Studying of keystroke dynamics statistical properties for biometric user authentication V Alieksieiev, A Strelnitskiy, D Gorelov, D Gavva, Y Synytsia Proceedings of Int. Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Structural synthesis of reconfigurable antennas AI Luchaninov, DS Gavva, EV Krikun, YV Skorikova Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 4 (9), 46, 2010 | 5* | 2010 |
Структурный синтез реконфигурируемых антенн АИ Лучанинов, ДС Гавва, ЕВ Крикун, ЮВ Скорикова, АІ Лучанінов, ... Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies: Восточно-Европейский …, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
Non-Linear Effects in Elements of Electrodynamic Microstrip Devices on a Basis of High-Temperature Superconductors AI Luchaninov, DS Gavva, EV Sharapova Kharkiv: Kollegium, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Современное состояние техники электродинамических устройств с нелинейными характеристиками поверхностного импеданса ДС Гавва, ЕВ Крикун, АИ Лучанинов Проблемы телекоммуникаций., 61, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
Non-linear properties of reconfigurable antennas. Part 1: Modeling of a dual-frequency reconfigurable antenna YG Sidorov, DS Gavva Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (39), 52-56, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
THE INFLUENCE OF NON-LINEAR CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RF SWITCHES UPON THE PATTERN OF THE RECONFIGURABLE ANTENNA EAM D. S. Gavva Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 76 (17), 1509-1521, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Результаты исследования нелинейных эффектов в микрополосковых линиях с ВТСП АИ Лучанинов, ДС Гавва, ЕВ Крикун, ЮВ Вишнякова Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2 (9), 4-8, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Excitation of wire structures with nonlinear characteristics of the surface impedance YS Shifrin, AI Luchaninov, DS Gavva, VV Zhurbenko 2005 5th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 156-159, 2005 | 3 | 2005 |
Characteristics of arbitrarily configurated thin wire antennas with a nonlinear surface impedance DS Gavva 4th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (Cat. No …, 2003 | 3 | 2003 |
Characteristics of wire electromagnetic structures excited with different types of sources DS Gavva, AI Luchaninov, MA Omarov Radiotekhnika, 256-260, 2003 | 3* | 2003 |
Identification of parameters of distributed nonlinear lements in the tasks of the analysis of wire radiating structures DS Gavva Radiotekhnika, 118-124, 2003 | 3 | 2003 |
Calculation of parameters of wire radiating structures of random configuration DC Gavva, AI Luchaninov DISTANCE METHODS and MEANS for INVESTIGATION of PROCESSES in the EARTH …, 2002 | 3 | 2002 |
Пакет программ “Wire” для моделирования тонкопроволочных антенн произвольной конфигурации с линейными и нелинейными свойствами поверхностного импеданса АИ Лучанинов, ДС Гавва, МА Омаров Прикладная радиоэлектроника 1 (2), 225-230, 2002 | 3 | 2002 |
Электродинамические устройства на основе радиоэлементов и материалов с нелинейными характеристиками ДС Гавва, ДВ Грецких, АВ Гомозов, ДВ Пунин Технология приборостроения, 17-32, 2018 | 2* | 2018 |
Impact of Non-linear Switch Characteristics on the Reconfigurated Antenna Properties DS Gavva, AA Strelnitskiy, DV Gretskih, DY Gorelov, EA Medvedev Proceedings of Int. Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Improvement of Information Protection Quality of Systems for Observing Airspace AA Strelnitskiy, DS Gavva, VO Alieksieiev, II Obod, GE Zavolodko Proceedings of Int. Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
THE INFLUENCE OF RF SWITCHES UPON THE PROPERTIES OF RECONFIGURABLE ANTENNAS. PART 2: MULTI-FREQUENCY EXCITATION DS Gavva, EA Medvedev Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 76 (12), 1057-1067, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
The influence of rf switches upon the properties of reconfigurable antennas. part 1: single-frequency excitation DS Gavva, EA Medvedev Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 76 (11), 963-981, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Representation of surface impedance for simulation of electrodynamic devices, realized on a basis of HTSC materials DS Gavva Radiotekhnika (Kharkiv) 182, 121, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |