Modelling of a large-scale urban contamination situation and remediation alternatives KM Thiessen, A Arkhipov, B Batandjieva, TW Charnock, S Gaschak, ... Journal of environmental radioactivity 100 (5), 413-421, 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
Improvement of modelling capabilities for assessing urban contamination: The EMRAS Urban Remediation Working Group KM Thiessen, B Batandjieva, KG Andersson, A Arkhipov, TW Charnock, ... Applied Radiation and Isotopes 66 (11), 1741-1744, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Fungal biomass grown on media containing clay as a sorbent of radionuclides MA Fomina, VM Kadoshnikov, BP Zlobenko Process Metallurgy 9, 245-254, 1999 | 13 | 1999 |
Geochemistry of technogenic radionuclides EV Sobotovich, GM Bondarenko, LV Kononenko, VV Dolin, IV Sadol'ko, ... Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 2002 | 12 | 2002 |
Studies of application of micromycetes and clay composition for decontamination of building materials VM Kadoshnikov, BP Zlobenko, NN Zhdanova, TI Redchitz Mixed Wastes and Environmental Restoration–Working Towards A Cleaner …, 1995 | 9 | 1995 |
Concrete colonization and destruction by mitosporic fungi in model experiment MA Fomina, SV Olishevska, VM Kadoshnikov, BP Zlobenko, ... Mikrobiologichny Zhurnal 67, 97-106, 2005 | 7 | 2005 |
Ferric Titanous Hollandite Analogues—Matrices for Immobilization of Cs-Containing Radioactive Waste: Synthesis В Shabalin, Y Titov, B Zlobenko, S Bugera Мінералогічний журнал, 12-18, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Research on cleanup of buildings and structures in urban areas of Ukraine affected by the accident at the Chernobyl NPP IF Vovk, NP Movchan, YG Fedorenko, AA Shpigun, BP Zlobenko American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY (United States), 1993 | 6 | 1993 |
Final report on results from Work Package 5: Carbon-14 in irradiated graphite (D5. 19) N Toulhoat, N Moncoffre, E Narkunas, P Poskas, C Bucur, C Ichim, L Petit, ... CAST Project Report, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
On the melanin and humic acids interaction with clay minerals V Kadoshnikov, N Golovko, M Fomina, B Zlobenko, J Pisanskaya Process Metallurgy 9, 289-297, 1999 | 5 | 1999 |
Processing of irradiated graphite to meet acceptance criteria for waste disposal E Barinova, HF Beer, D Bradbury, ML Dunzik-Gougar, J Fachinger, ... IAEA, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Natural sorbents for decontamination of objects of urban territories N Movchan, Y Fedorenko, B Zlobenko, A Spigoun | 4 | 1996 |
Studies of clays from deposits in Ukraine as barrier material for radioactive waste repositories BP Zlobenko, NP Movchan, IF Vovk, AS Litovchenko, MA Plastinina American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY (United States), 1995 | 4 | 1995 |
Investigation on Conversion of I-Graphite from Decommissioning of Chernobyl NPP into a Stable Waste Form Acceptable for Long Term Storage and Disposal B Zlobenko, Y Fedorenko, V Yatzenko, B Shabalin, V Skripkin | 3 | 2016 |
Питання забезпечення безпеки при виборі майданчика розташування сховищ для захоронення радіоактивних відходів Z Alekseeva, T Vasilenko, S Kondratyev, I Nikolaev, N Burzak, T Kutuzova, ... Ядерна та радіаційна безпека 12 (4), 42-47, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Application of alkali-activated cements for immobilization of dry low-level radioactive waste containing copper ferrocyanide S Guzii, B Zlobenko Technology transfer: fundamental principles and innovative technical …, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Study of uranium sorption by bentonite VM Kadoshnikov, BP Zlobenko, SP Bugera Uranium, Mining and Hydrogeology, 949-950, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |
Corrosion of Archaeological Artefacts from the Olviya Site in Ukraine LV Demchenko, BP Zlobenko, VI Manichev, VV Kadoshnikov, ... MRS Online Proceedings Library 807 (1), 867-872, 2003 | 2 | 2003 |
Test of the Thermal-Hydro-mechanical Behaviors of Cherkasy Bentonite as Buffer Material of HLW Repository B Zlobenko, Y Fedorenko, Y Olkhovyk, S Buhera, A Rozko Systems, Decision and Control in Energy IV: Volume IІ. Nuclear and …, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Швидкість міграції радіонуклідів із геологічного сховища радіоактивних відходів у кристалічних породах ЄЄЗ БГ Шабалін, БП Злобенко, СП Бугера Екологічна безпека та природокористування 22, 30-39, 2016 | 1* | 2016 |