Inequalities for derivatives and their applications VF Babenko, NP Korneichuk, VA Kofanov, SA Pichugov Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 2003 | 157 | 2003 |
Jung's constant for the space Lp SA Pichugov Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 43, 348-354, 1988 | 65 | 1988 |
Inequalities of Kolmogorov type and some their applications in approximation theory VF Babenko, VA Kofanov, SA Pichugov Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Serie II, Suppl 52, 223-237, 1998 | 47 | 1998 |
Comparison of rearrangement and Kolmogorov–Nagy type inequalities for periodic functions V Babenko, V Kofanov, S Pichugov Approximation theory: A volume dedicated to Blagovest Sendov, 24-53, 2002 | 43 | 2002 |
Неравенства для производных и их приложения НП Корнейчук, ВФ Бабенко, ВА Кофанов, СА Пичугов Киев: Наук. думка, 2003 | 39 | 2003 |
Multivariate inequalities of Kolmogorov type and their applications VF Babenko, VA Kofanov, SA Pichugov Multivariate approximation and splines, 1-12, 1997 | 36 | 1997 |
Inequalities for norms of intermediate derivatives of periodic functions and their applications VF Babenko, VA Kofanov, SA Pichugov East J. Approxim. 3 (3), 351-376, 1997 | 34 | 1997 |
A property of compact operators in the space of integrable functions VF Babenko, SA Pichugov Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 33 (4), 374-376, 1981 | 33 | 1981 |
Inequalities for the derivatives of polynomials with real zeros VF Babenko, SA Pichugov Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 38 (4), 347-351, 1986 | 27 | 1986 |
An exact inequality for the derivative of a trigonometric polynomial having only real zeros VF Babenko, SA Pichugov Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 39 (3), 179-182, 1986 | 21 | 1986 |
Константа Юнга пространства L_p СА Пичугов Математические заметки 43 (5), 604-614, 1988 | 19 | 1988 |
Sharp Kolmogorov-type inequalities for norms of fractional derivatives of multivariate functions VF Babenko, NV Parfinovych, SA Pichugov Ukrains’ kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal 62 (3), 301–314-301–314, 2010 | 17 | 2010 |
Kolmogorov type inequalities for fractional derivatives of Hölder functions of two variables V Babenko East journal on approximations 13 (3), 321-330, 2007 | 17 | 2007 |
Jung constants of the ℓ p n -spaces VI Ivanov, SA Pichugov Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 48, 997-1004, 1990 | 15* | 1990 |
Comparison of exact constants in inequalities for derivatives of functions defined on the real axis and a circle VF Babenko, VA Kofanov, SA Pichugov Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 55 (5), 699-711, 2003 | 13 | 2003 |
О наилучшем линейном приближении некоторых классов дифференцируемых периодических функций ВФ Бабенко, СА Пичугов Математические заметки 27 (5), 683-689, 1980 | 13 | 1980 |
Kolmogorov-type inequalities for norms of Riesz derivatives of functions of several variables with Laplacian bounded in L ∞ and related problems VF Babenko, NV Parfinovich, SA Pichugov Mathematical Notes 95, 3-14, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
О теореме Джексона для периодических функций в метрических пространствах с интегральной метрикой. II СА Пичугов Український математичний журнал, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Young constant of the space Lp SA Pichugov Mat. Zametki 43 (5), 604-614, 1988 | 9 | 1988 |
О теореме Джексона для периодических функций в пространствах с интегральной метрикой СА Пичугов Український математичний журнал, 2000 | 8 | 2000 |