Fedorovich V., В.О.Федорович, (ORCID 0000-0001-7015-8653)
Fedorovich V., В.О.Федорович, (ORCID 0000-0001-7015-8653)
Другие именаФедорович В.О., Федорович В.А., VA Fedorovich
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433) UKRAINE.
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kpi.kharkov.ua
Методи наукових досліджень: навч. посіб.
ЯМГ АІ Грабченко, ВО Федорович
Х.: НТУ" ХПІ, 2009
3D моделирование алмазно-абразивных инструментов и процессов шлифования
АИ Грабченко, ВЛ Доброскок, ВА Федорович
Харьков: НТУ «ХПИ 200 (3), 2006
Mathematical simulation of kinematics of vibrating boiling granular medium at treatment in the oscillating reservoir
VA Fedorovich, AV Mitsyk
Key Engineering Materials 581, 456-461, 2014
Mathematical simulation of motion of working medium at finishing–grinding treatment in the oscillating reservoir
AG Mamalis, AI Grabchenko, AV Mitsyk, VA Fedorovich, J Kundrak
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 70, 263-276, 2014
The use of the kinetic theory of gases to simulate the physical situations on the surface of autonomously moving parts during multi-energy vibration processing
J Kundrák, AV Mitsyk, VA Fedorovich, M Morgan, AP Markopoulos
Materials 12 (19), 3054, 2019
Methodology of 3D simulation of processes in technology of diamond-composite materials
AG Mamalis, AI Grabchenko, VA Fedorovich, J Kundrak
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 43, 1235-1250, 2009
Разработка научных основ и способов практической реализации управления приспосабливаемостью при алмазном шлифовании сверхтвердых … ВА Федорович - Х.,–2002.–466 с, 2002
ВА Федорович
Х.,–2002.–466 с, 2002
The effect of the shock wave of the oscillating working medium in a vibrating machine’s reservoir during a multi-energy finishing-grinding vibration processing
J Kundrák, M Morgan, АV Mitsyk, VA Fedorovich
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 106, 4339-4353, 2020
Simulation of effects of metal phase in a diamond grain and bonding type on temperature in diamond grinding
AG Mamalis, AI Grabchenko, VA Fedorovich, J Kundrak
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 58, 195-200, 2012
Development of an Expert System of Diamond Grinding of Superhard Polycrystalline Materials Considering Grinding Wheel Relief.
DPMH A. G. Mamalis1, A. I. Grabchenko, V. A. Fedorovich, S. A. Grinko
Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 498–507, 2001
Simulation of the circulating motion of the working medium and metal removal during multi-energy processing under the action of vibration and centrifugal forces
J Kundrák, AV Mitsyk, VA Fedorovich, AP Markopoulos, AI Grabchenko
Machines 9 (6), 118, 2021
Diamond grinding wheels production study with the use of the finite element method
J Kundrák, V Fedorovich, AP Markopoulos, I Pyzhov, N Kryukova
Journal of Advanced Research 7 (6), 1057-1064, 2016
Improvements of the Dressing Process of Super Abrasive Diamond Grinding Wheels
NK Janos Kundrák, Vladimir Fedorovich, Angelos P. Markopoulos, Ivan Pyzhov
MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 14 (4), 545 – 554, 2014
3D моделирование процессов алмазно-абразивной обработки. Монография
ФВА Грабченко А.І
Харьков: НТУ «ХПИ», 2008
Пути интенсификации вибрационной отделочно-зачистной обработки комбинированием схем энергетических воздействий на рабочую среду и детали
АВ Мицык, ВА Федорович
Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, 26–34-26–34, 2011
Modeling the energy action of vibration and centrifugal forces on the working medium and parts in a vibration machine oscillating reservoir with an impeller
AIG Janos Kundrak, Andrey V. Mitsyk, Vladimir A. Fedorovich> Angelos P ...
Manufacturing Technology 2021, 21(3):364-372, 364-372, 2021
Improving the effectiveness of combined grinding processes for processing superhard materials
APM János Kundráka, Vladimir Fedorovich, Ivan Pyzhovb
Journal of Manufacturing Processes Volume 43, Part A, July 2019, 270-275, 2019
Metody naukovykh doslidzhen
AI Hrabchenko, VO Fedorovych, YM Harashchenko
Kharkiv: NTU «KhPI, 2009
Theoretical assessment of the role of bond material during grinding of superhard materials with Diamond Wheels
J Kundrák, V Fedorovich, AP Markopoulos, I Pyzhov, Y Ostroverkh
Machines 10 (7), 543, 2022
Role of wheel diamond concentration in grinding polycrystalline of super hard materials
BO A.Grabchenko, V. Fedorovich
Soveit Journal of super hard materials 6 (1), 58-62, 1984
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