Справочник по сопротивлению материалов ГС Писаренко, АП Яковлев, ВВ Матвеев Наукова думка, 1988 | 1646 | 1988 |
Deformation and strength of materials in a complex stress state GS Pisarenko, AA Lebedev Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1976 | 333 | 1976 |
Прочность и долговечность твердых сплавов MG Loshak, VT Troshchenko Наукова Думка, 1984 | 221 | 1984 |
Fatigue and inelasticity of metals VT Troshchenko Naukova Dumka, Kiev 3, 247, 1971 | 212 | 1971 |
Non-linearities in the vibrations of elastic structures with a closing crack: A state of the art review A Bovsunovsky, C Surace Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 62, 129-148, 2015 | 188 | 2015 |
Considerations regarding superharmonic vibrations of a cracked beam and the variation in damping caused by the presence of the crack AP Bovsunovsky, C Surace Journal of Sound and Vibration 288 (4-5), 865-886, 2005 | 162 | 2005 |
Vibration-absorbing properties of structural materials: a Handbook GS Pisarenko, AP I︠A︡kovlev, VV Matveev Department of the Army, US Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, 1974 | 153 | 1974 |
Manual de resistencia de materiales GS Pisarenko, AP Yakovlev, VV Matveev Editorial Mir, 1979 | 152 | 1979 |
Strength of Materials at High Temperatures GS Pisarenko, VN Rudenko, GN Tret'yachenko, VT Troshchenko Izd-vo Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1966 | 136 | 1966 |
Fatigue resistance of metals and alloys VT Troshchenko, A Sosnowski Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1987 | 134* | 1987 |
Equations and Boundary-Value Problems of the Theory of Plasticity and Creep GS Pisarenko, NS Mozharovskii Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1981 | 132* | 1981 |
Deformation and Fracture of Metals under High-Cycle Loading VT Troshchenko Naukova Dumka, Kiev 6, 3-12, 1981 | 112 | 1981 |
Handbook on strength of materials GS Pisarenko, AP Yakovlev, VV Matveev Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1988 | 111 | 1988 |
Демпфирование колебаний деформируемых тел ВВ Матвеев Наукова думка, 1985 | 94 | 1985 |
Analytical approach to the determination of dynamic characteristics of a beam with a closing crack AP Bovsunovsky, VV Matveev Journal of sound and vibration 235 (3), 415-434, 2000 | 93 | 2000 |
Deformirovanie i pročnost’materijalov pri složnom naprjažennom sostojanii GS Pisarenko, AA Lebedev Naukova dumka, 1976 | 92 | 1976 |
Resistance of Materials to Deformation and Fracture in a Complex Stress State GS Pisarenko, AA Lebedev NaukovajDumka, Kiev, 1969 | 92 | 1969 |
Колебания механических систем с учетом несовершенной упругости материала GS Pisarenko (No Title), 1970 | 90 | 1970 |
Spravočnik po soprotivleniju materialov GS Pisarenko, AP Jakovlev, VV Matveev Naukova dumka, 1975 | 87 | 1975 |
Vibration-based diagnostics of fatigue damage of beam-like structures VV Matveev, AP Bovsunovsky Journal of Sound and Vibration 249 (1), 23-40, 2002 | 82 | 2002 |