Vitaly Kordium
Vitaly Kordium
Department of Cell Regulatory Mechanisms, Institut of Molecular Biology and Genetics
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Cited by
Correlation between pectate lyase activity and ability of diazotrophic Klebsiella oxytoca VN 13 to penetrate into plant tissues
G Kovtunovych, O Lar, S Kamalova, V Kordyum, D Kleiner, N Kozyrovska
Plant and Soil 215, 1-6, 1999
Growing pioneer plants for a lunar base
NO Kozyrovska, TL Lutvynenko, OS Korniichuk, MV Kovalchuk, ...
Advances in Space Research 37 (1), 93-99, 2006
Intravenously injected mesenchymal stem cells penetrate the brain and treat inflammation-induced brain damage and memory impairment in mice
O Lykhmus, L Koval, L Voytenko, K Uspenska, S Komisarenko, ...
Frontiers in Pharmacology 10, 355, 2019
Glucose‐induced production of recombinant proteins in Hansenulapolymorpha mutants deficient in catabolite repression
OS Krasovska, OG Stasyk, VO Nahorny, OV Stasyk, N Granovski, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 97 (4), 858-870, 2007
Method for obtaining single chain antibodies to human interferon α2b
VA Kordyum, O Okunev, P Gilchuk, O Deryabina, D Irodov
US Patent 7,435,804, 2008
Evolution and biosphere
VA Kordium
Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1982
Novel inoculants for an environmentally-friendly crop production
N Kozyrovska, G Kovtunovych, E Gromosova, P Kuharchuk, V Kordyum
Resources, conservation and recycling 18 (1-4), 79-85, 1996
A rationally assembled microbial community for growing Tagetes patula L. in a lunar greenhouse
T Lytvynenko, I Zaetz, T Voznyuk, M Kovalchuk, I Rogutskyy, O Mytrokhyn, ...
Research in microbiology 157 (1), 87-92, 2006
Heterogeneity of umbilical cords as a source for mesenchymal stem cells
OO Maslova, NS Shuvalova, OM Sukhorada, SM Zhukova, OG Deryabina, ...
Dataset Papers in Science 2013, 2013
Changes in properties of phytopathogenic bacteria effected by plasmid pRD1
NA Kozyrovskaya, RI Gvozdyak, VA Muras, VA Kordyum
Archives of microbiology 137, 338-343, 1984
Survival of Klebsiella oxytoca VN 13 engineered to bioluminescence on barley roots during plant vegetation
N Kozyrovska, M Alexeyev, G Kovtunovich, N Gun'kovska, V Kordyum
Microbial Releases 2 (4), 261-265, 1994
Studies in possibility of expression of exogenic human insulin gene in cultured mammalian fibroblasts
LN Neborachko, LL Lukash, BM Troyanovsky, IS Varzanova, ...
Biopolymers and Cell 5 (2), 58-61, 1989
Expression of Escherichia coli β-Galactosidase in murine hepatocytes
IE Kostetsky, SP Shpilevaya, LI Likhacheva, LC Zharova, DM Irodov, ...
Biopolymers and Cell 5 (2), 51-58, 1989
Enhancing the internal plant colonization rate with endophytic nitrogen-fixing bacteria
G Kovtunovych, O Lar, V Kordyum, D Kleiner, N Kozyrovska
Биополимеры и клетка 15 (4), 300, 1999
Non-viral gene delivery of human apoA1 into mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo
OK Toporova, SN Novikova, LI Lihacheva, OM Suhorada, TA Ruban, ...
Biopolymers and Cell 20 (1-2), 25-32, 2004
Our "Shagreen leather" is our problem. And we have to solve it
VA Kordyum
Biopolymers and cell 19 (2), 113-132, 2003
Interrelations of the Klebsiella genera with the plant. I. Electron microscopic analysis of endophytic microorganisms interrelationship with rice seedling roots
NO Belyavskaya, NO Kozyrovskaya, LO Kucherenko, EL Kordyum, ...
Biopolymers and Cell 11 (1), 55-60, 1995
Gene therapy of mass pathologies
VA Kordyum, VV Frolkis, LL Lukash, VN Shulzhenko, SP Shpilevaya, ...
Биополимеры и клетка 9 (4), 63, 1993
Objectives and problems of gene therapy
VA Kordium
Biopolymers and Cell 5 (2), 5-16, 1989
Up-dating the Cholodny method using PET films to sample microbial communities in soil
OV Moshynets, A Koza, P Dello Sterpaio, VA Kordium, AJ Spiers
Вiopolymers and Cell, 2011
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Articles 1–20