Igor V. Gritsuk - Грицук Игорь Валериевич - Грицук Ігор Валерійович
Igor V. Gritsuk - Грицук Игорь Валериевич - Грицук Ігор Валерійович
Профессор, Херсонская государственная морская академия
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kma.ks.ua - Главная страница
Интеграция технической эксплуатации автомобилей в структуры и процессы интеллектуальных транспортных систем: монография
ВП Волков, ВП Матейчик, НО Я., КП Б., ГИ В., ВЮ В., КЕ А.
Донецк, 398с., 2013
Двигуни внутрішнього згоряння
АП Марченко, МК Рязанцев
серія підручників у 6, 2004
Information model of V2I system of the vehicle technical condition remote monitoring and control in operation conditions
IV Gritsuk, V Volkov, V Mateichyk, Y Grytsuk, Y Nikitchenko, D Klets, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Improving the Processes of Preheating and Heating after the Vehicular Engine Start by Using Heating System with Phase-Transitional Thermal Accumulator
VV Gritsuk I., Gutarevych Y., Mateichyk V.
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
The evaluation of vehicle fuel consumption and harmful emission using the heating system in a driving cycle
I Gritsuk, V Volkov, V Mateichyk, Y Gutarevych, M Tsiuman, N Goridko
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 10 (1), 236-248, 2017
Measurement of industrial robot pose repeatability
I Kuric, V Tlach, Z Ságová, M Císar, I Gritsuk
MATEC web of conferences 244, 01015, 2018
Improvement of Diagnosing Methods of the Diesel Engine Functioning under Operating Conditions," SAE Technical Paper , , .
AN Varbanets R., Karianskyi S., Rudenko S., Gritsuk I., Yeryganov A ...
SAE Technical Paper, doi:10.4271/2017-01-2218, 2017
Optimization of vehicle operating conditions by using simulation modeling software
M Volodarets, I Gritsuk, N Chygyryk, E Belousov, A Golovan, O Volska, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
Cloud-driven traffic monitoring and control based on smart virtual infrastructure
V Hahanov, W Gharibi, E Litvinova, S Chumachenko, A Ziarmand, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2017
Тепловий акумулятор як засіб підвищення ефективності пуску стаціонарного двигуна в умовах низьких температур
ДС Адров, ІВ Грицук, ЮВ Прилепський, ВІ Дорошко
Збірник наукових праць Донецького інституту залізничного транспорту …, 2011
Improving engine pre-start and after-start heating by using the combined heating system
I Gritsuk, V Volkov, Y Gutarevych, V Mateichyk, V Verbovskiy
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
Evaluation of the powertrain condition based on the car acceleration and coasting data
E Rabinovich, IV Gritsuk, V Zuiev, EZ EY, A Golovan, Y Zybtsev, V Volkov, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Reducing harmful emissions of the vehicular engine by rapid after-start heating of the catalytic converter using thermal accumulator
IV Gritsuk, V Mateichyk, M Tsiuman, Y Gutarevych, M Smieszek, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Computerized adaptive testing in educational electronic environment of maritime higher education institutions
OS Diahyleva, IV Gritsuk, OY Kononova, AY Yurzhenko
CTE Workshop Proceedings 8, 411-422, 2021
Improving fuel economy of spark ignition engines applying the combined method of power regulation
Y Gutarevych, V Mateichyk, J Matijošius, A Rimkus, I Gritsuk, O Syrota, ...
Energies 13 (5), 1076, 2020
Теплові акумулятори фазового переходу для транспортних засобів: параметри робочих процесів: монографія
КЗІ Александров В.Д., Гутаревич Ю.Ф., Грицук І.В., Прилепський Ю.В ...
Донецьк: Вид-во «Ноулідж» (Донецьке відділення), 2014
Features of Mathematical Modeling in the Problems of Determining the Power of a Turbocharged Engine According to the Characteristics of the Turbocharger
A Golovan, I Gritsuk, V Popeliuk, O Sherstyuk, I Honcharuk, R Symonenko, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 13 (1), 5-16, 2020
Improvement of the assessment methods for the braking dynamics with abs malfunction
M Podrigalo, D Klets, O Sergiyenko, IV Gritsuk, O Soloviov, Y Tarasov, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Selection of rational parameters of automated system of robotic transmission clutch control on the basis of simulation modelling
M Mikhalevich, A Yarita, D Leontiev, IV Gritsuk, V Bogomolov, V Klimenko, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
Intelligent locomotive decision support system structure development and operation quality assessment
O Gorobchenko, O Fomin, I Gritsuk, V Saravas, Y Grytsuk, M Bulgakov, ...
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
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