Ìåòîäû êîððåëÿöèîííîãî îáíàðóæåíèÿ îáúåêòîâ À Ãèðåíêî,  Ëÿøåíêî, ÂÏ Ìàøòàëèð, ÅÏ Ïóòÿòèí Õàðüêîâ: ÀÎ “ÁèçíåñÈíôîðì 112, 1996 | 68 | 1996 |
Representative based clustering of long multivariate sequences with different lengths S Mashtalir, V Mashtalir, M Stolbovyi 2018 IEEE second international conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
Group structures on quotient sets in classification problems VP Mashtalir, VV Shlyakhov, SV Yakovlev Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 50, 507-518, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
Point-set methods of clusterization of standard information VP Mashtalir, SV Yakovlev Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 37, 295-307, 2001 | 35 | 2001 |
Hierarchical partitions for content image retrieval from large-scale database D Kinoshenko, V Mashtalir, E Yegorova, V Vinarsky International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern …, 2005 | 29 | 2005 |
Video shot boundary detection via sequential clustering S Mashtalir, V Mashtalir, M Stolbovyi International Journal “Information Theories and Applications 24 (1), 50-59, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
A partition metric for clustering features analysis D Kinoshenko, V Mashtalir, V Shlyakhov | 25 | 2007 |
Spatio-temporal video segmentation S Mashtalir, V Mashtalir Advances in Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Visual Data, 161-210, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |
Advances in Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Visual Data (Vol. 876) V Mashtalir, I Ruban, V Levashenko Springer Nature, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
CLUSTERING METHOD FOR FAST CONTENTBASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL D Kinoshenko, V Mashtalir, E Yegorova Computer Vision and Graphics: International Conference, ICCVG 2004, Warsaw …, 2006 | 21 | 2006 |
A novel metric on partitions for image segmentation V Mashtalir, E Mikhnova, V Shlyakhov, E Yegorova 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 18-18, 2006 | 20 | 2006 |
Sequential temporal video segmentation via spatial image partitions S Mashtalir, V Mashtalir 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
Image segmentation via X-means under overlapping classes S Bogucharskiy, V Mashtalir 2015 Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference" Computer …, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Image retrieval with segmentation-based query A Chupikov, D Kinoshenko, V Mashtalir, K Shcherbinin International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, 207-221, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |
Advances in Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Visual Data V Mashtalir, I Ruban, V Levashenko Springer, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
The project analysisof induction thruster parameters for the field mortaring V Chemerys, V Bolyukh, V Mashtalir Ñó÷àñí³ ³íôîðìàö³éí³ òåõíîëî㳿 ó ñôåð³ áåçïåêè òà îáîðîíè, 22-28, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
Òî÷å÷íî-ìíîæåñòâåííûå ìåòîäû îáðàáîòêè èíôîðìàöèè ÂÏ Ìàøòàëèð Õ.: Áèçíåñ Èíôîðì, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
Multialgebraic systems in information granulation A Kagramanyan, V Mashtalir, V Shlyakhov Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA, 2008 | 6 | 2008 |
Ñâîéñòâà ìóëüòèàëãåáðàè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì â çàäà÷àõ êîìïàðàòèâíîãî ðàñïîçíàâàíèÿ ÂÏ Ìàøòàëèð,  Øëÿõîâ Êèáåðíåòèêà è ñèñòåìíûé àíàëèç, 12-32, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
Unraveling Bi-Lingual Multi-Feature Based Text Classification: A Case Study A Yarahmadi, M Creemers, H Qabbaah, K Vanhoof, O Palagin, ... International Journal of Information Theories and Applications 24 (4), 3-18, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |