Romaka Lyubov, Ромака Любов Петрівна
Romaka Lyubov, Ромака Любов Петрівна
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
Підтверджена електронна адреса в lnu.edu.ua - Домашня сторінка
Peculiarities of structural disorder in Zr-and Hf-containing Heusler and half-Heusler stannides
VV Romaka, P Rogl, L Romaka, Y Stadnyk, A Grytsiv, O Lakh, ...
Intermetallics 35, 45-52, 2013
Phase equilibria, formation, crystal and electronic structure of ternary compounds in Ti–Ni–Sn and Ti–Ni–Sb ternary systems
VV Romaka, P Rogl, L Romaka, Y Stadnyk, N Melnychenko, A Grytsiv, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 197, 103-112, 2013
Metal-insulator transition induced by changes in composition in the Zr1− xScxNiSn solid solution range
YV Stadnyk, VA Romaka, YK Gorelenko, LP Romaka, D Fruchart, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 400 (1-2), 29-32, 2005
Physical properties and superconductivity of skutterudite-related Yb3Co4. 3Sn12. 7 and Yb3Co4Ge13
Y Mudryk, A Grytsiv, P Rogl, C Dusek, A Galatanu, E Idl, H Michor, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (33), 7391, 2001
Peculiarities of thermoelectric half-Heusler phase formation in Gd-Ni-Sb and Lu-Ni-Sb ternary systems
VV Romaka, L Romaka, A Horyn, P Rogl, Y Stadnyk, N Melnychenko, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 239, 145-152, 2016
Crystal structure and physical properties of (Ti, Sc) NiSn and (Zr, Sc) NiSn solid solutions
O Bodak, L Romaka, Y Gorelenko, A Tkachuk, V Davydov, Y Stadnyk
Journal of alloys and compounds 363 (1-2), 10-14, 2004
Ізотермічний переріз потрійної системи Ho–Cu–Sn при 670 K
L Romaka, I Romaniv, V Romaka, M Konyk, A Horyn, Y Stadnyk
Фізика і хімія твердого тіла 19 (2), 139-146, 2018
Isothermal sections of the Ti–Co–Sn and Ti–Co–Sb systems
Y Stadnyk, L Romaka, A Horyn, A Tkachuk, Y Gorelenko, P Rogl
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 387 (1-2), 251-255, 2005
Peculiarities of component interaction in {Gd, Er}–V–Sn Ternary systems at 870 K and crystal structure of RV6Sn6 stannides
L Romaka, Y Stadnyk, VV Romaka, P Demchenko, M Stadnyshyn, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 509 (36), 8862-8869, 2011
Peculiarities of thermoelectric half-Heusler phase formation in Zr–Co–Sb ternary system
VV Romaka, L Romaka, P Rogl, Y Stadnyk, N Melnychenko, R Korzh, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 585, 448-454, 2014
Conductivity mechanisms in heavy-doped n-ZrNiSn intermetallic semiconductors
D Fruchart, VA Romaka, YV Stadnyk, LP Romaka, YK Gorelenko, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 438 (1-2), 8-14, 2007
Peculiarity of metal–insulator transition due to composition change in the semiconducting TiCo1− xNixSb solid solution: I. Electronic structure calculations
LP Romaka, MG Shelyapina, YV Stadnyk, D Fruchart, EK Hlil, VA Romaka
Journal of alloys and compounds 416 (1-2), 46-50, 2006
Electronic structure of the Ti1− xScxNiSn and Zr1− xScxNiSn solid solutions
L Romaka, Y Stadnyk, A Horyn, MG Shelyapina, VS Kasperovich, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 396 (1-2), 64-68, 2005
Phase equilibria in the Hf–Ni–Sn ternary system and crystal structure of the Hf2Ni2Sn compound
YV Stadnyk, LP Romaka
Journal of alloys and compounds 316 (1-2), 169-171, 2001
Magnetic and electrical properties of R2CuGe6 compounds (R= Y, Ce, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb)
MB Konyk, LP Romaka, YK Gorelenko, OI Bodak
Journal of alloys and compounds 311 (2), 120-123, 2000
Intermetallic compounds Me′ Me′′ Sn–the new semiconductors class with the narrow energy gap
RV Skolozdra, YV Stadnyk, LP Romaka, FG Aliev
J. of Thermoelectricity 3, 29, 1994
Crystal structure, electrical transport properties and electronic structure of the VFe1− xCuxSb solid solution
Y Stadnyk, A Horyn, V Sechovsky, L Romaka, Y Mudryk, J Tobola, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 402 (1-2), 30-35, 2005
{Sm, Er}–Cu–Sn ternary systems
IV Senkovska, YS Mudryk, LP Romaka, OI Bodak
Journal of alloys and compounds 312 (1-2), 124-129, 2000
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the Y–Ni–Sb and Tm–Ni–Sb systems
VV Romaka, L Romaka, A Horyn, Y Stadnyk
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 855, 157334, 2021
Magnetic properties of R2NiGe6 ternary compounds (R= rare earth)
M Konyk, L Romaka, D Gignoux, D Fruchart, O Bodak, Y Gorelenko
Journal of alloys and compounds 398 (1-2), 8-11, 2005
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