Анатолій Кучер
Анатолій Кучер
Інші іменаAnatolii Kucher, Кучер Анатолій Васильович
Підтверджена електронна адреса в are-journal.com - Домашня сторінка
Handbook for Saline soil management
R Vargas, EI Pankova, SA Balyuk, PV Krasilnikov, GM Khasankhanova, ...
Rome: FAO, 2018
Factors forming the consumers’ willingness to pay a price premium for ecological goods in Ukraine
A Kucher, M Hełdak, L Kucher, B Raszka
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (5), 859, 2019
Impact of credit and investment resources on the productivity of agricultural sector
A Sakhno, N Polishchuk, I Salkova, A Kucher
European Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (2), 335-345, 2019
Formation of a state support program for agricultural producers in Ukraine considering world experience
L Pronko, I Furman, A Kucher, Y Gontaruk
European Journal of Sustainable Development 9 (1), 364-364, 2020
The analysis of green areas’ accessibility in comparison with statistical data in Poland
J Wysmułek, M Hełdak, A Kucher
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (12), 4492, 2020
Meilioratsiya gruntiv systematyka, perspektyvy, innovatsiyi [Soil melioration of taxonomy, prospects, innovations]
SA Balyuk, MI Romashchenko, RS Truskavets' kyy
Kherson: Hrin'DS [In Ukrainian], 2015
Sustainable soil management in the formation of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises
A Kucher
Plovdiv: Academic Publishing House «Talent», 2019
Strategic priorities and financial support of Ukrainian agricultural sector development
EА Kirieieva, NV Pryshliak, OІ Shamanska, IY Salkova, AV Kucher
International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 40 (2), 25-37, 2019
Structural transformations in agriculture in Poland and Ukraine: towards economic sustainability
M Heldak, A Kucher, A Stacherzak, L Kucher
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 9 (8), 1827-1841, 2018
Шляхи підвищення ефективності виробництва молока на інноваційній основі
ЛЮ Кучер, АВ Кучер
Економіка АПК, 2013
Efektyvnist innovatsii dlia ratsionalnoho vykorystannia gruntiv: teoriia, metodyka, analiz [Efficiency of innovations for sustainable soil management: theory, methodology …
AV Kucher, ОV Anisimova, YM Ulko
AV Kucher. Publisher Brovin, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2017
Socio-economic transformations in Ukraine towards the sustainable development of agriculture
O Kravchenko, A Kucher, M Hełdak, L Kucher, J Wysmułek
Sustainability 12 (13), 5441, 2020
Spatial features of the soil cover as the basis for sustainable soil management
SA Baliuk, AV Kucher
Ukrainian Geographical Journal, 3-14, 2019
Development of circular agricultural economy: potential sources of financing innovative projects
L Kucher, A Kucher, H Morozova, Y Pashchenko
Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal 8 (2 …, 2022
Consumer willingness to pay a price premium for ecological goods: a case study from Ukraine
A Kucher, M Heldak, L Kucher, O Fedorchenko, Y Yurchenko
Environmental & Socio-economic Studies 7 (1), 38-49, 2019
Management of soil fertility based on improvement methodological approach to evaluation of arable land: case of Ukraine
Y Ulko, A Kucher, I Salkova, N Priamukhina
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 9 (7), 1559-1569, 2018
Human health risk assessment on the consumption of apples growing in urbanized areas: case of Kharkiv, Ukraine
Y Medvedeva, A Kucher, J Lipsa, M Hełdak
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (4), 1504, 2021
Analysis of Information Support for the Condition of Soil Resources in Ukraine = DOI: 10.15407/agrisp2.02.077
SA Baliuk, VB Solovey, MA Zakharova, AV Kucher, SR Truskavetskyi
Agricultural Science and Practice 2 (No. 2.), pp. 77–84., 2015
Assessment of the degree of factors impact on employment in Ukraine’s agriculture
N Patyka, O Gryschenko, A Kucher, M Hełdak, B Raszka
Sustainability 13 (2), 2021
Ratsionalne vykorystannia gruntovykh resursiv i vidtvorennia rodiuchosti gruntiv: orhanizatsiino-ekonomichni, ekolohichni i normatyvno-pravovi aspekty [Rational use of soil …
SA Baliuk, АV Kucher
Smuhasta typohrafiia, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2015
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