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Phosphorite and glauconite-bearing sediments as an agricultural raw materials (central and western Ukrainian provinces objects as an example) S Shekhunova, S Stadnichenko, N Siumar, A Baran, V Permyakov, ... Technical Report. DOI: https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo, 0 | 4 | |
Monitoring of hazardous geological processes as a tool to minimize risks at post-geological sites in Solotvino (Transcarpathian region, Ukraine). Monitoring 2019 SB Shekhunova, MV Aleksieienkova, SM Stadnichenko European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers 2019 (1), 1-5, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Radiogeochemical Features of Ukrainian Phosphorite Rocks VV Gudzenko, SB Shekhunova, SM Stadnichenko Exploration and environmental geochemistry, 16, 2015 | 3* | 2015 |
Ñòðóêòóðà è ìåõàíè÷åñêèå õàðàêòåðèñòèêè êîìïîçèöèîííûõ ìàòåðèàëîâ ñèñòåìû Ti-B-Al-O ÀÞ Ïîïîâ, ÀÞ Êëåïêî, Ñ ×îðíîáóê, ÂÀ Ìàêàðà, ÑÍ Ñòàäíè÷åíêî Ìàòåðèàëîâåäåíèå, 20-23, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Ñó÷àñí³ ìåòîäè âèçíà÷åííÿ ãðàíóëîìåòðè÷íîãî ñêëàäó îñàäîâèõ ïîð³ä òà îñîáëèâîñò³ ¿õ çàñòîñóâàííÿ ÑÌ Ñòàäí³÷åíêî Çá³ðíèê íàóêîâèõ ïðàöü ²íñòèòóòó ãåîëîã³÷íèõ íàóê ÍÀÍ Óêðà¿íè 2, 152-161, 2009 | 3* | 2009 |
Risk mapping of the slope mass movement processes for public awareness and community risk preparedness (on the example of Solotvyno) SB Shekhunova, SM Stadnichenko, MV Aleksieienkova, TV Kril, ... Third EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide Hazards and Impact on …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Ñêëàä àòìîñôåðíî¿ ðå÷îâèíè ì³ñòà Çàïîð³ææÿ ª² Íàñºäê³í, ÃÌ ²âàíîâà, ÑÌ Ñòàäí³÷åíêî, ÀΠͳê³ò³íà, ²Þ Íàñºäê³í Ëîãîñ, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Strontium isotope ratios and peculiarities of anhydrite from the lower Permian Evaporite Formation (Dnipro-Donets Depression, Ukraine) S SHEKUNOVA, S Stadnichenko, N Siumar, M ALEKSIEINKOVA, ... | 2 | 2018 |