Андрій Морозов / Andrii Morozov
Андрій Морозов / Andrii Morozov
Державний університет "Житомирська політехніка"
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Cited by
Green IT as a tool for design cloud-oriented sustainable learning environment of a higher education institution
T Vakaliuk, D Antoniuk, A Morozov, M Medvedieva, M Medvediev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.07744, 2020
Quantum information technology on the Edge
SO Semerikov, T Vakaliuk, AM Striuk, A Morozov
Joint Proceedings of the Workshops on Quantum Information Technologies and …, 2021
An electronic environment of higher education institution (on the example of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University)
AV Morozov, TA Vakaliuk
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1840 (1), 012061, 2021
Integrating business simulations software into learning environment of technical university
DS Antoniuk, TA Vakaliuk, VV Ievdokymov, AV Morozov, VV Kontsedailo
Journal of physics: Conference series 1946 (1), 012018, 2021
Модели и методы оптимизации замкнутых маршрутов на транспортной сети: монография
АВ Панишев, АВ Морозов
Житомир: ЖГТУ, 2014
The recurrent method to solve the assignment problem
OB Matsiy, AV Morozov, AV Panishev
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 51, 939-946, 2015
Digitalization of thesis preparation life cycle: a case of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University.
AV Morozov, TA Vakaliuk, IA Tolstoy, YO Kubrak, MG Medvediev
DigiTransfEd@ ICTERI, 142-154, 2023
Теорія та практика (мова С++)
ВВ Войтенко, АВ Морозов
Житомир, 2002
Distancionnoe obra-zovanie kak trend sovremennogo informacionnogo soobshchestva
AV Gil, AV Morozov
V sbornike: Vesennie psiholo-go-pedagogicheskie chteniya//Materialy IV …, 0
Быстрый алгоритм решения задачи о назначениях для нахождения нижней границы стоимости маршрута коммивояжера
АЮ Левченко, АВ Морозов, АВ Панишев
Штучний інтелект, 2011
Метод решения гамильтоновой задачи коммивояжера
ИВ Гаращенко, АВ Морозов, АВ Панишев
Інститут проблем штучного інтелекту МОН України та НАН України, 2008
From informatization to digitalization of the educational process
AV Gil, AV Morozov
Education and law, 129-135, 2019
A Recurrent Algorithm to Solve the Weighted Matching Problem
OB Matsiy, AV Morozov, AV Panishev
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 52, 748-757, 2016
The structure of scientific and methodological support for visualization of educational information in the system of modern higher education
AV Morozov, TV Shorina
Education management: theory and practice, 28, 2017
Changing the mentality of subjects of the educational process in the context of digitalization of education
AV Morozov
Socio-psychological problems of mentality/mentality, 65-73, 2018
Features of higher education institution management in modern conditions
AV Morozov
Education management: theory and practice 2 (22), 90-106, 2016
Invariance of multifractal spectrums of spatial forms on the surface of ZnxCd1-xTe–Si heterocompositions synthesized by electron beam epitaxy and hot wall epitaxy
PP Moskvin, VB Kryzhanivskyy, LV Rashkovetskyi, VA Rudnitskyi, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 475, 144-149, 2017
Fast algorithm to find 2-factor of minimum weight
OB Matsiy, AV Morozov, AV Panishev
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 52, 467-474, 2016
Features of management of a higher educational institution in modern conditions
AV Morozov
Management of education: theory and practice, 22, 2016
Рекуррентный метод решения задачи о назначениях
ОБ Маций, АВ Морозов, АВ Панишев
Штучний інтелект, 107-118, 2014
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Articles 1–20