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24 2015 Best Approximations and Kolmogorov and Trigonometric Widths of the Classes of Periodic Functions of Many Variables SA Stasyuk
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 56 (11), 1849-1863, 2004
15 2004 Best m-term trigonometric approximation of periodic functions of several variables from Nikol’skii–Besov classes for small smoothness SA Stasyuk
Journal of Approximation Theory 177, 1-16, 2014
14 2014 Estimates of efficiency for two methods of stable numerical summation of smooth functions SG Solodky, SA Stasyuk
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8 2021 Approximation by Fourier sums and Kolmogorov widths for classes of periodic functions of several variables SA Stasyuk
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Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 66 (4), 2014
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6 2022 Best m-Term Trigonometric Approximation for Periodic Functions with Low Mixed Smoothness from the Nikol'skii-Besov-Type Classes. S Stasyuk
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 68 (7), 2016
5 2016 Kolmogorov widths for analogs of the Nikol'skii-Besov classes with logarithmic smoothness SA Stasyuk
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 67 (11), 1786-1793, 2016
5 2016 Колмогоровские поперечники аналогов классов Никольского–Бесова с логарифмической гладкостью SA Stasyuk
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5 2015