Зеленский Александр Алексеевич
Зеленский Александр Алексеевич
Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского "Харьковский авиационный институт"
Підтверджена електронна адреса в khai.edu
Цифровая обработка сигналов и изображений в радиофизических приложениях : монография
МА Басараб, ВК Волосюк, ОВ Горячкин, АА Зеленский, ВФ Кравченко, ...
М. : ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2007
Three-state Locally Adaptive Texture Preserving Filter for Radar and Optical Image Processing
OV Tsymbal, VV Lukin, NN Ponomarenko, AA Zelensky, KO Egiazarian, ...
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, P. 1185–1204, 2005
Blind evaluation of additive noise variance in textured images by nonlinear processing of block DCT coefficients
NN Ponomarenko, VV Lukin, SK Abramov, KO Egiazarian, JT Astola
Image Processing : Algorithms and Systems II : proc. of intern. conf.; SPIE …, 2003
Digital adaptive robust algorithms for radar image filtering
VV Lukin, VP Melnik, AB Pogrebniak, AA Zelensky, KP Saarinen, ...
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Р. 410–421, 1996
Local Activity Indicators: Analysis and Application to Hard-Switching Adaptive Filtering of Images
VP Melnik, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, JT Astola, P Kuosmanen
Optical Engineering Journal 40 (№ 8), P. 1441–1455, 2001
Local Activity Indicators: Analysis and Application to Hard-Switching Adaptive Filtering of Images
VP Melnik, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, JT Astola, P Kuosmanen
Optical Engineering Journal 40 (№ 8), Р. 1441– 1455, 2001
Improved minimal inter-quantile distance method for blind estimation of noise variance in images
VV Lukin, SK Abramov, AA Zelensky, B Vozel, K Chehdi, J Astola
Proceedings of SPIE/EUROPTO Symposium on Satellite Remote Sensing, Florence …, 2007
Blind evaluation of noise variance in images using myriad operation
VV Lukin, SK Abramov, AA Zelensky, J Astola
IS&T/SPIE International Conference on Image Processing : Algorithms and …, 2002
Comparison of component and vector filter performance with application to multichannel and color image processing
AA Kurekin, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, PT Koivisto, JT Astola, KP Saarinen
Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP'99) : proc. of the …, 1999
Methods and Algorithms for Pre-processing and Classification of Multichannel Radar Remote Sensing Images
GP Kulemin, AA Zelensky, JT Astola, VV Lukin, KO Egiazarian, ...
TICSP Series #28, Dec. 2004, Tampere, Finland, 116 p., 2004
Neural network application to primary local recognition and nonlinear adaptive filtering of images
AN Dolia, A Burian, VV Lukin, C Rusu, AA Kurekin, AA Zelensky
Proceedings of the 6-th IEEE International Conference on Electronics …, 1999
Airborne multichannel remote sensing data processing techniques and software
AA Zelensky, AV Totsky, VV Lukin, [et al.]
Proceedings of the Second International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference …, 1996
Modified Sigma Filter with Improved Noise Suppression Efficiency and Spike Removal Ability
VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, NN Ponomarenko, AA Kurekin, JT Astola, ...
Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems : proc. of the 6-th …, 1998
Use of minimal inter-quantile distance estimation in image processing
VV Lukin, SK Abramov, AA Zelensky
Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Mathematics of DataImage Pattern …, 2006
Locally adaptive image filtering based on learning with clustering
NN Ponomarenko, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, KO Egiazarian, JT Astola
Proceeding of the Conference Image Processing : Algorithms and Systems IV …, 2005
Soil Erosion State Interpretation with Use of Multichannel Radar Image Pre- and Postprocessing
GP Kulemin, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, AA Kurekin, ET Engman
Proceedings of SPIE/EUROPTO Series, Remote Sensing for Agriculture …, 1998
Adaptive method for 1-D signal processing based on nonlinear filter bank and Z-parameter
VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, NO Tuliakova, VP Melnik
Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP'99) : proc. of the …, 1999
Data Fusion and Processing for Airborne Multichannel System of Radar Remote Sensing: Methodology, Stages and Algorithms
VV Lukin, JT Astola, VP Melnik, AA Kurekin, AA Zelensky, GP Kulemin, ...
Proceedings of AeroSense’2000, Orlando (USA), April 2000, Р. 215–227, 2000
Adaptive Nonlinear Vector Filtering of Multichannel Radar Images
AA Kurekin, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, NN Ponomarenko, JT Astola, ...
Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Multispectral Imaging for Terrestrial …, 1997
Soil Moisture and Erosion Degree Estimation from Multichannel Microwave Remote Sensing Data
GP Kulemin, АА Kurekin, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky
Satellite Remote Sensing II : proc. of Europ. symp.; SPIE Vol. 2585, Sept …, 1995
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