Юрій Мацелюх | Yurii Matseliukh
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Structuring the fuzzy knowledge base of the IT industry impact factors
M Bublyk, O Rybytska, A Karpiak, Y Matseliukh
2018 IEEE 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2018
Application of ontologies and meta-models for dynamic integration of weakly structured data
A Berko, I Pelekh, L Chyrun, M Bublyk, I Bobyk, Y Matseliukh, L Chyrun
2020 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2020
Intelligent System of Passenger Transportation by Autopiloted Electric Buses in Smart City.
M Bublyk, Y Matseliukh, U Motorniuk, M Terebukh
COLINS, 1280-1294, 2020
Intelligent system of visual simulation of passenger flows
Y Matseliukh, V Vysotska, M Bublyk
CEUR workshop proceedings, 906-920, 2020
Analysis of the Demand for Bicycle Use in a Smart City Based on Machine Learning.
D Koshtura, M Bublyk, Y Matseliukh, D Dosyn, L Chyrun, O Lozynska, ...
MoMLeT+ DS, 172-183, 2020
Assessing Losses of Human Capital Due to Man-Made Pollution Caused by Emergencies.
M Bublyk, V Vysotska, Y Matseliukh, V Mayik, M Nashkerska
CITRisk, 74-86, 2020
Optimization Model of the Buses Number on the Route Based on Queueing Theory in a Smart City.
L Podlesna, M Bublyk, I Grybyk, Y Matseliukh, Y Burov, P Kravets, ...
MoMLeT+ DS, 502-515, 2020
The text classification based on Big Data analysis for keyword definition using stemming
A Berko, Y Matseliukh, Y Ivaniv, L Chyrun, V Schuchmann
2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2021
Network modelling of resource consumption intensities in human capital management in digital business enterprises by the critical path method
Y Matseliukh, V Vysotska, M Bublyk, T Kopach, O Korolenko
CEUR-WS. org, 2021
Small-Batteries Utilization Analysis Based on Mathematical Statistics Methods in Challenges of Circular Economy.
M Bublyk, Y Matseliukh
COLINS, 1594-1603, 2021
Structural Modeling of Technical Text Analysis and Synthesis Processes.
R Bekesh, L Chyrun, P Kravets, A Demchuk, Y Matseliukh, T Batiuk, ...
COLINS, 562-589, 2020
The Decision Tree Usage for the Results Analysis of the Psychophysiological Testing.
M Bublyk, V Lytvyn, V Vysotska, L Chyrun, Y Matseliukh, N Sokulska
IDDM, 458-472, 2020
Role differentiation of leadership knowledge and its assessment tools
A Zaverbnyj, Y Redina, Y Matseliukh
Economics Ecology Socium 3 (2), 62-70, 2019
DDOS Attacks Analysis Based on Machine Learning in Challenges of Global Changes.
R Lynnyk, V Vysotska, Y Matseliukh, Y Burov, LI Demkiv, A Zaverbnyj, ...
MoMLeT+ DS, 159-171, 2020
Evaluation and analysis of activity in social networks in the context of the digital economy development
I Symovonyk, Y Matseliukh, Y Redina
Economics Ecology Socium 3 (3), 73-81, 2019
Cluster Analysis of Exclamations and Comments on E-Commerce Products.
O Veres, Y Matseliukh, T Batiuk, S Teslia, A Shakhno, T Kopach, ...
COLINS, 1403-1431, 2022
Development of Intelligent System for Visual Passenger Flows Simulation of Public Transport in Smart City Based on Neural Network.
Y Matseliukh, M Bublyk, V Vysotska
COLINS, 1087-1138, 2021
Change Management in R&D-Quality Costs in Challenges of the Global Economy.
M Bublyk, V Mykhailov, Y Matseliukh, T Pihniak, A Selskyi, I Grybyk
COLINS, 1139-1151, 2021
Intelligent Real-Time Vehicle Tracking Information System.
V Husak, L Chyrun, Y Matseliukh, A Gozhyj, R Nanivskyi, M Luchko
MoMLeT+ DS, 666-698, 2021
Socio-Legal Aspect of the Strategic Development of Inclusive Higher Education and Social Entrepreneurship.
M Bublyk, N Duliaba, N Petryshyn, Y Matseliukh, V Serhiychuk
Social and Legal Aspects of the Development of Civil Society Institutions (2019), 2019
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Articles 1–20