Andriy Yerokhin, Андрій Єрохін, Андрей Ерохин
Andriy Yerokhin, Андрій Єрохін, Андрей Ерохин
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Dean
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ВВ Самсонов, АЛ Єрохін
Харків: ТОВ „Компанія СМІТ”, 2008
Usage of phase space diagram to finding significant features of rhinomanometric signals
A Yerokhin, O Turuta, A Babii, A Nechyporenko, I Mahdalina
2016 XIth International Scientific and Technical Conference Computer …, 2016
A new intelligence-based approach for rhinomanometric data processing
A Yerokhin, A Nechyporenko, A Babii, O Turuta
2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2016
F-transform 3D point cloud filtering algorithm
A Yerokhin, V Semenets, A Nechyporenko, O Turuta, A Babii
2018 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2018
A lars-based method of the construction of a fuzzy regression model for the selection of significant features
AL Yerokhin, AS Babii, AS Nechyporenko, OP Turuta
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 52, 641-646, 2016
Usage of F-transform to finding informative parameters of rhinomanometric signals
A Yerokhin, A Nechyporenko, A Babii, O Turuta
Scientific and Technical Conference "Computer Sciences and Information …, 2015
Adaptive Decision-making for Robotic tasks
O Tsymbal, A Bronnikov, A Yerokhin
2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and …, 2019
Extension Multi30K: Multimodal dataset for integrated vision and language research in Ukrainian
N Saichyshyna, D Maksymenko, O Turuta, A Yerokhin, A Babii, O Turuta
Proceedings of the Second Ukrainian Natural Language Processing Workshop …, 2023
Methods of intellectual analysis of processes in medical information systems
AL Yerokhin, VO Filatov, OV Zolotukhin, MS Kudryavtseva
Information Extraction and Processing, 92-98, 2020
Methods and models for control of emergency situations in power systems
Y Biletskiy, V Chikina, A Yerokhin, O Grib, D Kaluzhny, G Senderovich
WSEAS Transactions on Systems 4 (8), 1339-1348, 2005
Про моделі позаштатної поведінки інтелектуальних систем
МФ Бондаренко, АЛ Єрохін
Проблеми біоніки, 7-16, 2004
Evaluation and Analysis of the NLP Model Zoo for Ukrainian Text Classification
D Panchenko, D Maksymenko, O Turuta, A Yerokhin, Y Daniiel, O Turuta
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in …, 2021
Земельні відносини в Україні: історико-правовий дискурс: монографія
МЮ Бурдін
Харків: ТОВ" У справі", 2016.-406 с., 2016
Personalized adaptation of learning environments
V Filatov, O Zolotukhin, A Yerokhin, M Kudryavtseva
2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and …, 2019
Information space model in tasks of distributed mobile objects managing
V Filatov, A Yerokhin, O Zolotukhin, M Kudryavtseva
Information extraction and processing, 123, 2019
Software and hardware systems for rhinomanometric research «Optimus»
AL Yerokhin, AS Nechyporenko, OG Garyuk, VV Chmovzh
Proceedings of the International Ukrainian-Japanese Conference on Scientific …, 2013
Идентификация нештатных ситуаций в информационных сетях
АЛ Ерохин, АП Турута
Бионика интеллекта, 46-55, 2006
Decision making support at emergency situations in electric systems
Y Biletskiy, V Chikina, A Yerokhin, O Grib, D Kaluzhny, G Senderovich
Series on Energy and Power Systems, 199-204, 2004
О создании систем тестирования знаний с адаптацией на испытуемого
АЛ Ерохин, АВ Кольченко, ТЕ Патрах, АВ Струкова
Образование и виртуальность.–2002. Сборник научных трудов, 299-304, 2003
Использование нейросетевых методов для прогнозирования временных рядов
ЮВ Гнусов, АЛ Ерохин
Искусственный интеллект, 686-691, 2002
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