(1+ 1)-dimensional integrable systems as symmetry constraints of (2+ 1)-dimensional systems B Konopelchenko, J Sidorenko, W Strampp Physics Letters A 157 (1), 17-21, 1991 | 306 | 1991 |
Symmetry constraints of the KP hierarchy J Sidorenko, W Strampp Inverse Problems 7 (6), L37, 1991 | 73 | 1991 |
Multicomponent integrable reductions in the Kadomtsev–Petviashvilli hierarchy J Sidorenko, W Strampp Journal of mathematical physics 34 (4), 1429-1446, 1993 | 72 | 1993 |
Hierarchy of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations under nonlocal constraints: many-dimensional generalizations and exact solutions of reduced system AM Samoilenko, VG Samoilenko, YM Sidorenko Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 51 (1), 86-106, 1999 | 21 | 1999 |
Hamiltonian structures of the Melnikov system and its reductions W Oevel, J Sidorenko, W Strampp Inverse Problems 9 (6), 737, 1993 | 20 | 1993 |
Sydorenko Yu AK Prykarpatsky, D Blackmore, W Strampp Samuliak R., Some remarks on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism, related …, 1995 | 17 | 1995 |
A spatial two-dimensional generalization of the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili hierarchy with nonlocal constraints O Mitropol’s’kii Yu, VG Samoilenko, M Sidorenko Yu Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr, 19-23, 1999 | 16* | 1999 |
Integrating some (2+ 1)-dimensional integrable systems by methods of inverse scattering problem and binary Darboux transformations MD Pochynaiko, YM Sydorenko Matematychni studii 20, 119-132, 2003 | 14 | 2003 |
Elliptic bundle and generating operators YN Sidorenko Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 161, 76-87, 1987 | 14 | 1987 |
Generalized binary Darboux-like theorem for constrained Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (cKP) flows Y Sydorenko Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine 50 (Part 1), 470-477, 2004 | 11 | 2004 |
Á³íàðí³ ïåðåòâîðåííÿ ïðîñòîðîâî-äâîâèì³ðíèõ ³íòåãðîäèôåðåíö³àëüíèõ îïåðàòîð³â ³ ð³âíÿíü Ëàêñà Þ Ñèäîðåíêî, Î ×âàðòàöüêèé ³ñíèê Êè¿âñüêîãî íàö³îíàëüíîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó ³ìåí³ Òàðàñà Øåâ÷åíêà …, 2009 | 10* | 2009 |
The exact solutions of some multicomponent integrable models YY Berkela, YM Sidorenko Mat. Stud 17, 47-58, 2002 | 9 | 2002 |
Iºðàðõiÿ ðiâíÿíü Êàäîìöåâà-Ïåòâiàøâiëi ç íåëîêàëüíèìè â’ÿçÿìè: Áàãàòîâèìiðíi óçàãàëüíåííÿ òà òî÷íi ðîçâ’ÿçêè ðåäóêîâàíèõ ñèñòåì ÀÌ Ñàìîéëåíêî, Âà Ñàìîéëåíêî, ÞÌ Ñèäîðåíêî Óêð. ìàò. æóðí 51 (1), 78-97, 1999 | 8 | 1999 |
Matrix generalizations of integrable systems with Lax integro-differential representations O Chvartatskyi, Y Sydorenko Journal of Physics: Conference Series 411 (1), 012010, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
A new bidirectional generalization of (2+ 1)-dimensional matrix k-constrained Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy OI Chvartatskyi, YM Sydorenko Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (11), 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Iºðàðõiÿ ìàòðè÷íèõ ðiâíÿíü Áþðãåðñà i iíòåãðîâíi ðåäóêöi¿ â ñèñòåìi Äåâi-Ñòþàðäñîíà Âà Ñàìîéëåíêî, ÞÌ Ñèäîðåíêî Óêð. ìàò. æóðí 50 (2), 252-264, 1998 | 6* | 1998 |
Operators of Binary Darboux Transformations for Dirac's System YS Marta Pochynayko Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine 50 (Part 1), 458-461, 2004 | 5 | 2004 |
Transformation operators for integrable hierarchies with additional reductions YM Sidorenko Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine 43 (Part 1), 352-357, 2002 | 5 | 2002 |
Darboux transformations for (2+ 1)-dimensional extensions of the KP hierarchy O Chvartatskyi, Y Sydorenko SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 11, 028, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Êîíñòðóêòèâíèé ìåòîä ïîáóäîâè îïåðàòîðà ðîçñ³ÿííÿ äëÿ íåñòàö³îíàðíî¿ ã³ïåðáîë³÷íî¿ ñèñòåìè ð³âíÿíü Þ Ñèäîðåíêî ³ñíèê Ëüâ³âñüêîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó. Ñåð³ÿ ìåõàí³êî-ìàòåìàòè÷íà, 263-274, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |