Сметанкіна Наталя Володимирівна, Smetankina Natalia V. (ORCID: 0000-0001-9528-3741)
Сметанкіна Наталя Володимирівна, Smetankina Natalia V. (ORCID: 0000-0001-9528-3741)
Інші іменаNatalia V. Smetankina, Natalia Smetankina, Сметанкина Наталья Владимировна
Anatolii Pidhornyi Institute of Power Machines and Systems of the NASU
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ipmach.kharkov.ua - Домашня сторінка
Modelling of Bird Strike on an Aircraft Glazing
N Smetankina, I Kravchenko, V Merculov, D Ivchenko, A Malykhina
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. Advances in …, 2020
Optimal Design of the Cyclically Symmetrical Structure Under Static Load
S Misura, N Smetankina, I Misiura
Conference on Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering …, 2020
Dynamic response of laminate composite shells with complex shape under low-velocity impact
N Smetankina, A Merkulova, D Merkulov, O Postnyi
Conference on Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering …, 2020
Нестационарное деформирование, термоупругость и оптимизация многослойных пластин и цилиндрических оболочек
НВ Сметанкина
Харьков: Изд-во «Міськдрук, 2011
A noncanonically shape laminated plate subjected to impact loading: Theory and experiment
YVG Smetankina N.V., Shupikov A.N., Sotrikhin S.Yu.
Transaction of ASME. Journal of Applied Mechanics 75 (5), 051004-1–051004-9, 2008
Nonstationary heat conduction in complex-shape laminated plates
SYV Shupikov A.N., Smetankina N.V.
Transactions of ASME. Journal of Heat Transfer 129 (3), 335-341, 2007
Stress-Strain Assessment for Laminated Aircraft Cockpit Windows at Static and Dynamic Loads
YM Rodichev, NV Smetankina, OM Shupikov, SV Ugrimov
Strength of Materials 50 (6), 868–873, 2018
Analysis of non-stationary temperature fields in laminated strips and plates
SAN Kantor B.Ya., Smetankina N.V.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (48/49), 8673-8684, 2001
Bird dummy for investigating the bird-strike resistance of aircraft components
AVL Shupikov A.N., Ugrimov S.V., Smetankina N.V., Yareshchenko V.G ...
Journal of Aircraft 50 (3), 817-826, 2013
Dynamic response of an elliptic plate to impact loading. Theory and experiment
YVG Smetankina N.V., Shupikov A.N., Sotrikhin S.Yu.
International Journal of Impact Engineering 34 (2), 264-276, 2007
Theoretical and experimental investigation of vibration of multilayer plates under the action of impulse and impact loads
SAN Smetankina N.V., Sotrikhin S.Yu.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 32 (8/9), 1247-1258, 1995
Analysis of Laminated Composites Subjected to Impact
V Ugrimov, Sergey, Smetankina, Natalia, Kravchenko, Oleg, Yareshchenko
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2020: Synergetic …, 2021
Modelling thermal stresses in laminated aircraft elements of a complex form with account of heat sources
N Smetankina, A Merkulova, D Merkulov, S Misiura, I Misiura
International Conference on Reliable Systems Engineering, 233-246, 2022
Дослідження напружено-деформованого стану паливного бака вафельної конструкції ракети-носія
ПП Гонтаровський, НВ Сметанкіна, НГ Гармаш, АО Глядя, ...
Проблеми обчислювальної механіки і міцності конструкцій, 91–102, 2019
Modeling of non-stationary temperature fields in multilayer shells with film heat sources
NV Smetankina, OV Postnyi, AI Merkulova, DO Merkulov
2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 242-246, 2020
Non-stationary vibration of multilayer plates of an uncanonical form. The elastic immersion method
SAN Smetankina N.V.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (14), 2271-2290, 2001
Stationary problem of heat conductivity for complex-shape multilayer plates
AI Malykhina, DO Merkulov, OV Postnyi, NV Smetankina
Bulletin of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University, series «Mathematical …, 2019
Non-stationary deformation, thermal elasticity and optimisation of laminated plates and cylindrical shells
NV Smetankina
Kharkiv: Miskdruk Publishers, 2011
Нестационарные колебания многослойных пластин и оболочек и их оптимизация
АН Шупиков, ЯП Бузько, НВ Сметанкина, СВ Угримов
Харьков: Изд. ХНЭУ, 252, 2004
Раціональне моделювання кришки гідротурбіни для аналізу міцності
SY Misura, NV Smetankina, IІ Misiura
Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Динамiка та …, 2019
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