Cieslicka M.
Cieslicka M.
Невідома організація
Підтверджена електронна адреса в hnpu.edu.ua
Discriminant analysis in classification of motor fitness of 9-11 forms' juniors.
OV Ivashchenko, TS Yermakova, M Cieślicka, H Żukowska
Journal of Physical Education & Sport 15 (2), 2015
Factorial structure of aerobics athletes’ fitness
TV Shepelenko, M Cieślicka, K Prusik, R Muszkieta, IN Sobko, ...
Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2017
Methodological approaches to pedagogical control of the functional and motor fitness of the girls from 7-9 grades
O Ivashchenko, O Khudolii, S Iermakov, M Lochbaum, C Mirosława, ...
The somatic build of lightweight rowers
M Cieślicka, M Napierała
Medical and Biological Sciences 23 (3), 33-38, 2009
Features of evaluations of power loadsin boys 7 years old
O Ivashchenko, M Cieślicka
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 7 (1), 175-183, 2017
The relationships setting between evaluation actions the and styles of didactic transport at teachers of physical education
R Muszkieta, M Napierała, W Zukow, M Cieślicka, S Iermakov, Z Kozina
OSF Preprints, 2018
Features of formation of the cumulative effect of power loads in boys 7 years old
M Cieślicka, O Ivashchenko
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 7 (1), 198-208, 2017
Comparative characteristics of the physical and technical preparedness of the women’s national team of Ukraine and Lithuania basketball (hearing impaired) before and after …
IN Sobko, ZL Kozina, SS Iermakov, R Muszkieta, K Prusik, M Cieślicka, ...
Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2014
Physical culture in life of Eastern-European region students: modern state and prospects of development
SS Iermakov, M Cieślicka, R Muszkieta
Physical education of students, 16-31, 2015
State building somatic and motor abilities in kids practicing tennis on prebasic training
M Cieślicka, M Napierała, W Zukow
Health-the proper functioning of man in all spheres of life, 173-184, 2012
Motor Skills in the Structure of Physical Fitness of 7-Year-Old Boys
O Ivashchenko, H Berezhna, M Cieślicka
Journal of Learning Theory and Methodology 1 (1), 14-19, 2020
Neuro-muscular training for injury prevention of students-rock climbers studying in the specialty" Physical Education and Sports": a randomized study
S Kozin, Z Kozina, V Korobeinik, M Cieślicka, R Muszkieta, O Ryepko, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 21, 1251-1259, 2021
Discriminant analysis method to determine the power of the boys 11-12 year
M Cieślicka, O Ivashchenko
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 6 (10), 721-729, 2016
Effects of antioxidant supplementation on oxidative stress balance in young footballers-a randomized double-blind trial
B Stankiewicz, M Cieślicka, S Kujawski, E Piskorska, T Kowalik, J Korycka, ...
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 18 (1), 44, 2021
Author's internet blog as information and communication technologies in the educational space within the physical education students
AS Ilnitskaya, ZL Kozina, LN Barybina, NA Kolomiez, M Cieślicka, ...
Physical education of students 18 (1), 22-26, 2014
Research of hands’ strength and endurance indications of arm sport athletes having different levels of skills
LV Podrigalo, MN Galashko, NI Galashko, K Prusik, M Cieślicka
Physical education of students, 37-41, 2014
Simulation of the regularities of physical exercises learning process of boys aged 8 years old
OV Ivashchenko, SS Iermakov, OM Khudolii, TS Yermakova, M Cieślicka, ...
Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2018
Моделювання силової підготовленості дівчат 6—7 класів
ОВ Іващенко, М Цеслицка, ОМ Худолій, СС Єрмаков
Теорія та методика фізичного виховання, 10-16, 2014
Aktywność fizyczna ludzi starszych–świadomość, nawyki i praktyka,[w]: Wspomaganie rozwoju i edukacji człowieka poprzez turystykę, sport i rekreację,(red.) Muszkieta R
M Napierała, M Cieślicka, M Szark, M Klimczyk
Napierała M., Skaliy A., Żukow W., WSG, Bydgoszcz, 363-376, 2009
Motor Skills: Motor Fitness Structure of 9-Year-Old Boys
D Petrov, O Khudolii, M Cieślicka
Journal of Learning Theory and Methodology 1 (2), 58-63, 2020
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