Tetyana Shevchuk Татьяна Шевчук Тетяна Шевчук
Tetyana Shevchuk Татьяна Шевчук Тетяна Шевчук
research engineer, Zabolotny Institute of Microboilogy and Virology, National Academy of Sciences of
Підтверджена електронна адреса в imv.kiev.ua - Домашня сторінка
Intensification of surfactants’ synthesis by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 and Nocardia vaccinii K-8 on fried oil and glycerol …
T Pirog, A Sofilkanych, A Konon, T Shevchuk, S Ivanov
Food and bioproducts processing 91 (2), 149-157, 2013
Production of Surfactants by Rhodococcus erythropolis Strain EK-1, Grown on Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Substrates
TP Pirog, TA Shevchuk, IN Voloshina, EV Karpenko
Applied biochemistry and microbiology 40, 470-475, 2004
Use of claydite-immobilized oil-oxidizing microbial cells for purification of water from oil
TP Pirog, TA Shevchuk, IN Voloshina, NN Gregirchak
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 41, 51-55, 2005
The influence of conditions of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus K-4 strain cultivation on surface-active substances synthesis
TP Pirog, SI Antonyuk, YV Karpenko, TA Shevchuk
Applied biochemistry and microbiology 45, 272-278, 2009
Biosurfactant synthesis by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 and Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 on byproduct of biodiesel production
T Pirog, M Shulyakova, A Sofilkanych, T Shevchuk, O Mashchenko
Food and bioproducts processing 93, 11-18, 2015
Intensification of surfactant synthesis in Rhodococcus erythropolis EK-1 cultivated on hexadecane
TP Pirog, TA Shevchuk, YA Klimenko
Applied biochemistry and microbiology 46, 599-606, 2010
Biosurfactants of Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ас-5017: Synthesis Intensification and Practical Application
T Pirog, A Sofilkanych, T Shevchuk, M Shulyakova
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 170, 880-894, 2013
Microbial synthesis of phytohormones
TP Pirog, GO Iutynska, NO Leonova, KA Beregova, TA Shevchuk
Biotechnologia Acta 11 (1), 5-24, 2018
Intensification of biosurfactant synthesis by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 on a hexadecane-glycerol mixture
TP Pirog, AD Konon, TA Shevchuk, IV Bilets
Microbiology 81, 565-572, 2012
Antimicrobial Properties Surfactants Synthesized under Different Cultivation Conditions of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EMV B-7241
TP Pirog, IV Savenko, TA Shevchuk, NV Krutous, GO Iutynska
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1993) 78 (3), 2-12, 2016
Biological properties of Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 surfactants synthesized on fried sunflower oil
TP Pirog, LV Nikituk, KV Tymoshuk, TA Shevchuk, GO Iutynska
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1993) 78 (2), 2-12, 2016
Production of surfactants by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus K-4 grown on ethanol with organic acids
TP Pirog, TA Shevchuk, AD Konon, EY Dolotenko
Applied biochemistry and microbiology 48, 569-576, 2012
Synthesis of phytohormones bacteria of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241, Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 and Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405–producers of surface-active …
TP Pirog, NO Leonova, TA Shevchuk, IV Savenko, HO Iutinska
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological …, 2016
Ispol'zovanie immobilizovannykh na keramzite kletok nefteokislyayushchikh mikroorganizmov dlya ochistki vody ot nefti
TP Pirog, TA Shevchuk, IN Voloshina, NN Gregirchak
Prikl. biokhimiya i mikrobiologiya 41 (1), 58-63, 2005
Surfactant production during proliferatio of the strain Rhodococcus erythropolis EK-1 on hydrophylic and hydrophobic substrates
TP Pirog, TA Shevchuk, EM Voloshina
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 40 (5), 544-550, 2004
Influence of divalent cations on synthesis of Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 surfactants with high antimicrobial and anti-adhesion activity.
TP Pirog, LV Nikituk, TA Shevchuk
Peculiarities of glucose and glycerol metabolism in Nocardia vaccinii IMB B-7405
TP Pirog, TA Shevchuk, KA Beregova, NV Kudrya
Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 87 (2), 66-75, 2015
Mixed substrates in environment and biotechnological processes
TP Pirog, MO Shulyakova, TA Shevchuk
Biotechnologia acta 6 (6), 28, 2013
Synthesis of gibberellins by surfactant producers Nocardia vaccinii IMV В-7405, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV В-7241 and Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ас-5017
N Leonova, T Pirog, D Piatetska, T Shevchuk, M Kharkhota, G Iutynska
Antimicrobial and anti-adhesive activity of surfactants synthesized by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV V-7241 on technical glycerol.
TP Pirog, DA Lutsai, TA Shevchuk, GO Iutynska, IV Elperin
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